One-(Criss's p.o.v.)

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It was 1:30 in the morning when I just had gotten laid down to maybe catch half an hours rest before getting back on the work horse again...but it was my life...always working, always on the go...almost in a never-ending circle...which I had to admit every now and then it wore me completely out...but I kept pushing myself...I barely got my eyes closed when John Farrell called me and said I was needed back at the studio...that one of the props malfunctioned and he needed me to be there to see what I wanted done with it...before making a final decision without me...I grumbled to myself and rolled out of the bed and told him I'd be there in an hour or so.

Beens it was a nice morning...and very quiet for being so early...I thought instead of driving my car to The Luxor...I would hop on my chopper...and go for a little bike ride before going back to work where I just left from...after I kickstarted it...I was off, now mind you I was an excellent driver with anything with wheels...I had never been in a wreck...that was caused by me...and I thought this morning was going to be clear sailing all they way to work...Man was I wrong!! It wasn't until I got to the main highway that led straight to the Vegas Strip...that would lead me to The Luxor on my left hand side...when out of nowhere a racing car with no headlights or no warning races across the four-way without stopping at their red light and hits me dead on.

It was pretty safe to assume that I didn't make it to The Luxor that morning...because the next thing I remember was slowly waking up in another hospital...I slowly looked around to see no one in the room...I noticed my leg and right arm was in a with my good arm I moved it to my head that was bandaged up as well...I closed my eyes and thought to myself what in the hell did I do to myself this time...not remembering the car hitting me...I thought maybe I went too far in one of my stunts...but beens it was dark in the room...I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again...because I was very soon as they closed...I had a massive pain shoot thru my skull...and I saw the Vegas Strip in flames...I quickly opened my eyes...and looked around again...but this hospital was on the Vegas Strip...and there was I closed my eyes again.

The next thing I saw was people running wildly everywhere...screaming as they tripped over dead bodies strewn around them with broken pieces of building and smaller fires everywhere I looked...I woke up again...and tried sitting up this take a better look around me...I saw a cup of water on the stand next to me, so I grabbed it and splashed a little on my face...and slowly laid back in the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while...then hesitated a little bit...but managed to close my eyes for a third time...hoping that I wouldn't see anything this time...but shortly after telling myself that...I saw my home...and all my family dead with Serenity in shambles...that one made me jump up in cold sweats and screaming loudly.

My light came on, and a nurse came in and asked me if I was she frantically checked my vitals...and my IV's to make sure they were still OK. I looked at her and asked her if there was a fire outside...or anything devastating that happened...she looked at me and said no...that I was in a horrible accident a month ago...while I was on my motorcycle...that some lunatic ran into me full blast...and I was in a coma...then she asked me if I was hurting from all the screaming I was doing...I told her my head was splitting...but I kept having visions...of destruction and death. The nurse went over and put an injection in my IV and said it was normal for coma patients to have strange and scary things that they see...because their brain hasn't completely woken up yet from the trauma that has happened to them...then as she tossed the needle in the trash...she said that it would help with the pain in my head...and it would help me sleep.

I chokingly asked her for a glass of water to drink...she dumped out the old water from the glass and gave me some fresh ice water...with a straw...and asked me not to drink to I took just two little sips of it...then I tried to relax as I thanked her...she gave me a sweet smile...and told me just to holler if I needed her again...then she shut off the big light...and I lay there for a while hoping the medicine would kick in so I could sleep without seeing anything else...but I couldn't make myself go to just for shits and giggles I tried the old fashioned sheep counting...but when I hit 437 sheep...I knew it wasn't going to I gave a deep sigh...and called the nurse back into the room...and asked her if my family or anyone has asked about me...or has even visited me.

She looked thru her clipboard and said that the last time I had any visitor was last week...and it was an extremely exotic man with a red and black Mohawk...I snickered a little bit and told her that it was Stoney aka Klayton Scott...then she added that my family left numbers for her to call if and when I ever woke up...then she looked at me over her glasses and asked me if I wanted her to call them now...I looked around and asked what time it was...she said 3:15 a.m. I shook my head no and told her to wait at least until 7 or 8 in the morning before bothering anyone...she gave me a thankful smile...and said I should really try to get some sleep...because now that I was awake tomorrow was going to be full of doctors and physical therapists wanting to get me started on all that shit right away...which I was so not up to doing right I thanked her again...and closed my eyes and actually managed to go to sleep without any other distractions.

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