Seven-(Klayton's p.o.v.)

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I pulled up in the parking lot of the Luxor and helped Criss get moved up to his suite...then just as I sat him down...I told him that I talked to Sully about his visions and he believed them 110% and was getting his family and friends to the nearest shelter he knew of...then I paused for a second then told him that we all needed to get survival packs ready...and head over to the shelter as well...Criss looked at me for a while then asked me what if his visions were just nightmares and nothing happened at all...I gave him a cheesy grin and told him then there wouldn't be any harm done...or nothing to worry about.

Just as Criss laid down on the bed...there was a tiny knocking at the door...I looked over at Dimitra and told her that it had to be my godson tapping that lightly...Criss sat up and asked who it was...I raced to the door and opened the door and saw Johnny staring up at me with a huge smile on his face while holding his stuffed bunny...with Shaunyl standing behind him talking on her phone to some guy...I scooped my godson up and covered him with kisses...then held the door open for Shaunyl and gave her a slight peck on the cheek as she walked in and told everyone hello.

Criss came out and hollered for his little man to come and give him a hug and kiss that he needed them badly...I let Johnny down and he quickly scampered over to him and gave him a big squeeze...then he kissed him on the side of the mouth. Criss looked up at Shaunyl and asked her what she was doing here...that she and Johnny just left from here not too long ago. Shaunyl moved up to him and said she needed to talk to him in private for a while...and that she brought Johnny to stay with him for a while...while she figured out some personal business back home...and she didn't need to have the hassle with Johnny while she was trying to get her shit back in order. Criss nodded his head in approval and said he would definitely love to have his son with him...then he ran back out in the hall and grabbed Johnny up again...and added for her to take her time in settling everything...that he and Johnny would be fine.

Shaunyl dropped Johnny's bags then kissed him goodbye...then she gave Criss a hug and told him thanks...then she waved at all of us and raced out the door with Johnny staring blankly out the open door then looked over at me and said mommy go bye-bye...I gave him a little smile and told him yep that his mommy went bye-bye pretty damned fast...which made Johnny giggle...and it also made Dimitra pop me on the head for swearing with her grandson in the I put out my bottom lip and apologized to her with a big hug...after she accepted my apology...I went to Criss and told him that we still needed to get some kind of safety plan going...and get to that shelter and stay there even if it was just for a few weeks...that it was better to be safe than totally sorry later.

JD and Costa stood up beside me and shook their heads in total agreement...then added that it was even more necessary now that Johnny was with us. Criss sat back down on the arm of the chair...and said if only he knew what the visions were he could now how to get to a secure location. I went over to Criss and put my arm on his shoulder and told him I wish he knew too...I looked over at my godson who was looking up at me with very heavy eyelids...I knelt down and lifted him up and told him as I kissed his forehead that someone was sleepy...from that long plane ride...then I told him not to worry about it...that after I got off a long ride like that I had major jet lag too.

I stood up with him and carried him back into Criss's bedroom...and laid him down on the bed and covered him up and before I could tell him night...he was already asleep with his bunny tucked under his arm. I smiled down at him then slowly stepped backward out the door...and closed it lightly...Dimitra was standing next to me...and asked me why I never got married and had kids...because I would make an excellent daddy. I chuckled at her a little and told her that I never found a girl crazy enough to want my silly ass. Then I added that all the girls I was wrapped up with at times...just wanted to party...and not have a serious relationship...Dimitra gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me not to worry that there was a girl out there for me...and when I found her...she would never want to let me go.

I gave her a deep sigh...and asked her a little bit comically if she could tell mother nature and father time to hurry up with this meeting so I could have her already...because I was tired of waiting...she just grabbed both sides of my face and told me that it would happen...and I needed to be patient and stop rushing it...I gave her a pout and folded my arms and told her patience wasn't one of my virtues...she put her hands on each of my shoulders and led me down the hallway and told me that I needed to make it one...then she gave me a playful kick in the ass and told me to get in the living room and sit we all could put our heads together and figure out some kind of security for something terrible that may or may not happen.

We all sat around Criss and listened to everything that he saw in his visions...but even after we all listened very intently we couldn't figure out what the cause of the disaster could be...whether it was a terrorist attack...or some natural disaster...none of us could figure it we all went to bed thinking that it would be a peaceful night...but was I wrong...around 2 a.m. I was running into Criss's room holding onto him from his nightmares...he looked up at me covered with sweat and tears...telling me over and over again that it was going to be an Earthquake!! In Las Vegas!!

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