Chapter 5

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I wake up, still on the couch. I had been snuggled against Alex throughout the entire night... Guess it's the mate bond.

I get up and go upstairs to change and get ready for the day. As I finish getting ready, I walk down the stairs while pulling my hair up into a messy bun. And of course both guys are still asleep. I quickly eat an apple because I wanted to be quick with this.

I find a cast iron skillet and a metal spoon, standing behind the couch. I hold out the skillet and bang the spoon in the middle of it. Both guys nearly jump up and then turn to look at me. I had dropped the spoon and skillet as I laughed-quite loud-and clutched my side.

"That... If you could've seen your faces.. Oh my God." I say as I try to stop laughing, buy every time I look at their faces I just laugh again. Finally I was able to get my laughing under control as Cass and Jen ran down the stairs.

"Girls day!!" The both yell in unison as they make their way to me.

"Welp... If it's a girls day then let's go!" I say as I begin leading them away, only to be stopped by Alex.

"What?" I demand.

"You're not going anywhere without a guard." Can this guy be serious right now?

"Ugh! Seriously, Alex?!" I raise my voice, thinking of a way he'd let me go. "If we can go without any guards," I thought for a moment. "We can become official and you can mark me." (A/n for anyone who doesn't know what marking is, it's basically when the male werewolf bites the female in a sensitive place on their neck and a mark-that resembles a tattoo- appears. The mark stays there, unless the mate dies then the Mark will fade but yeah. That's what it is.)

He seems to give in and agree, but I know him and he'll probably send guards anyways. I walk past him, the girls following and we all get into Alex's truck. We let Cass drive on the way there and I'll drive on the way back. Getting bored, I turn on the radio and 'Stressed Out' by Twenty-Øne Piløts is on.

Obviously, we all start screaming... With the windows down I might add. "Wish we could turn back time, to the good ole days. When the Mama sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out!" We sing the entire rest of the song and once it's over we arrive at the mall and all nearly run in there.

Cass and Jen drag me into every store in the place and literally force me to buy things, which I reluctantly gave in to and did so. These girls are going to be the death of me...

"I'm hungry." I hear Jen whine and Cass and I seem to agree, so we all head to the food court. We set our bags by the table we'll be eating at, and Cass asks us what we want. I'm unsure of what restaurant she's getting the food from so I just tell her whatever she's having, Jen does the same.

After a long wait, we get our food. We wolf it down {no pun intended}, and afterwards we're all stuffed. Some guy walks up to our table, he looked about twenty. He had blondish hair and pale green eyes, he also wore a baggy t-shirt and his pants were falling down so his underwear was showing.

"Hey ladies." He says and I almost laugh. This guy can't be serious right now. I look at both Cass and Jen who seem to have agreed with me and we all attempted to stifle our laughs.

"Did it it hurt when you girls fell from heaven?" He asks. I decide I wanted to be the one to answer.

"No, but I scraped my knees a bit when I crawled my way up from the depths of Hell." I answer.

He just looks taken aback. "Um... I'll just be leaving now.." He runs off.

All of us burst into laughter and we get our things before leaving and going back to the truck.

"Oh my God, his face though!" Cass exclaims as we put our things in the back of the truck.

"I can't believe you said that!" Jen says this time and we're still all laughing as we get into the truck and I begin driving back. (A/n ok, yes I know she wouldn't know how to drive but I'm just gonna say she stole a vehicle before and learned to drive like that.)

We arrive back, making the guys bring our stuff inside as we relax on the couch.

"Guys, tomorrow we're having a bonfire. It'll be out back where we always have it." I hear Alex say, but he's looking at me and I realize what I said earlier. Ugh, I was not ready for this.

He grabs my arm and nearly drags me up to his room where he shuts the door. I am most definitely not ready for this, but there's no going back now. He begins kissing me and I kiss him back (a/n I am not going into detail with anything because I don't want to imagine that stuff). He begins kissing down my neck, getting to the sensitive area between my neck and collar bone.

I feel his canines on the area and before I realize it, he bites down. I know that it's only supposed to hurt for a second before you feel the pleasure of it... But it never stopped hurting. What's going on?

I look at Alex with a questioning look which he returns. I see the pain in his eyes which most likely is just me since he can feel most of the emotions I'm going through such as pain, fear, etc.

I attempt to say something, but I begin seeing black dots cloud my vision. The last thing I remember after that was Alex shouting something as my vision went black.

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