Seventeen-(Sandy's p.o.v.)

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We have now been under ground in this living nightmare for what seemed like an eternity...Kc was slowly getting better and was up and helping out with things on her own...Johnny was luckily immune to the bacteria and just got a light sideswipe of it...we've been down here so long that we even had a few weddings held down here...mine and Sully's was one of them...JD and Rachel was another...Klayton wanted Kc to marry him but for some reason she kept stalling...even though there was no doubt about it she loved him...something was bothering her...and no one could figure it out.

Kim however, was the exact opposite, she loved Criss so much that she wasn't going to wait for him to come around...and she went over to him and asked him to marry her...Criss was a little caught off guard about her being so bold about it...but...beens they have been sharing their lives for a long time while underground...and he did care for her deeply...he shocked the hell out of her and his family when he told her sure, why not...none of the weddings were as nice as we would have liked them to be...but we were all just as happy as if they were...Klayton was getting a little irritated as of late...because of Kc acting like she was trying to avoid he told everyone that he was going to bail out for a while...and explore further down to see if there was another way out that we haven't found yet...then without kissing Kc bye...he left.

Criss and Sully went over to her and asked her why she was hurting Stoney like that...knowing that he stayed with her thru thick and thin when she was so sick...and was always sticking up for her when someone started fights with her...Kc looked down and said she didn't want him to make a mistake by being with her...then when we got out...he realizes that she wasn't right for him...then he leaves her and breaks her heart...then she looked up at Criss and Sully and said she was afraid of it. Criss put his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek...then Sully kissed her on the other cheek just so he didn't feel left out...then he ran over to me and laid a huge hickey on my Criss was telling her that he's known Stoney ever since he was 8 years old...and he has never seen him more in love with someone in his entire life...and it was mistake to be afraid of losing him...when he would die just to be with her...then he kissed her very lightly on the lips and told her to think about it...then he moved over to Kim and Johnny and decided to play a little game of Go-Fish with them both and the winner would get the peanuts.

Klayton was walking down one of the corridors of the shelter where none of us have been before...and checked the surroundings...he found two large trunks full of stuff...blankets, pillows, and clothes for men and women...and even some kids clothes...he pulled them to the doorway and told himself on his way back...he would take those to the group...but when he got further down the got dark...and moist...he reached for his flashlight that he carried everywhere and noticed his feet were getting wet...he turned on the light and checked the floor out...and saw a very silent danger slowly moving in closer to his group...the water wasn't leaking from was seeping from below...and it was slowly rising...the quake must have split the floor that was holding the ground water...and it was looking for a new place to go.

Klayton quickly ran back toward the two trunks and drug them back to the group to tell them the bad news...and to really start rushing with the digging...or we would all be drowned...within another week the water would be at our doorstep and coming in with or without our invitation. Criss was the first one to notice Stoney coming thru the doors with two very large trunks dragging behind him...but Kc was the first one too him and not only made it to his arms and knocked him on his ass and over the trunks...kissing and hugging on him...telling him how sorry she was for avoiding him...then slapped him and told him never to walk away from her like that again without kissing her goodbye first.

Kc changed the subject very quickly when she saw his ankles down was all wet...and asked what he got into...Klayton kissed her and said he loved her...then tossed the two trunks into the center of the room...then told everyone that he had some bad news to share...everyone became extremely alert as Klayton told us all about the silent danger that was slowly moving higher and closer to us all...and their was no stopping it...Criss asked if it was coming from the ceiling...but he shook his head no...and said it was coming from the ground and seeping a slow but very steady pace...and within the next week or so it would be right at our door.

JD and Costa ran to the hole where they were digging and said they were going at it again...because that was something none of us wanted to get stuck in...rising water with no way out...Rachel ran after her husband and said she wanted to help...because drowning wasn't her number one choice to die from...she was deathly afraid of it...Costa was up in the hole digging...then handing the bucket of dirt and rock to JD...then Rachel would dump it out...and hand the empty bucket back up to them...for as long as they all took turns digging...they thought they would at least be halfway there by now.

Dimitra called everyone to eat...then ordered her boys to take a break and rest...because they would be of no use if they wore themselves out all at everyone went to sleep early...except for Kc...she got up and went to the hole and began to dig on her own...until Klayton got up and went in there to help her...after her thirteenth bucket...her phone began to make dinging noises...she looked down at Klayton and told him with a smile that she was getting a phone signal!! 

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