The Escape Plan

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Something catches my eye, and I look over towards the others. Peter is staring at me.

I glance behind me, wondering if there's, like, a giant three-headed crab behind me or something. (Don't laugh. It could happen!) Then I look back, and, nope, he's definitely staring at me.

What? I mouth, because he's starting to creep me out.

What's the plan? he mouths back.

Oh, so I'm supposed to come up with a plan and just somehow magically whisk us out of here and reunited with the others. I am somehow able to coordinate all of that from the backseat of a Rave van strapped to yet another metal table. Hmm. Interesting.

I mean, I'm flattered that he thinks I'm good in that department, but I'm not that good.

I just shake my head at him like I don't got one. You?

He makes a face and looks at Myria.

Myria doesn't seem to comprehend what's happening, until she suddenly gets it and mouths, Me? Oh HECK no.

Great. Now we have a van full of prisoners who have no idea how they're going to escape.

I wish that Jake was in my van. He would know what to do. He'd come up with a plan in two seconds. Maybe he already has, and is waiting for the right moment. That thought gives me a little bit of hope, at least.

I look down at my metal bonds. Yep. They're definitely the same ones as my last stay. Using my powers to free myself isn't going to work unless I want to purposely put myself through all that pain. Which I don't want to do.

I quickly scan the inside to see if there's anything that will help us. The walls are solid sheet metal, boring and silver. No padding or anything whatsoever. I'm guessing it was a custom-made can that Rave just decided to build one day. Several nasty-looking weapons hang from hooks on the walls. I don't know if they're there for intimidation, quick access, or they were going for the "Steel Bullet" decor, but in a twisted way it looks kind of cool. Our tables are stood up vertically, leaning slightly back, in the center of the area, arranged in a triangle facing each other.

Other than that, it's pretty boring.

I squirm in my table as we sit there, still not have even moved from the curb yet. The metal seems to dig into my back. I hate it. It's nearly as bad as the bonds. But I don't know. Maybe I'm just annoyed with everything right now because I can't think my way out of this one.

My head shoots up.

Wait, that's it.

We can't use our powers on the bonds, but that doesn't mean that the table is element-proof too, right? How big is the field around them, anyway?

I wiggle my wrists around, seeing how far I can push my arm though the bonds. I am surprised to see that I get nearly up to my elbow. This will work perfectly.

I only need to test my theory out.

I push my arms through as far as I can go, and it squeezes tight around my upper forearms. But I don't care. I focus all my power on just my finger tips, trying to get as far away from the bonds as possible. They start to flow that familiar pale blue, and I press them against the table down by my hips.

I exhale slowly. Here goes nothing.

A sharp but small pain pierces my hand, and I almost cry out. I quickly push my arms out farther to get away, and the pain subsides.

I catch my breath, then look down at my sides. There are definitely icy fingerprints on the metal. It worked.

Now to put this proven theory to good use. 

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