Sixteen-(Kc's p.o.v.)

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It was very late and everyone was sound asleep...I was staring blankly at the ceiling above me...wondering if maybe we were never going to get out of this underground tomb...I know we've stuck down here for a little over two months now...and we still had no progress on digging our way out...and all we had to show for it...was Sully's arm was badly fractured...Criss dislocated his shoulder trying to get Sully out of danger from another cave in...and a few days ago we lost three of our members from a small cave in...while they were searching for another way out further down the hall...for they were losing their minds just staying in that room staring at the walls...even though Klayton told them it wasn't safe...they didn't listen and they died.

I didn't want to say anything but I was really beginning to get sick as well...I didn't know what it was...but I found myself getting out of breath...and I very recently I was very tired all the time...and sometimes when I stood up I would get nauseous and very dizzy and fall over...but when Dimitra or Criss would ask me if I was ok...I'd just tell them that I was just very clumsy...Klayton knew better though and he stayed up with me without saying a he reached over and wrapped his arms around me...I felt my skin touching his muscular chest...he asked me what was really wrong with me...because he was really starting to worry...I snuggled up closer to him and told him I honestly didn't know...and I was scared.

He squeezed me tight and sat up and said he was going to give me a check up because something was definitely wrong...he slid over by JD and tapped on Rachel and asked her for her assistance that I was sick...and he needed her help. Rachel was up instantly...but told her to stay quiet for the others were still asleep. Rachel pulled out a clean white sheet for me to lay on...then Klayton put a little pressure around all my vital areas...and checked my eyes and mouth and under my tongue...Rachel timed my pulse and told me it was going a little faster than it should be...when she took my temperature it was high.

Klayton and Rachel both put their heads together and asked where the water bottle was that I was drinking out of...and who else was drinking out of it with me...I told him that I shared it with Kim and Johnny...and every now and then Klayton took a drink out of it...I pointed to the bottle and Klayton grabbed it...and tested the water...then spit it out very quickly and said that water was tainted...he grabbed me and asked me where I got it from...because he never drank that...I looked over at the shelves...they noticed the water bottles on the bottom shelf...Klayton grabbed them all and quickly dumped them out and went around the camp and grabbed every water bottle and checked it...he grabbed Criss's bottle and tested it then dumped it out...Criss woke up and tried stopping him telling him what in the hell was he doing.

Klayton picked me up and said that the water was tainted and whoever didn't have the right booster shots given to them at one point or another...they were going to get very sick...and very fast...then he held onto me and said he was going to take care of me...Rachel and he worked around the clock trying to make some kind of medicine to give me...but nothing worked...and three days later Johnny and Dimitra both got down with the same bacteria from the tainted water. But no one else did...which was very good...because Rachel and Klayton had their hands full with us three.

I told them both to look after Johnny first then Dimitra and worry about me last...because I was physically the strongest...and they were more susceptible to the sickness. But Klayton wouldn't have it at all...because medically I was the sickest one out of them...which made Sandy and Kim worried about catching it...but Klayton told them all that it wasn't contagious...only if they drank the bad water would they catch it. I weakly looked up at Klayton and asked him if it was Cholera...he without speaking slowly shook his head yes...I looked down at my feet and said Cholera was fatal...and very hard to cure without proper medication...and being stuck down here meant that I was dying...very slowly but there was no stopping it.

Klayton stood up and wiped my head and told me that I was in very good hands...and he wasn't going to let me leave him that easily...then he grabbed a survival pack and opened the trunk that had IV's and all the equipment necessary to help me with...and hooked me up for an IV and rehydration cure for the sickness...then he also hooked Dimitra and Johnny up with it...even though Dimitra said it would pass thru her rather quickly because she's had all the medications for it a long time ago...Klayton gave her a little grin and said he was going to help it get better faster. Johnny scampered over to where I was and laid down beside me...because he was scared for me knowing that I was very he didn't want a needle in his arm.

I slowly put my arm around him and tried to sleep knowing that I wasn't going to be much good for a while. After Klayton made his rounds with his other patient...he came over to me and laid down behind me and wrapped his arm around me and kissed me...and whispered in my ear that he loved me...and he wasn't going to let me leave him...then he fell asleep with me...Criss was still a little bit hurt from the cave in but he was more determined than ever to get out from there so he went to the hole and started digging again...with JD and Costa right behind him to take turns after him.

Dimitra was making some Greek style soup out of some of the ingredients for me to eat...she handed it to Klayton and told him that it would help me...he looked at her and told her she shouldn't be up and around...that she had it too...she smiled at him and said her bug was merely a few hour bug and that she was just fine after the bacteria found out that her bloodstream had the antibodies to destroy it...then she kissed him on the forehead and said she was going to help with me and Johnny so Rachel could have a breather every now and then...Klayton slowly fed me...then wrapped me in a blanket to keep the dampness from reaching me...then went to the room and asked if they needed a breather from digging...but Costa put his hand on his shoulder and told him that he needed to be with me.

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