An Evil Frenemy Meeting

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"You let them escape AGAIN?" Goodwin yells over the comlink on Gray's wrist. 

This time, Gray winces. "Not again. But, yes, sir. They overpowered me. I'm sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't cut it! You're supposed to be one of the most powerful of all of them. I gave you your powers. I gave you a squad of guards. I gave you the freedom to capture them in any way you want. And you failed me." 

Gray swallows hard. "Yes, sir." 

"Get yourself over to my new office so we can talk face to face." 

"Y-yes, sir." Gray pushes the button to end the transmission, and takes a shaky breath before teleporting away. 

He reappears in the air just feet from Goodwin's expensive mahogany desk. He lands flat on his stomach. His leg wound has stopped bleeding, but is still oozing and becoming infected. It is what is causing his teleportation skills to suck at the moment.

But Goodwin ignores that and sits quietly at his desk, his hands folded in front of him. He can barely contain his anger. 

"Now tell me," he says in a low voice, "What, exactly, happened today?"

Gray manages to push himself off of the floor and limp over to a chair seated in front of the desk. "Well, sir, I had managed to trap them in the lobby with a bunch of my guards. They were tipped off by that bounty hunter we had planted - and don't worry, she is no longer a threat." 

"At least you did something right," Goodwin mutters, then says, "Now, go on." 

"They managed to cause a distraction and escape, but we caught up to them and fired our EPDs at them, which dropped them easily." 

"Electrical Paralysis Devices never fail." 

"We loaded them into the vans with full precautions - the standard reverse-field bonds, several EPDs - but somehow, Jamie Cooper's van escaped and they freed the others. Then they all stole one of the prisoner vans and drove it away." 

"And where were you when this happened?" 

"I - I was talking with Captain Vasquez, sir. He had his own opinions about how this whole mission should be carried out." 

"Who cares about Vasquez!" Goodwin can no longer control his anger. "If he wasn't such a good military strategist, I'd have him killed already! I expected more from you, Walt Gray." Gray flinches at his full name. "I put YOU in charge, not him. You want to be a leader, then I expect you to act like one." He leans back in his chair, a little out of breath. He gestures to Gray's leg. "And how did you get that?" 

"Well, when I managed to catch up to them, they tried to ram me, so I had to teleport to some roof top. That's when they overpowered me. They're getting stronger, sir. They've never been more powerful." 

"Some rooftop? You don't even know the place you fought at?" 

Gray swallows, looking paler by the second. "No, sir." 

Goodwin slams his fist on the desk. "IDIOT! Now we have no lead on where they're staying!"

Gray looks down. "I'm sorry, sir. I know I failed you." 

"I'm glad you're at least not TOTALLY ignorant." Goodwin waves him away. "Now, go to your dorm. I can't deal with you right now. Leave me." 

Gray stands up, wincing at the pain. "Yes, sir." He starts to walk away.

"And while you're at it, get one of your specialists to look at that leg," Goodwin calls. "And give you your Special Treatment." 

Gray pales, but doesn't dare object. "Yes, sir. I will, sir." 

When he's gone, Goodwin sits in his chair for a moment, then stands up and kicks the wall. "Idiot! Foolish boy. I should've done it myself. Can't trust any of my staff these days." 

He looks at a picture on the wall - a newspaper clipping from Atlanta titled: Mother and teenage daughter reported missing. Underneath is a picture of me and Crystal, but Crystal's face is crossed out in black Sharpie. Goodwin picks up a dart on his desk and throws it with incredible accuracy at my uncomfortably-smiling face. It embeds itself in between my eyes. 

"I swear, I will find you, Jamie Cooper," he growls, studying the picture. "And when I do, you will regret ever defying me. You and all your pathetic 'friends.' I promise you, you will suffer." 

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