Chapter twenty: Glacier

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Treated as if I was the beautiful goddess Afrediti, Handled as if I was fine China, and loved as if he would never see me again. That is how I feel. It is what I feel. Michael gave me that. A precious gift I will forever treasure.

In the eve of the morning I awake. I am sore. Very sore. Yet I have no regrets. No doubts. No second thoughts. My consciouns even agrees with me. I lie frozen in Michael's arm's. His warm bare body against mine. Holding me securely in his embrace. I shift in his arm's to glance outside. Through the ivory curtain of Michael's bedroom window, I could see the sun slowly rising. It sat in the east like a fiery blanket. I stared at it in astonishment. It was a sign of my newfound womanhood. Michael begans stirring. I shift my gaze from his window to the beautiful man before me. His visible blotches of vitiligo covering his chest and arm's. He continues stirring but never opens his eye's. He has a painful expression on his face. Beginning to worry I decide to wake him from his slumber. I softly shake him. His breathing becomes more rapid. I shake him harder. "Michael! Michael Love please wake up, please", I pleaded shaking him as hard as I could. His eye's shoot open. He gasps and looks around like a lost child. "Michael are you ok?", I asked reaching for his hand. He stares at the wall blankly. I cover my chest with his blanket and sat up. "Michael please tell me what's wrong", I pleaded again resting my hand on his. He glances at our hand's. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ", He choked out shaking his head. "For what? Michael you have done nothing wrong", I said trying to calm him. Tears began freely flowing from his face. "Joseph is going to kill me Joya, And mother will be broken hearted", I look down. I know he is speaking of last night. He broke his religion for me. The number one rule; No monogamy before marriage. I know he is a devoted Jehovah witness and so is his family. He continued. "How will I tell them?", I search the cover for his hand. "Michael I am right here, You know that", I said clasping our hand together. He let's out a long sigh. "I am sorry to have you wake to hear my nagging, How are you feeling? ", Feeling the need to not push the matter, I responded with a smile. He frowns. "It was that terrible? ", I shake my head in disagreement. "No it was wonderful, I just didn't want to continue talking about it, I know it is hard to talk about it for you... ", I trailed off a bit. He nods. "I understand but I will worry about that later, I just want to make sure you are ok, Are you?", I give him a reassuring smile. "Yes I am, A little sore that's all", His frown returns. "I am sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do to make things better? ", I shake my head no. "I don't think so, It should be normal to be sore the day after", He nods again. He stays silent for awhile. His face burned of question. I let out a playful sigh. "Michael tell me what is going on in that beautiful brain of yours", He chuckles. That's what I have been waiting for. That beautiful smile that appears on his perfectly chiseled face. "It is an embarrassing question", He stated his cheeks turning a reddish hue. I nudge his shoulder. "Tell me please?", He sighs and face palm's himself before responding. "Did I-I make y-you feel good? ", I feel myself cheesing at his question. I try to hold back giggles as I nod. "Yes you did, Michael I know little about intimacy, I have heard little about as well, But you were able to make those commentaries about intimacy real, You made those beautiful descriptions come alive, The feeling you gave me was something I cannot repay you for, Not only did you make me feel loved you made me feel like a woman, I loved that you showed me you cared, whether it was in love, or pleasure, You put me before yourself, And for that I thank-you Michael", I said placing a small kiss on his cheek. His cheeks turn a deep red. I let out another giggle. "I did that? I just wanted to give myself to you that is all I wish for", I smile which quickly fades into a frown. "Michael?", "Hmm?", I sigh. "Um your sheets... They are ruined", He furrows his eyebrows. "Donnot go ballistic when I show you OK?", He nods still with furrowed eyebrows. I slowly shift to the side as I lift the covers to reveal the mark of broken religion and planted love. Michael's eye's bulge in shock. He shifts his gaze from the stain to me. I stare away shamefully. After a few moments of silence he speaks. "Are y-you ok?, I-I mean I did not know you would bleed! I am so sorry, Do you need an abulance? Or want to go to the hospital?", He exclaimed. His eye's softened with concern. "No I am fine, Like I said I am just sore, I am sorry about yo-", "No I don't care about my sheets I can get new one's, Are you sure? ", I nod giving him another reassuring smile. He stares at me for another minute before exhaling.

The rest of the morning consisted of abdominal pain's and awkward questions from Michael. He wanted so desperately to help. I fully commend him for his work ethic. Hour's past and before long it was time that I returned to my dorm and face another roommate. Michael insisted that I stay, but of course I knew that it being Sunday, I would need a full day to be prepared to walk the campus for morning classes. He hesitatedlly agreed. With a small kiss and a goodbye, I was off to meet my new dorm mate. Here I stand, outside of my dorm room, Nervous for what is behind the door. I place my hand on the knob and open it. My eye's widen. "Dad?...",

To Be Continued....

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