Distress Signal

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The ride is spent in anxious silence. 

No one knows what to really think about this distress signal. Falcon had told us from the beginning that the reason we had to leave was because Rave had captured a Shadow agent, so it was very likely that they knew all about us. I guess we all should have expect that it was possible that we might need to rescue that agent while we're here, but it still caught me off-guard. But anyway, it might not even be the same agent. We don't know until we get there.

Or maybe everyone's still just in shock from our discovery about the surprise. I mean, the conversion from science to magic is a big thing. And learning that all that is going on inside of them right now.......it's a lot to take in for one day. 

After about a ten to fifteen-minute drive, Obsidian parks the van in an alley on the outskirts. "This is where the signal originated from," he says as we all climb out. 

"This alley is kind of creeping me out," Raina shivers. 

"Well, you'll have to get used to it," Alex says. "Because it looks like we'll be hanging around here for awhile." 

The alleyway is dark and dusty, and there is barely any space between the two buildings. Probably not even enough for a small car to drive through. Ragged, dirty clothes hang between them on clothespins. 

But something feels different about this alley. Almost like a dark presence is waiting at the end, but I don't see anything - or anyone - there. 

Still, something about it makes me uneasy. 

Jake looks at me, and I can tell he feels it too. He nods and his hands lightly glow, vibrating. Whatever comes, he's prepared to take them down. 

Obsidian pulls out a tablet. "This will lead us to where the frequency came from. Hopefully, our agent will be there." 

"And if he's not?" Lenae asks. 

"Then we'll leave. I do not wish to spend any more time here than necessary, especially if Rave is in the area." 

We slowly but cautiously walk down the alley, keeping careful watch of any sign of Rave. Obsidian leads, with me and Jake behind him, then Peter, then Myria, then Alex, then Lenae, then lastly, Raina, who is kind of huddled behind Lenae. I don't  blame her for being kind of scared. I am too, to be honest. 

Jake looks up one building, and I can tell he's paying close attention to every detail. He doesn't want a Rave agent to get past his watch. 

"Myria, what do you see?" Obsidian asks. 

"I don't really see anything that's too suspicious," she replies, looking at each building. "I mean there are some people inside this one building and they look pretty sketchy, but I don't see any standard Rave weapons or uniforms or anything. And there's no one else in this other building. The alley seems clear." 

"Thank you." We continue walking. 

Finally, we reach the end of the alley and come to a crossroads. 

"Left or right?" Raina asks. 

Obsidian looks at his tablet. "Right." So we start going down the road to the right. 

We've been walking for about two minutes when suddenly an alley cat runs in front of us, hissing and meowing. 

Raina nearly jumps into Alex's arms. Myria muffles her scream with her hands. Lenae grabs onto her. I myself practically have a heart attack. 

Peter just laughs. Jake looks bored. 

"It's okay," I say out loud. "It's just a cat. Nothing to be scared of." 

Raina still looks pale but nods. "Yeah. Right. Just a cat." 

"What if it was, like, a secret evil agent cat?" Alex says. 

I roll my eyes. "It definitely wasn't." 

Finally, we stop in front of a boarded-up small abandoned building. I don't see anyone around here, but I know that even if I can't see them, they could still be there. This building is wedged between some other abandoned buildings. There's trash laying around, and I spot another cat by the garbage can. The building is shadowed by the taller buildings all around it, and the alley is dark, as if it weren't afternoon here. Now, it looks like ten o' clock at night. At least. 

Obsidian stops in front of the boarded-up door. "The signal came from this place." 

"Don't tell me we have to go inside," Myria says. 

"If one of our agents really is here, then we have no choice." 

She takes a good look inside the building and all around it. "I don't see anyone." 

"Are you sure?" 

"No one except that cat." 

"That's not suspicious at all," Alex says sarcastically. 

"That's definitely.......odd," Obsidian says, his brow furrowed. 

 "Wait, if there's no one in there, then how could the distress signal have been sent out?" I ask. 

"Whoever sent it could've did it then left," Peter suggests.

"Why, though?" Lenae asks. "That seems kind of pointless, doesn't it? Unless it's part of some well-thought-out plan." 

"Which hopefully wasn't a carefully-thought-out Rave plan," Raina says. 

 "I think we should at least go inside and take a look around, " Alex says. "Then if we feel like there's a reason to leave, then we will." 

Lenae nods. "Sounds logical enough." 

"Alright," Obsidian says. "Inside it is." 

Opening the door is a little tricky at first, but then Peter just grabs each board and melts through them. Then Obsidian kicks the door down and we walk inside, our powers ready to fire at any moment. 

It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, then I look around. 

A memory flashes in my eyes, enough to make me feel dizzy. My father hits me with a bottle. He yells at me as I'm laying sobbing on the floor. Then he's walking out the door and never comes back

It's as if my eyes take in my surroundings for the first time. I stumble back, my eyes wide. "No." 

 Everyone turns and looks at me. "Jamie?" Lenae says. "Are you okay?" 

I press my back against the wall, then move away from it. It's too familiar. I can't. "No. No, no, no. It can't be." 

"What is it?" Alex asks. "Whose house is this?"

I look at him, tears in my eyes. "Mine." 

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