Chapter 1

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I wake up as the sun begins to rise over the horizon as usual. I stand up, stretching my arms over my head as I yawn.

Ever since I was kicked from my pack for being a panther shifter, I've lived as a rouge since then. My panther, Luna, is no help sometimes... She only helps me in some situations. She's usually helping with survival and such.

But she's also quite the character, she overreacts about quite a bit but she's also very goofy. I think that's enough about her for now.. So onto me.

I'm also quite the character except when it comes to me, I'm more quiet. Well... Most of the time, but you get the point. So, at the age of 13 when I shifted, I was kicked from my pack. I've lived out here ever since, now at the age of 18.

I want to go for a run, Luna says.

'Luna, you always need a run.' I say back to her as I shift into a panther.

Now I stood on all fours, my fur black and eyes a cobalt blue. I stood taller than the average panther since I was a shifter, but not by much.

I took off running in a random direction, unsure of where I was actually headed. I ended up crossing into someone's territory, but I was unsure who's.... Until I heard the wolves.

About five silver colored wolves stopped in front of me, all growling. Of course, my instinct was to growl back.

That's when a wolf lunged at me and attempted to bite me, but I managed to sling the wolf off. Quickly, I ran up the nearest tree and lay on a branch high above the ground.

I teased the wolves by swatting my paw down and hanging my tail down, only to jerk them back up when they got too close.

I was getting bored of waiting for another move so I stood on the branch. Allowing Luna to take control at this moment was a mistake, she made our back leg slip and we fell to the ground, landing on all fours. Right then, she put me back in control.

"Shift!" One of the wolves yelled as they surrounded me.

I shook my head because I honestly didn't want anyone to recognize me even though I hadn't seen another person for years.

"Shift or we'll force you." I now caught sight of the person that was speaking, a teenage boy by the looks, he had short auburn hair and greyish-blue eyes. He stood about a couple inches taller than me, holding a silver knife.

My eyes widen and I knew if I didn't shift, he'd most likely kill me. But Luna being Luna, she decides to take control now and dart off in a random direction again. I manage to regain my control, but I keep running until I come to a dead end.

I look back to make sure no one was coming and shifted, my long raven-black hair falling down my back. Since I wasn't a wolf shifter, I could just shift and my clothes wouldn't rip... Where they go, I have no idea.

Suddenly, I hear leaves crunching and turn to notice the silver wolves had followed me... And found me.

The same boy I saw with the silver knife, still held it and was walking towards me and I could feel my heart rate pick up. I was about to attack him when a larger silver colored wolf pounced on him.

Mate. I heard Luna declare and I could feel her jumping around like a maniac.

Even though I wanted to stay, I ran... Only to be grabbed by someone. I realized it was him, my mate. When did he have time to change into an outfit? I didn't want to go with them so I did what I had been practicing for a while. I grabbed his arm, flipping him over my shoulder and ran.

That's what you supposed to do... Right?

**(Her mate) Alexander's POV**

I had been doing some paperwork when my beta came into the room.

"Sir, there's an unknown person in the territory. What do you want us to do?"

I stand up and managed to gather all of my best fighters and sent them out.

After a while, I caught the scent of what smelled like pine, but not like a pine tree... It smelt amazing. I also had the feeling of... Fear?

I ran out the door, quickly shifting into my silver wolf and following the pine scent. Once I saw where it was coming from, I noticed Drew, one of my fighters approaching a girl with a silver knife. I could see the fear in her beautiful blue eyes and without thinking, I tackled Drew to the ground.

My wolf, Ren, kept saying mate.

I knew it was her, but just as I was about to approach her, she began to run. Using wolf speed, I shifted and changed and grabbed hold of her arm. Not even a second later, I was flipped over her shoulder and lying flat on my back. The last thing I could see was her running away, her black hair flowing behind her as she did so.

Okay, so I know this probably isn't very good right now and I'm just to fit everything in the story at the moment. So excuse this chapter for being awful because usually my first chapters suck. Mainly because I can never think of anything, I just make it all up as I go.

But if you enjoyed it, thanks for reading.

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