Chapter 8

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"In return for the child, you will give up your Luna for him. If she refuses, he dies. You're choice." He says and my eyes go wide with fear... But I was also angry.

Luna, what do we do? I ask my wolf.

Maybe we'll get our powers! It does seem about the right time. I wonder what our three powers will be? Luna says to me and I roll my eyes as she gets excited about it.

As I forgot to mention... By 18, shifters beside werewolves get three abilities or powers.

I let the anger consume me and let Luna take control and she lets out a large growl. Everyone seemed to freeze... Well everyone except our pack. Seems like freezing or stopping time is one of our abilities. I regain control and run and grab Caden, knowing that they wouldn't stay frozen forever.

Everyone was staring at me.

"I'll explain later, let's go!" I say to all of them and we all run off.

I wasn't able to run as fast I could with my enhanced speed so I was a bit further behind everyone as I had to carry Caden. I could hear the howls of the rouges behind us and I picked up my pace, catching up with the others.

I had gotten ahead of them and found a small cave that looked like it could fit all of us in. I motioned towards it and half-dived in, putting Caden down as I get comfortable. Everyone else follows suit and soon enough, we're all hidden in the shadows of the cave.

"Guys... You do know they can smell us, right?" I hear Alex say and I mentally slap myself.

I look around noticing mud in the back of the cave where water had been dripping down.

"Will mud work to mask our scent?" I ask and I see Alex nod.

We quickly cover ourselves in the mud and hopefully our scent wasnt as strong. I realize that they could easily follow our trail and get out of the cave and begin running and I could hear the others do the same. I knew the area around here we'll, but there wasn't any place to hide. I knew the other couldn't climb a tree in their wolf form but all I could hope was that they could climb in their human form.

"We need to get higher, somewhere they can't find us. We'll have to climb a tree." I motioned towards a tree that I stood by. Everyone nodded and found a decent tree and began climbing. I on the there hand, shifted to my panther and climbed up with ease before shifting back. Everyone eventually were about as high in a tree as me and had situated themselves on a branch.

I watched below as wolves ran right past the trees except one had stopped and turned around, sniffing the ground and looking up at us. And we've been found.

The wolf looked right at me and seemed to smirk. I growled lowly. The wolf shifted to his human form and pulled on a pair of pants that had been tied around his ankle. He looks back up at me.

"You," He points at me. "Are coming with me." He says and starts to climb. Luna quickly takes control and the bottom of the tree catches fire. Guess that's another ability.

The man is quickly scrambling off the tree and he ran off, burn marks covering his body. Luna then let me take control.

What was that about? I ask her.

Nothing, just wanted to test out our new power.

So you knew what our power was and decided to is it yourself? I ask, clearly annoyed at her.

Yep! I know what our other ability is too! She says happily.

Then what is it? I ask for the final time, impatient.

Invisibility! She says.. Well more like shouts and cheers.

I block her out because I was getting annoyed at her being overly happy. I sigh and shift into my panther, laying down on the branch. I look over and notice Austin has done the same and the others looked uncomfortable as they must have fallen asleep. I see Alex nearby and he's watching me intensely. I roll my eyes at him before closing my eyes.

I let the sounds of the forest lull me to sleep. I soon drift off into a nice slumber.

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