Red Roses, Red Roses

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When we get back, I immediately find the others. I feel really bad about what I said to them earlier, and I want to let them know. 

I guess I just got too caught up in all the stress and problems I've been dealing with the past few weeks. I just needed a moment by myself (then with Jake) to calm down and take a deep breath. It worked, and now I don't feel as miserable and stressed out. 

But now I have to go to my team and say I'm sorry. I am not looking forward to it, but it has to be done. 

They're all hanging out in the guys' suite, either sprawled lazily on the beds, laying propped on their elbows or sitting up on the floor, or leaning against the wall. They all stop their conversation and sit up when Myria let's us in, having seen us coming beforehand. 

I sit next to Alex on the bed and start to say, "Look, you guys, I'm sorry-" 

"Eh, no big deal," Alex side smiles. "Sometimes we all just gotta let off some steam every once in a while." 

"And you had good reason to," Raina says, shrugging. "We all kind of expected too much from you. It was our fault." 

"You're not perfect, after all," Myria agrees. 

I look back and forth between them all. "Wait, what? But I had this whole apology and everything all planned out in my mind-" 

"Listen, Jamie, it's all good," Peter waves it away. "We're not offended or anything." 

"Gray is a tough person to fight, but we'll beat him eventually," Lenae says determinedly. "I know we will." 

I run my fingers through my ponytail and look at her. "How are you guys so positive?" 

"I'm not positive so much as absolutely sure or determined." 

Myria laughs, which I notice makes Peter smile. "I like that better than 'happy.' I'm going to have to use it." 

I shake my head. "If I didn't love you guys so much, I'd think you're crazy. Actually, forget that, I already think you're crazy." 

"Whaaaaat?" Raina pretends to be shocked. "Crazy? Us?"

"These allegations are utterly ludicrous," Lenae agrees. 

"Whatever that means," Peter laughs. 

"She basically means our accusations are ridiculous," Myria tells him, smiling. 

"But anyway, Jamie, we're here for you," Raina comes closer and touches my arm. "We've got your back, no matter what." 

I get a little emotional at that. "Thanks, you guys." I look up and start to fan my eyes to keep from crying. "Oh, gosh, look what you made me do." 

Before Alex can make any Taylor Swift jokes, Peter cuts him off by saying, "We're a team. So just be a part of it, and not try so hard to be the leader of the group. Just kind of.......go with the flow, you know?" 

"Ha," Alex snorted. "Go, flow, know. You should write poetry, Pete." 

"How about no. And don't call me Pete." 

I shakily laugh, wiping my eyes. "Where would we be without Alex's sense of humor." 

"In HEAVEN, that's where," Lenae sighs. 

"So that means you're just dying to hear my jokes right now, Miss Ferguson?" Alex asks, a slow smile spreading across a his face. 

"That is not what I meant at all." 

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