Fifteen-(Klayton's p.o.v.)

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As soon as the initial excitement was over with in our safe return...I told them the bad news that I found out about being buried alive from the quake...that the upstairs wasn't a way out anymore...and by the looks of the sedimentary rock that was up there I would guess that we were all buried at least 8 to 9 feet under the surface. Criss and the others stood there to let my words sink in...then came the panic from everyone...I told them all to shut up...and instead of try and think of a way to get out...Criss looked over at me and asked if I had an idea.

I gave him a slight smirk and said hell yea I had a plan...that I didn't live this long to die now...I told him where Kc and I came from...was a very secure part of the shelter...and that we also found a huge food pantry down there...where we could all live happily for a long time...beens we had electricity...and air. Sully patted me on the back and asked how that was going to help us get out...Klayton looked right at him and said it wasn't...but while the ladies all had a secure place to guys could be up those stairs digging our way out to the surface just like Criss did on buried alive...only this time there would be a lot of guy taking turns to dig...back and forth at a sideways angle just like ants and other critters do when their burrowing their tunnels...that way the dirt above won't collapse on top of us.

Costa jumped right up and said he would take the first turn to dig...but I told him that there was no hurry to do this...because it was going to be hard...and it was going to be a hell of a lot of work...and for the most part somewhat dangerous...Costa shook his head in agreement and said we should all go down to that secure place Kc and I found so we could set up a permanent camp...and maybe get some good food...I smiled at them and asked them what they all thought of having a nice cooked meal this evening...because that's the exact kind of food they found. As soon as Kc showed them the way Dimitra scampered around the massive room in sudden spry happiness getting ready to prepare a meal for everyone...Johnny was in the left corner playing with some old toys that Criss and Klayton found.

Sandy actually started to calm down from her claustrophobia since we brought her to the huge room we found...I was sitting down in between Costa and Criss listening to Sully jabber mindlessly about absolutely nothing important or interesting...while I was ogling Kc from the other side of the room...then I turned to my loving brother and asked him if it was wrong to want her body wrapped around me in every way humanly and inhumanly possible...Criss looked at her and snickered a little bit and said he's thought that about her and one other many times already...I looked at him and told him he'd better start thinking about the other one instead of her from now on...because she was so mine.

Johnny stood up and scampered over to Kc and sat in her lap while playing a silly hand game with her while she was talking to Kim...Kim was talking to her about Criss...and that she totally adored him...but since she and I made it back to the group...he's been doing nothing but staring at her...Kc put her hand on her friends shoulder and told her not to worry about it...that she cared very deeply for Criss and thought his little man was the most adorable thing ever...but she had her heart already spoken for...then she looked right over at Klayton and gave him a slight smile then amazingly blew him a kiss...Sully reached out in front of Stoney and pretended to grab it...Stoney grabbed him and held out his hand for him to give it to him...he handed it to him...then Klayton blew her one back...Kc caught it and put it in her pocket...then tapped it lightly. For now instead of just a one way flirting...they were flirting with each other.

Criss at that moment knew he didn't have a chance with he took it like a man and walked over to Kim and asked her to go for a walk with him...just for some exercise before it was time to eat...she smiled up at him and said sure...then he gave Kc a nod of understandment and asked her if she would watch Johnny for him until he came back...she looked up at him and said she would be happy to...beens he was already clinging to her and over half asleep from all his hard playing he did today...but instead of staying over in the corner alone...she stood up and carried him over to where Klayton was sitting and plopped down beside him and leaned on his chest and took a nap with him and Johnny.

Criss took Kim for a nice little walk...and remained silent for quite  a while...then touched her face and asked her if she would be his girl...Kim gave a slight squeak and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a little smooch on the lips and said it was all she's been dreaming about ever since they were locked down their in the shelter...Criss smiled at her and said it was strange...because he was thinking the same thing...then they wrapped their hands together...and walked leaning against each other back into the main room...where everyone was just now getting served with a very nice hot meal...Kc already had Johnny sitting down beside her and helping him eat...with Klayton sitting right behind her and eating off of her plate.

JD was sitting alone with Rachel...eating while holding hands...Costa was sitting with his new love interest...I looked around and noticed that even though we were trapped underground with limited was a close knit group that treated each other like was a very good feeling to have...Kc got up and handed me and Kim a plate of food then we both sat down beside them and ate and relaxed in peace.

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