Eight-(Criss's p.o.v.)

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After Klayton got me calmed down after the finalizing vision I had that let me know what it was going to be that wreaked havoc on the city. Klayton tried to ask me if there was any way to get out of the disaster by leaving to another location...but I told him this wasn't like any earthquake that's ever happened before...that it was going to be enormous...with so much damage that it was going to effect the entire USA...by what my premonitions were telling me. Klayton and I headed out to the location where Sully was at with his girlfriend Sandy...so I could let him know that the mass of destruction was coming in the form of an earthquake.

Sandy got scared and crawled in Sully's arms and asked if the bomb shelter would keep us safe...but before I could answer that...Klayton said right out that being in an underground shelter in an earthquake...wasn't very smart...but then again...there was really no safe place to get away from it...and one spot was as good as another...Sully asked if it was possible to beat the quake...and make it to a secure location where the quake wouldn't reach...I looked down and told him no...that this quake was going to effect all of the U.S...and all we could do was stick together and really take care of one another and hope for the best...but expect the worst. 

Meanwhile, back at the International Seismologist Institute Kc and her best friend and assistant Kim were getting a heads up from her commanding officer at the institute telling her that there was uncanny seismological movements coming from California and Nevada...then told her that she and her assistant needed to get there and get the exact readings and report it to him directly...because this wasn't normal behavior...and the entire team needed to be on high red alert...Kc grabbed her gear...then tapped on Kim and told her that it was go time...and that she was ecstatic about being sent to Los Angeles and Las Vegas...but right after she said it...the boss came in and told her to pick a place to go...either L.A. or Vegas...and which ever one she chose...he would send another team to the other location.

Kc thought on it for a moment then said she would take Las Vegas...just for the fact, that she's been to L.A. once before...and she's never been to Vegas and has always wanted to go there...it just wasn't exactly under the circumstances she wanted to visit. After they loaded all their gear...within the next twenty minutes they were both loaded up and headed to Las Vegas, Nevada. Kc was in the driver's seat, while Kim was doing the navigating...this was going to be Kim's first time on the field...her main experience was in the institute doing paperwork. So she was so thankful to Kc for talking their boss into letting her assist Kc in the shocking event that was going to happen...very soon.

After hours of driving she finally pulled up at the edge of the desert just outside Las Vegas...and parked...then told Kim that this was where they were going to set up the equipment...to intake the data and stream it directly to the Institute...Kc has been doing this ever since she was a little girl going with her father...and she knew the small things that happened before the big hit...and after she turned on all the equipment she looked around and felt a slight pull from deep inside her gut...and she knew that very shortly a very slight magnetic pull that most people wouldn't be able to feel...then twenty minutes or so later, small tremors would slightly shake up the area...then after that came the major shaking and damage.

What most people didn't know about the earthquakes was that once the major shaking was over...the quake itself wasn't done yet...that every time after the major quake was over...there was always several aftershocks that came...and most of the time they were worse than the major part of the quake itself. Even though Kc was only 22 years old...she had more knowledge in Seismology and natural disasters thanks to her father...that sadly died a year ago after a disastrous earthquake that happened in Japan...while he was on a business trip with his colleague...and everyday Kc felt that she should have been there with him...but he wouldn't let her go due to her graduation and final test at the institute was happening at the same time of his departure.

Kc's older brother Tommy Lee Etienne was also in the natural disaster gig...he was a professional tornado chaser...and her only living relative she had left...and every now and then they would team up together and chase quakes and tornadoes together...but for now it was Kc in the lead...with Kim as her assistant. Kc was writing down the readings from the main machine when Kim raced over to her and showed her the paper with some weird readings that she's never witnessed before...Kc read them and looked up at her in shock and asked her how long has it been since this reading came thru the machine...Kim told her a little out of breath that it came in about 5 minutes ago.

Kc jumped up and immediately loaded as much of the equipment as possible then told Kim to get in...that they had to make it to town and warn the city to evacuate the buildings...that a major quake was coming this way...and within the next hour or so the city would be shaking...with massive damage...and the safest place to be was out of the main part of the city...away from the buildings. Kc turned on her siren...and called her boss at the same time and told him what was happening and he needed to get on the ball and have it aired for international state of emergency...that it was coming now!! Without so much as a 5 second warning! As soon as her boss got off the phone with Kc he had all the stations nationwide on high red alert from to let everyone know the most secure way to keep safe in this coming disaster. Then Kc called her brother and told him that under the dangerous circumstances that she wanted to tell him that she loved him just in case she didn't get another chance...then she and Kim pulled up in the city to warn as many people as possible.

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