Three-(Dimitra's p.o.v.)

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As soon as I got the phone call from the hospital from Vegas saying that my little boy was finally awake...I was rushing thru the house trying to get my other two boys we could leave on the next flight out to go see him...Costa was on the phone talking with Klayton telling him that Criss was finally awake...and that they were getting ready to head to the airport if he could get JD up from the bed...because he hasn't been doing to well since his harsh divorce from Lynn...especially when over a minor technicality she managed to win full custody of their daughter Dimi...and he's been not the same since then...Klayton said alright and that he'd be there in a couple blinks of an eye...because he wanted to go with us.

I scurried into JD's room and shook his foot that was hanging off the bed...and told him that he needed to get ready if he was going to go with us to Vegas to see Crisstopher...JD grumbled a little bit...but rolled over and said out of pure spite from his loss...that his little brother wasn't the only one suffering and going thru a major crisis...and his loss was just at great or even more damaging than him being in a hospital halfway healed...and going to be fine as soon as he went thru physical therapy...then he pulled his head under his pillow...and hollered that he lost his wife and his daughter...and his fucking home all in a matter of two weeks!!...and he wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for someone else...or go anywhere!

I looked down at my oldest boy and slapped him on his ass...and told him that I was very disappointed in him! That he had no right taking his loss out on his little brother that went thru a terrible accident and could have died!! Then I sat down on the bed next to him and told him that he's never acted that way in his life...with such hatred and resentment to his little brother...and that his emotional loss was turning him into a monster...JD rolled over to face her and slowly sat up and put his arms around her and apologized...then cried in my arms and said he just really missed his wife and daughter...and his life that he had...then he jumped out of the bed and quickly got dressed and packed a small travel bag...and gave me a kiss on the forehead and said let's go see his little see how he's doing.

I scooted out of the room after him and smacked his ass and told him not to be that monster anymore...that we were all there for him during his loss...and he needed to be thankful that he still had a family that did love and want to be there for him...he gave me a smile and said he knew that...he just had a slight moment of forgetfulness...then added that he would never forget it again...and his loss would sooner or later turn him into a stronger and better man...and maybe in time...he would find someone to help him forget it. I pulled him down to me and kissed him on his cheek and told him that there was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't find a beautiful girl that would love everything about him.

Costa gave JD a hug then grabbed the bags and loaded them into the vehicle...just as I came out and got in the passenger seat...Klayton pulled up on his motorcycle and put it in our garage then tossed his bag in the trunk...and hopped in the driver's seat...and headed to the airport. JD fell asleep during the ride to the airport...Costa was staring out the window mindlessly. while I was talking with Klayton until he pulled up at the airport and turned the ignition off...and told everyone it was time to haul ass so we didn't miss our flight...Costa and Klayton grabbed the luggage...and I grabbed JD by his arm as we all semi-rushed thru the airport looking for the flight number we were supposed to be on...Klayton pointed it we went over to hand the flight attendant our tickets.

She quickly read them all and moved the chain off the bar and tossed our luggage on the escalating rack...and wished us all a nice flight...once we boarded the of the stewardesses placed us into our seats...JD sat with me...and Klayton sat with Costa...which was good for I could keep a close eye on my emotionally distraught son during the flight...Costa usually slept thru the flights without even breaking a snore...Klayton always took the window seat so he could gaze out of the window and think of amazing songs for him to write about...that and listen to his music player...and play PAC-MAN on his phone...he was such a big kid when it came to video games and Godzilla movies...but that was one of his fine qualities...that we all learned to love and adore...that and his wild hair.

I talked with JD until he leaned over and laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes...wanting to rest for a while...for flights really gave him jet-lag...before, during, and after the flight...I held onto my son's head and kissed him lightly on the forehead and told him that he would be time he would snap out of it...and he would be better than alright...because he didn't do anything wrong...that Lynn just had to throw her shit around...and after thinking about even pissed me off for being her mother in law for so long...and not knowing how she could do that to JD...after all he did was love her...and give her and Dimi everything they could ever want and need...but I closed my eyes...and tried to shut my mind off too...and shortly after that I fell asleep too.

We were finally landing when Klayton tapped us both gently telling us that we have reached our destination...and it was time for all the Sarantakos family members to be escorted to the hospital to see their youngest magical Sarantakos...which made me giggle sleepily...he helped me off the plane then as Costa and JD helped me into the cab...Klayton grabbed all our luggage and tossed it into the trunk...then hopped in too...then the driver took us to the Vegas Mercy Hospital on the  Southside of the Vegas Strip.

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