Chapter 6

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I can hear things around me, yet I can't see anything... Oh wait, my eyes are closed. I attempt to open my eyes, but it's no use. I also attempt moving some part of my body which is also no use. Wait, I can feel someone's hand around mine and instantly realize it's Alex because I can feel the tingles from the mate bond.

I focus on moving at least some part of my hand to let Alex know I was ok. Finally, I was able to move my fingers a bit before not being able to move them again. I feel him jump up, letting go of my hand.

"Doctor!" I hear him yell as I hear footsteps enter the room.

"What is it Alpha?" I hear someone ask.

"Her hand. It moved." He states and I can hear and feel the doctor removing things from my arms. After a while, I open my eyes only to be blinded by a bright light before closing my eyes again. I manage to sit up in the bed and open my eyes, getting used to the light as I notice Alex looking at me.

"What happened?" I ask questioningly even though I knew most of what happened.

"Well after I marked you, you passed out and you've been out for a week. The doctor said it had something to do with where you're a panther shifter and I'm a werewolf." He says, I completely forgot about my mark... I wonder what it looks like?

I get up from the hospital bed, walking over to the bathroom and shutting the door. Thank God there were clothes for me. I quickly changed into the outfit and combed my fingers through my hair. After I finish with everything, I inspect the mark in the mirror.

It looked like a silver dagger or sword that had something dripping from the tip of it. I look closer at it, looking at the unmistakable purple-ish color liquid... Wolfsbane. I looked at it for a while longer before walking out of the bathroom.

"I can leave now, right?" I ask and Alex nods as he takes my hand and we leave the area which was at the top floor of the house. We go downstairs and I look at the couch where Cass, Sam, Jen, Drew, and Austin sat. There was also a girl I hadn't met sitting there and I look at Alex with a confused look.

"That's Belle, Austin's mate. She came running into our territory for some reason. She never said." He says.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"Belle!" He calls her over to which she does. "This is Ashley, my mate. Ashley, this is Belle." I shake her hand before we all go to sit on the couch.

We watch TV for a little while until dark before Cass literally stands up on the coffee table and yells 'BONFIRE' to which we all laugh.

I run upstairs to change into a warmer outfit before rushing back down and out the back door to where they were having the bonfire. We all make small talk and eat smores before I get a wicked idea.

I widen my eyes and act as scared as I can. Alex notices and looks to where I'm staring, but he must not have seen anything. I turn as fast as I can and run into the dark woods and shift into my panther to which Luna was pleased. I let Luna take control and she takes me in random directions to which I try and stop her, but of course she doesn't give in.

She runs directly into a lake to which she flips out and hurriedly makes her way away from. I'm laughing at her as she begins growling, but not at me... It was at a person in the shadows. At this point, I regain control. I continue growling and the person moves from the cover of the darkness and into the moonlight to where I stood.

The person had their hands up in surrender, but I take that chance and run back towards where we were having the bonfire to which I can't find.

'Thanks, Luna. You got us lost.' I say to Luna and I can feel her get upset with me.

I hear running and notice Ren -Alex's wolf- before he notices me. He runs directly into me and falls over. I roll my eyes at him as he gets up.

What were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt! Alex says through the mind-link.

I'm perfectly fine. Let's just get back to the bonfire. I say back before cutting off the mind-link.

We run back and I shift as I stand by the fire since my clothes stayed on, but Alex stays in the shadows and changes before coming to my side.

I go to sit down in a chair and Alex pulls one up beside me. I enjoyed the heat from the fire and soon enough, I dozed off to sleep.

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