Spies Everywhere

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We girls sneak downstairs to the Saltwood Restaurant after waiting for about 45 minutes. We'd decided not to immediately go and see what they were doing, because even we knew that was a little bit creepy. Besides, they needed at least a little bit of privacy to just enjoy each other's company. I know that's what me and Jake would've wanted.

Finally, at 6:47, Raina stands up. "I can't do this anymore. I can't wait any longer. Let's just go already." 

"Fine," I say. "First, let's see if Alex and Jake want to come, too."

We knock on the door, and Alex opens it. He's holding a video game controller in one hand. "Oh, hey guys." 

"Hey," Lenae says, "want to come watch Myria and Peter be cute with us?" 

Alex hesitates. "Well.......no, sorry. Not right now. Me and Jake are trying really hard to beat this Call of Duty level right now, and we're really close. I mean, Jake might want to though, you never know." 

He turns around. "Hey Jake, your girlfriend is wondering if you want to go spy on Meter with the other girls." 

"Not now." Jake is sitting up in one bed, staring at the tv with a controller in his hands, his fingers moving furiously as he shoots and moves on the game. 

 Alex turns back around and shrugs. "Sorry, girlies. We can't right now. Tell us how it goes, though." 

"Fair enough," I reply. 

A loud explosion comes from the tv. "Dang it, they just took out half our guys!" Jake calls. "Alex, you're about to die just standing there." 

"Crap," Alex mutters. "Hey, I gotta go. But you guys go have fun. Make sure they don't kiss." 

He shuts the door in our faces. 

We girls share a look. 

We'll never understand boys. 

                                   *                    *                    * 

We take the elevator down to the restaurant. When we reach the entrance, we peek inside to see if we can spot them first.  

"There they are," Raina whispers, pointing. 

I follow her gaze to a booth towards the right, in the back of the seating area. Peter and Myria are seated in the dimly-lit and less crowded part of the restaurant, so it's almost like they have the whole area to themselves. It's very private and romantic, I must admit. Peter did good this time. 

Myria laughs at something he says. Then she twirls her straw in her drink as she listens to him, smiling. 

She seems so happy. I feel really proud, though I don't know who I'm proud of, exactly. Peter, for setting the whole surprise date up? Or Myria, for letting her walls down for him and going through with her feelings? 

Either way. Seeing them happy makes me happy. 

Suddenly, I don't feel like spying on then anymore. They should enjoy this moment together alone, to make it even more special. That's what Jake and I wanted one of the first little "dates" that we had, so I can understand just wanting to be alone to spend time just the two of them. 

"Guys, we should probably leave them alone," I say quietly.

Raina turns to look at me. "Wait, what?" 

"Let them have their moment. We're leaving." Without even giving them a choice, I turn and walk away. 

Lenae and Raina look at each other then follow me. 

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