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I used to always want to be a superhero growing up. I used to dream I had amazing powers and I would fly around the world, saving anyone in danger who needed help. Living with a father who kind of sucked at being a father made me wish even more that someone was out there, ready to swoop in and save the day. I vowed to be that person.

And here I am.

My name is Jamie Cooper, and I am the closest thing I can think of to being a superhero. Me and my friends have dangerous elemental powers you wouldn't even dream of, and we use them to fight Rave, led by Dr. Dylan Goodwin, who will stop at nothing to kill us. (He's also my boyfriend's dad.) 

We call ourselves the Elementals. 

So far, my team has infiltrated a Rave facility in Pittsburgh, rescuing a Shadow agent. Then we went to their facility in Wisconsin to rescue my foster mom Crystal, where I actually got captured and experimented on. Then the rest of my team rescued me and we barely escaped with our lives (I'm still recovering from being stabbed). 

Right now, we're currently living in a ranch somewhere in the Southwest, protected by a secret agency called Shadow. They are the only other people who know who we are and what we're capable of. The world doesn't know. The world may never know. And that's the way it should be right now.

I don't know what we're going to do next, or where Goodwin is, but I do know that we're not going down without a fight. 

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