Two-(Criss's p.o.v.)

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When I woke up that morning, I was surrounded by doctors and nurses...but not the one I talked to...they were all reading my files and medical history...and talking amongst themselves...until they noticed I was awake...the main doctor looked at me and welcomed me back...then asked me what I remembered...if anything at all...I laid there for a moment trying to remember anything...but all I could tell them that other than knowing the time of day...and who I was...and where I was...I don't remember anything about what happened.

The doctor gave a smile and said that it was good that I knew who I was...and was aware of my surroundings...for that meant that I didn't have amnesia...then he did a few mind tests on me like adding, subtracting, phone numbers, addresses, and friends and family names and birthdays...after I passed all that with flying colors...came the physical part of it...they asked me if I could move my fingers and follow their finger with my eyes without moving my head...and that kind of stuff...which moving my toes on my leg...and my fingers on my right arm were a little sore and tricky beens they have been in a cast for I don't know how long...since I've been in a coma for over a month or so.

The doctor grabbed the blood pressure tester, and his stethoscope and gave me the regular checkup...once he finished he said I was alright in that area...I looked down and noticed the catheter...and told them I wanted that damn thing out right now...then I looked up and changed the subject again...and asked if anyone has called my family let them know that I was awake...the doctor looked at his chart and said that if anyone had called them...they didn't right it down that they did...then one of the other nurses asked me if I would like her to...I gave her a slight smile and shook my head yes to her...she nodded in understandment...and left the room instantly to make the calls.

The next test was going to be a psych evaluation to see if the extensive trauma to my head...caused any unnatural psychological I went very slowly thru all the questions with a sophisticated lie detector tester attached to me...and answered their crazy ass questions with the best of my abilities...amazingly I did excellent on it...but then came the question about if I'd experienced anything unnatural since I woke up...I looked down and thought if I wanted to say something about it or not...but with the lie detector still attached to me I told them that I had three very troubling visions...that were extremely disastrous...and a lot of people dead and dying...but they stopped after the skeleton shift nurse put an injection in my IV...they stopped and I finally got to sleep without them popping back up in my mind.

The doctor removed the lie detector from me and said that was perfectly normal for a coma patient to experience scary nightmares/visions after just waking up...then he wrote something down on his clipboard and said with a smile that I was just fine...and in another 3 to 4 days the leg and arm casts could be removed...all the doctors and nurses left the room with all the machines and papers they had on me...then the doctor left the room...just for another guy come in telling me that he was a nurses aide...and he was sent in by one of the nurses to tell me that they got a hold of my family and that they would be down as soon as possible to see me...then he changed the subject and asked me if I could use a bite to eat.

I looked up at him and said I was starving...and could use a lot to eat...he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up and said he would be back shortly with a hearty breakfast and some orange juice for me from the kitchen...I thanked him as he walked out...then just to make the wait a little shorter feeling I decided to close my eyes just for a moment after all the different testings I went thru first thing this morning...but as soon as I did...another troublesome vision hit me full wasn't a very clear image but by the feel of it...I knew it was bad...and this time when I snapped out of it...the nurses aide was standing over me with a rag on my nose...trying to stop my nose bleed.

I sat up and held onto the rag so he didn't have to and after a few stopped...and he made sure I was alright before he handed me my breakfast...then he offered to stay in with me until I was done eating...but I told him only if he wanted to. He chuckled at me and said it was better than walking up and down the halls waiting for someone to call on him cleanup while I ate slowly...he told me about all the little things that happened while I was asleep. Which wasn't much at all...the biggest news that happened while I was in a coma was a plane crash that went into the ocean from a terrorist attack...but luckily the bomb detonated prematurely...and there were no passengers on the flight...and the pilot managed to get out with only minimal damage.

I was finishing up my glass of I told him that was a good deal...and lucky...he laughed and said yeah very lucky...and the best news yet was the terrorist was caught...and in prison facing two life sentences without the possibility of parole...just to show them that the U.S. doesn't tolerate any acts of terrorism...I thanked him for the food and the his 2-way went off telling him that he was needed in room 304...he took my tray and said he'd talk with me he rushed out the door...I laid back down just for a minute when two head nurses came in and said they were there to remove my catheter...I blushed a little bit...but I just laid back...and put my good hand over my eyes and laid back as they took it out of me...which hurt like hell...but I didn't let them now it.

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