Nine-(Kc's p.o.v.)

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As soon as I made it to the center of the city, I set out the megaphone and blasted the warning on all stations so everyone within several miles could hear it very I rushed into the buildings and told everyone to leave the city and get away from the buildings...and anywhere that had anything tall that could fall down and hurt them...half of them ignored me until I showed them my badge of seismology and told them to move now that a quake was on its way very sooner than I made it to the thirteenth building I felt the first minor tremor...and knew I was out of time...Kim was on the other side of the street telling them the same warning I was putting out.

I was know running down the street hollering at everyone to leave the city limits as fast as they could but not in their vehicles...for the earthquake would make it impossible to run and leave everything just grab their families and leave!...I was hollering to the crowd of morons that were just standing there when someone ran right into me knocking me to the ground...he quickly lifted me up and apologized then handed me his son as he ran back in the building to help his mom out of the shuddering building...when I saw him come out with her and a group of people I told them all to follow me and that we all needed to get out of the city and away from the buildings...I looked across the street and hollered for Kim to meet me at the end of the city with her followers if she had any.

After running for several miles the ground began to shake to where it was almost impossible to stay on my feet...but I knew it was the only chance we had...the man's son never stopped crying...and his mother got so weak that she couldn't go on a man with flashy red hair picked her up and carried her...and surprisingly managed to keep up better than most of them...carrying the weight of two...thru it all I became instantly attracted to him...but as soon as he caught me looking at him...I looked away and told them to keep moving as fast as they could.

We made it out of the main part of the city...when we heard explosions and the sound of huge buildings towering down with enormous crashes...making a lot of the high dollar car sirens go off...along with the tornado sirens...we all watched as havoc and devastation hit and leveled most of the city...the man that had the child asked me how I knew what to do...I showed him my badge in seismology, and told him that it was far from over with...and that we needed to find shelter...because the gases and fumes from the buildings and explosions would be very dangerous if breathed in...he gave me a slight smile as he saw his son asleep in my arms. Then he asked me if a bomb shelter would be safe...and that we were heading right for it...

I looked at him and said it was better than no it was secured no buildings could kill us from their fall...but I secretly knew of the danger of being underground in a disaster that came from under ground...but none of us had any other there was food and water and sleeping quarters for them all...I nodded my head in approval and told him to lead the way...once Kim and her followers joined us. He took his son and held out his free hand to me and said his name was Criss...I smiled at him and told him I knew who he was and it was nice to meet him...he walked beside me and said that he really liked me...and thought that I was really beautiful. I thanked him but I never took my eyes off that red headed sly fox that was now walking in front of me still carrying the elderly lady in his arms...even though I heard her tell him that she could walk for a while...he just chuckled at her and said that she sprained her ankle and both of his were in perfect walking condition...then added that she was so tiny that he didn't even break a sweat.

I began to smell the magnetic field again...and knew it was about to start shaking again...I told everyone that we needed to get to the shelter and fast!! Criss heard the desperation in my voice and he told everyone to quicken pace...the red headed fox heard it...and he actually ran with the lady in his arms all the way to the bomb shelter...then pounded on it and none other than Sully Erna opened the door and helped the people in...I was the last one to enter the building...after I entered the shelter I began checking all the walls and ceilings...and told everyone where not to be...because it was the weakest point in the shelter...then I pulled out my satellite phone and told my boss that it happened and Vegas was in total destruction...and I made it to a bomb shelter outside of the city...but I didn't know how safe we would stay.

Criss came over and sat beside me and began to flirt with me...I looked over at my friend and saw the longing look on her face...knowing that she really liked him a lot for a long time I tried to ignore his charm and flirtations...but I had to admit he was very persistent with me...he had his mind made up that he wanted me to be his girl...but even though I was a huge Mindfreak fan and I really adored his little boy...and his family for that matter...I just couldn't get that total sexual attraction for him...because my attractions were attracted somewhere else...they were totally hooked on the red headed sly fox at the other end of the shelter sitting next to Criss's brother Costa and his mother Dimitra...and I knew he went by the name of Klayton Scott...I looked around and saw JD, Criss's oldest brother sitting next to a lovely girl that looked like she was a nervous wreck from all that's happened...I read her name tag which said Rachel...I looked over at Sully Erna who was holding his girlfriend of many months and thru social media I knew her she was Sandy...Criss came up beside me and asked me how long we would be safe as he was holding his son...I looked at him and told him I didn't know how long or if at all.

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