Twelve-(JD's p.o.v.)

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I was holding onto Rachel very closely to the thought of my daughter hit me...wondering if wherever she was if she was safe from this natural disaster...which put me in a momentary emotional breakdown...even though I no longer felt the loss of missing Lynn anymore...for now I had Rachel and I was getting very emotionally close to matter what danger we all were in...all I could do was hold her close to me...and tell her how much she meant to me. Costa was now holding Johnny that was whining a little bit because he was getting hungry and thirsty...and Criss had to put all of us under very strict we wouldn't run out as fast.

But when I noticed how thirsty my lil nephew was so I pulled out my water bottle and told Costa to hold up for a second...then let him take a few drinks...I wasn't one to let my nephew go thirsty no matter how much we lacked. Criss was way in the front with Sully looking for a place for us to rest up...beens we were in the shelter none of us knew what time of day or night it was...beens during the cave in, my watch was destroyed...and none of the cell phones worked. Rachel was beginning to get a little panicked and asked me if we were going to make it out of the building...or if we all were going to die down here...I pulled her in my arms and secured her...and while I was rubbing her hair...I told her that I wasn't going to let that happen.

We kept walking when our mother fell down and said she was too tired and couldn't take another step. I sat down beside her and checked out her head again...and asked her if she was sure she was alright. Criss came over and looked at the head wound and seen the light bruising colorations around it...and said she could have a minor concussion...he turned to the group and asked if any of them were doctors...I stood up and said Rachel was the nurse that took care of him at the hospital...Criss looked at me and said he knew that...but she was a nurse...and our mom needed a doctor...and the only one with medical training was the one that wasn't with us.

Rachel went up our mom and checked her head out...then pulled out a kit from her emergency pack and treated it...then touched around it...and said that if she had a concussion that it was just a minor one...but to stay on the safe side she would keep a close eye on her for the next couple days. Criss didn't like the idea of stopping...because he was really wanting to know if his childhood friend/blood brother was alive. Kim was on the other side looking blankly into the darkness of the hall that we came thru already thinking heavily about her friend and colleague that was separated from her...and she was hoping that she was alright as well...Sully tapped on Criss and pointed to her...he moved up behind her and put his arms around her and told her that Kc would be alright...because he truly believed the she was with Stoney...and he would keep her safe...and sooner or later we would find them.

Kim leaned on him and held onto him and thanked him...he kissed her on the cheek and told her to keep the faith and believe...then he walked her over to us all and sat down beside us and told us it was time to get a bite to eat...then it was time to move forward a little further before calling it a night...or day. We all shared some jerky and a few bags of chips to snack on while Johnny got a bag of crackers instead of chips...and a juice box. After we finished, snacking...Criss and Sully got us all up and moving again...Costa and I stayed back with our help her and Johnny...Rachel stayed right behind her just to make sure she stayed OK.

Kim stayed right beside Criss never letting his hand go...Sandy was with her Sully wrapped around him...still a nervous wreck...and very quiet...for she suffered from claustrophobia...and he was the only one that could keep her secure...Criss had to hypnotize her a couple of times during her panic for now she was stable. Back on the other side of the shelter Klayton and Kc were continuing their walk and slightly humorous conversation about their lives...and all the crazy shit they did growing soon as he asked her about her family he noticed the twinge of pain go across her face...but she told him...that her mother died when she was born...and her father raised her by himself...and taught her everything about seismology and natural disasters...then gave him a smile and said that her older brother Tommy was a professional tornado chaser/meteorologist.

Klayton gave a little sigh and told her that he lost his father when he was 5...and his mom passed away from a massive heart attack when he was 18...then added that he had an older brother and sister and neither of them gave him the time of day...and he gladly returned them the favor...then added that Criss and his family was all the family he ever had and or needed...then he slowly turned around to face her and touched her face gently...and said except for the fact that he was always looking for Mrs Right to come along that was wanting to take the job of being Mrs Klayton Scott.

Kc looked down a little and gave a slight insecure blush when she figured out that he was totally flirting with her...she didn't want to move so fast to let him know how much she was attracted to she wouldn't make him believe that she was that desperate...and anxious about finding someone to share her life with...then she looked around and said or at least what was left of it...Klayton got a little despaired when she didn't answer at him at all...and when she noticed she told him that she thought he was a very awesome guy...and under different circumstances she could actually see herself dating a guy like him...once she got a smile out of him...they both relaxed as they continued on their journey into the unknown within the shelter. 

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