Chapter 15

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"What were you thinking?!" He shouts at me and I zone out, muttering apologies as he kept talking.

My mind kept going back to that girl in the cell that had been thrown while me and Sky were talking. I felt the urge to go save her. I was rudely cut off from my thoughts when Alex shouted at me again.

"Are you even listening to me?!" He shouts for like the millionth time.

"Yup." I nod.

"Then what was the last thing I said?" He asks, crossing his arms across his chest.

U thought hard, trying to remember what he said but all I could remember was what he said before I zoned out. "Um.. the last thing you said was 'then what was the last thing I said?'" I smirked, knowing I found a loophole.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm tired of you not listening to me. You're staying in this house unless I say otherwise."

"Ugh! What about all my stuff at my old pack?! Can I not go get it??" I shout at him, angry.

"It's being taken care of. Your friend, Scarlett-"

"Sky." I correct.

"Sky is up in a room. You can go hang out with her, try anything and I'll make sure someone is with you at all times." He warns.

I already knew that he'd have e guards on me, but I made my way to the room Sky was in.

"Hey ugly! Get in trouble?" She laughs.

"Shut up you idiot." I say, whispering the next things. "I have a plan."

"What kind of plan?" She say out loud and I give her a pointed look. "What kind of plan?" She whispers this time.

"We're sneaking out, we're going to save that girl that was thrown in the cell beside me." I say quietly.

She nods, already opening the window. I look down, knowing it was quite a jump. There was tree close by and if I jumped from the window sill to the branch that sticks out, I could make it. Sky has the same plan and she jumps, jumping on the branch and leaping down, making it onto the ground. I follow suit, running off into the woods before someone realized we were missing.

We both shifted, her being quite small since she was a fox and my panther was bigger than her fox form. We took off running, both of us staying at a decent speed. Eventually, we made it to the hunter's hideout. It was an old looking building, painted to blend in with the forest except for the bright red door.

Sky follows through with the plan, running into the woods and screaming as loud and afraid as she can. I knock on the door frantically. It opens to reveal a guy, quite tall with shaggy brown hair and dull brown eyes.

"What do you want?" He says, frustrated.

"My friend and I were walking through the forest when all of a sudden these wolves showed up out of nowhere. We tried to fight them off, but it was no use and we took off running. I managed to get away and come here, but my friend is still being chased.. Or attacked, I have no idea. Please help me." I beg, on the verge of tears as I was ready to fake cry.

"Just a second." He shuts the door and shouting and frantic footsteps can be heard. After about two minutes, the door swings open and many hunters walk out the door. After I knew they were gone, I somehow managed to knock Shaggy out. I gave him a nickname since I had no idea what his actual name is.

I run inside and begin running through the various hallways. It took forever to find the prison area, but once I did, I barged right in. There were no guards and I jogged through the small, cramped hallway before I found her cell. I knocked against the bars.

"Hey! Get up!" I whisper-shout.

She stirs before waking up. She stands up off the cold, hard floor and walks to the bars of the cell. "What?" She asks, sleepily.

"I'm getting you out." I say before unlocking the cell with my bobby pin. The door opens and I take off running, she follows behind me. We're met back up with Sky as I get outside.

"What's her name?" Sky asks before shifting.

"Coraline." She answers and Sky nods before running off.

I shifted, waiting for Coraline to shift, but she didn't know what to do. I tilted my head towards my back, motioning for her to get on. She did so and I took off running after Sky. We met back up at our pack house where and angry Alex and an angry Brison stood. Coraline got off my back and me and Sky shifted back.

I already knew by the look on Alex's face that I was in deep trouble, worse than before. I gulped down my fear and began walking towards him.

Ok, guys part of my book crosses over to my friends book, My True Side. It's by  Crazy_bioch17 I suggest checking it out if you want to know what's going on with a couple characters. Thanks for reading! Until next time!

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