Chapter 11

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Before I start, I'm so sorry for the long wait but I've been busy. I have cross country practice and then I'm always tired after that and I sleep in late and I'd rather type at night, so I just don't get that much time. And also, I won't be able to update as offer since school starts back next week for me so hooray for that (not my sarcasm)... Well, now that that's out of the way, onto the story!

I wake up to the sound of what sounds like shouting. I get up, looking around as the events from yesterday come flooding back. I need to find a way out of here and fast.

I stand up, pacing back and forth as I think. I'm suddenly interrupted from my thoughts as the door to the room, well more like cell I'm in slams open. I see the same strange man that I have saw a few times before. He looked like Alexander in a way with darker hair and he looked slightly taller. His eyes were so dark, they looked almost black. He had a crazed look on his face and begins walking towards me.

He stops several feet away from me, muttering things. The only thing I understood was 'I can use her to get to him.' Whatever that's supposed to mean. I backed up until I was against the wall as far away from him as possible.

He starts chuckling. "What?! Why am I here? What do you want with me?!" I all but shout at him.

"You're here so I can get to my brother... Otherwise known as your mate. And with you, heh, I just want you."

I scoff. "Heck to the no! I will not be with you! You're a psychopath and I will not be your toy!" I yell in his face.

He laughs. "Oh, but my darling, you have no choice in the matter." He walks closer to me. He now stood a few inches from me, our noses almost touching.

Luna, do something! Please! I need help here! I beg her.

Let me take control, I'll help.

Ok, you better know what your doing.

I allowed her to take control and I knew that my eyes had turned a lighter blue and I had a blue streak in my hair. I trusted Luna and what she was doing.

"Look! An intruder!" She pointed near the door.

He turned and looked back to where she pointed and she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell to the floor, groaning in pain as I ran out the door, slamming it shut behind me to which it locked automatically. Luna let me take back control and I ran through hallways, not sure of where I was going. While I was running, I ran straight into someone and fell down.

When I looked up, I was met with golden eyes. This guy looked the same age as Alexander, and he was very muscled. His brown hair was messy which fit him. And he looked about the same height as Alexander.

"Sorry, sir." I muttered, loud enough for him to hear.

"It's fine." He grabs my arm and helps me up.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" He asks.

"Escaping this crazy dude that kidnapped me." I say matter of factly.

"Must be our alpha Jasper, what'd he want with you? And oh! I'm Holden by the way, and you are..?" He trails off, waiting for my name.

"Ashley. And he said something about wanting to get his brother back for some reason..."

His eyes widened. "O-oh. Um, where is he now?"

"Locked in the cell he put me in. So can you help me escape?"

"Sure." He seemed relieved and he led me away.

**Alexander's POV**

I wake up as I realize Ashely was missing. I panicked and searched through the entire house and even partly outside to which I had no luck.

I growled loudly and followed her scent into the woods before I caught scent of someone else... My brother?

He's so dead. I growled again as I ran back to the pack house and gathered everyone.

"Attention everyone! Your future Luna (ha, get it. Luna is her panther's name and she's a Luna? XD I didn't even plan this) has been captured by my brother, Jasper! She's in danger and we need to help her! We're leaving right now, there's no time to waste!" Everyone began talking at once and they followed me as I shifted and began running into the woods.

I will get her back if it's the last thing I do.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment, please. Your interest in my story encourages me to write more, so don't be a silent reader. I'd like if several others would comment. But thanks for being wonderful and reading, until next time!

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