Chapter 21

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**Ashley's POV**

I wake up on a cold surface, the room probably being in single digits. I attempt to move my arms and legs, but they seem to be strapped to whatever I'm lying on. As I go to move my head, I realize my neck is strapped down too... But I could tell the straps contained silver and it was burning my skin. I recollect my thoughts and remember what happened previously.

Wait... How long was I out for?  I thought to myself. In an attempt to reach out to Luna, she wouldn't reply but I was also unable to feel her presence... What's going on?

I hear footsteps enter the room and turn my head to the left and see that it's Belle... With a cart full of those surgical looking tools. I turn my head and look back up at the ceiling and close my eyes, silently hoping this wasn't real.

"I see that you're awake now." I hear her eerie voice say to me as her footsteps stop.

"Don't let this be real.." I whisper so quiet even I could hardly hear it as a tear escapes my eye.

"What was that? Oh, never mind, I can just get this over with faster.." She pouts before continuing. "Nah! I'll do this slow." She says cheerfully with a smile at the end.

"What the heck are you?! And why me?!" I shout, my voices cracking because I was honestly terrified.

"Oh! I'm so glad you asked. I'm a shapeshifter, evil and cunning. And you were here so I assumed I'd have some fun." She said as she grabbed a sharp tool from the cart which resembled a scalpel or knife.

I knew it was silver, but all I could do was hope someone would come and save me. I felt the tip of the scalpel on my arm. She applied pressure to the tool and I felt the burn from the silver and the pain from the wound. I screamed out in pain as she drags the scalpel down my arm before removing it.

"Oh honey... We're only just getting started." Belle says calmly as she  puts down the scalpel and lifts up another tool. I silently pray that I would be saved from this torture.

**Austin's POV**

I wake up lying on a bed with a pounding headache. I stand up and stretch before looking around.

Shadow, you there?  No reply. I couldn't even feel his presence.

I shrug it off and head to the door and attempt to open it. Locked. How am I going to get out of here with a locked door? Nevertheless, where's Ashley at?

"Ashley?!" I yell out in hopes she would answer, but instead I only had the silence. I heard talking, but it was muffled and I couldn't make out any of the words. I sat back down and returned to my thoughts, but as soon as I did that, I heard a pained scream. I bolted upright and ran to the door to look out and I could barely make out the shadow, but I knew for a fact that it was Belle.

**Alex's POV**

I had explained everything to the guards and the entire pack house was on lockdown. I sent the guards out and followed behind them to the border. They all went separate ways and I followed my group who are going North.

We all shift, running off North before slowing to a fast walking pace in case we saw any clues that they were here. I caught scent of Ashley and followed it to a briar bush where it looked like a part of her shirt was torn off.

Continue this way. I mind-link them and they follow suit behind me. As we near a creek, I begin getting a nervous or scared feeling and know it's not from me, but from Ashley. I feel a searing pain in my right leg and am unable to stand on it now. I open up mine and Ashley's mind-link and her thought come rushing through my head. "Please don't let this be real." "Alex.. I wish you were here." "Make it stop."  I can hear her cries for help and cries of pain, but I have no idea where she is, so I attempt to mind-link her. "Ashley.. If you can hear this, where are you? If you're unsure where you are, describe it. I love you, baby... Please talk to me.."

**Ashley's POV**

She's finally left the room and left me with searing wounds, but I pulled through. Out of nowhere, I hear a voice in my head "Ashley.. If you can hear this, where are you? If you're unsure where you are, describe it. I love you, baby... Please talk to me.." I knew right away that it was Alex and mind-linked back to him, surprisingly able to.

'I'm in some abandoned building.. I think it's an asylum. I don't remember exactly how I got here, but I'm never running off again. Please hurry.. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I love you so much, Alex.' I reply to him, crying as I did so.

'Ashley, listen to me... You're going to make it. I'm coming for you. Just stay with me and keep talking to me, okay? Can you tell me what happened? From the beginning.'  Alex says back and so I begin to explain what happened.

'Well.. I was helping Austin find Belle because she was missing for several days.. And we came across this building. Well, Austin walked inside so I followed and I walked up to a room and then when I went to turn around, Austin was gone and Belle was standing there with a syringe in her hand. She stabbed me with it and I fell unconscious. I woke up strapped to some metal table and in walked a Belle, a shapeshifter! Then she used silver tools and-and tortured me. And now I'm talking to you. She's coming! I love you!' I quickly finish as Belle walks in.

'I'll be there soon, I love you too!' Was the last thing I heard as I cut off the mind-link. I hope he gets here soon. I'm not sure I can handle much more of this. Please hurry Alex. I thought as the torture started again.

I hope y'all don't hate me now for this chapter. It was as hard to type as it most likely was to read because I paused every other paragraph to compose myself so I wouldn't start saying things I shouldn't. Don't worry guys, it'll get better and soon we'll get to happy endings and rainbows! 😂 Ok, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, Love y'all!

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