Authors Note: Please Read!

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Hello there! If you do not know by now I'm Marilyn Edmond (The author). I wanted to take time out my day to serve to you a plate full of gratitude. I cannot express in word's how elated I am by the success of this story.

I cannot believe that my silly imagination put into word's could touch people the this one does. I wish I could warm you guys with a long loving embrace. From your constant support and beautiful comments, it just warms my heart.

In addition to support and beautiful comments, This story has a successful rating. With 1.9k reads and 108 votes! That is a true miracle within a three month period. It's all because of you.

I also want to bring to your attention on slow updates. I know, I know, It's a bit agitating waiting for a story you are reading to update. I understand that because I feel the same way. But as a author, I know updates just don't make themselves. It takes time especially if you want a great update.

Therefore, I herby promise to try my best with faster updates. So please bare with me.

In closing, I want to do a bit of advertising!

Well while you guys wait for the next update why not catch up with my other lovely stories?  I would recommend Dove To Thee if you like romance. Sadie's Keeper if you like adoption stories. A Million Ways To Love You (Book 1-3) If you like series. 

Well that is all for now. Thanks for enjoying and reading! And remember we are all Harmony's! ♥
-Love And Blessings♡Marilyn N.  Edmond

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