Green Smoothies

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The mall we went to had a large variety of restaurants in the food court. It was almost impossible to pick one to eat from. 

We had the option to order from Chick-fil-a, Chipotle, Auntie Anne's, Dairy Queen, a place called China Max, and more. 

Thank goodness for variety. Because we never would've been able to collectively choose one place and eat there as a group. 

As soon as I saw Chipotle, I freaked

"Oh my gosh, they have a Chipotle here? I am sooo getting a burrito." I hurry over without so much as a glance back at my friends. 

Hey, it's Chipotle

In the end, Jake, Lenae, and Alex grab Dairy Queen, Raina and Peter get Chipotle with me, and Myria buys herself Cinnabon. 

Yes, Cinnabon. 

For dinner. 

I thought it was kind of odd that no one wanted to try the Chinese place, but hey, it was their choice. If Chipotle wasn't there, I would've tried it, just to be brave and make a statement. You know, like, Oh, look at me, I'm buying food from this place and no one else is. Wimps!

But I'd take a warm, gooey cinnamon roll over Chinese food any day. Or would I.......?

Obsidian ends up being different and buys himself a Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich and eats silently at a table by himself. I kind of feel bad for him. He should know he can join us if he wants to. Or maybe he's doing it for security reasons. I don't know. 

I look around the loud food court, at all the people sitting and eating or walking past. I see couples, families with young children, friends, and generally people happy to be with each other. They all seem so nice on the outside. Like they're having such a good time. 

But really, any one of them could be a Rave agent or guard in disguise. They'd immediately recognize us, but we'd never be able to recognize them. We would never know if they were there, spying on us, reporting our conversations and movements back to Goodwin, old Dr. Shellhead himself. 

That man's brain is so full of sand.

I mean, does he actually think he's gonna rule the world? Does he actually think that every government will just hand itself over to him? Does he actually think we won't stop him? 

He may very well be my boyfriend's dad, but I don't have to be all sunshine and rainbows with him. Especially since he isn't like that to me. 

But the thought that his guards might be in this very room watching us started creeping me out. 

"OMG!" Raina suddenly shrieks. 

"What?" We whirl around to face her. 

"This mall has an H&M!" She starts squealing excitedly to herself. "We have to go. I haven't been there in forever!" 

"I don't know if we are exactly allowed to shop here yet," I hesitate. 

"Ask Obsidian," Myria suggests. 

"Let's all ask him," Lenae stands up and starts walking over to his table. "Come on, boys." 

"Wait, why do we guys have to go and ask to shop?" Alex protests. "We don't even want to." 

"Just shut up and come over here." 

The guys reluctantly stand up and follow us. 

Lenae stops in front of Obsidian and clears her throat. "Excuse me." He looks up, and she continues, "We were just wondering, are we allowed to shop here? Like, right now?" 

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