Fourteen-(Sully's p.o.v.)

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After a few hours of complete sleep...I was rudely awakened by a slight rumbling sound that was coming from above sooner than I jumped up and hollered at Criss...he was up and shouting at everyone to move out fast!! Kim was holding onto Johnny giving Dimitra a break from it...when some of the ceiling gave way...but I got them out of the way just in time. Criss ran over to both of make sure they were OK...then told us all that we were no longer safe in that room...and we all needed to move on. I went over to Sandy and helped her up and walked with her thru the next few rooms trying to find another secure place...but I was getting restless...and told Criss that I was going to move on ahead of the see if I could find a way out...without waiting on the entire group. 

Criss told me he didn't think it was a good idea...but I slapped him on the back and said I'd be back before he knew it...hopefully with some news. Sandy didn't like it but I kissed her deeply and told her to stick close to Mama D and she would be just fine. I followed the hallway further down...and began searching in the rooms...after searching in four different rooms...I thought I finally caught a decent break when I located stairs that would lead us upstairs...and hopefully to an exit...but I didn't want to go into unknown territory without the others just in case something went I made it back to the group...and told Criss about my findings and that it was hopefully a way out of the shelter.

Criss told me to take him to the stairs so he could see for himself...while the others took a break for the ladies in the group were very tired and so was Johnny again because he was having a blast playing explorer. So I took him thru the three rooms...then to the door that had the stairs going up...but unlike being enlightened like it was down where they were was pretty dark...with no signs of light...which was extremely strange. Criss had a slightly bad feeling about going up there...but also knew that it was probably the only way out as well. Criss looked at me and said we would rest another day then he and I would slowly and very cautiously take a look up the stairs before we took the others up.

I shook my head in total agreement...just in case it was impassable...or too dangerous for them. Criss and I walked back to the group and said we may have found a way out...but we wouldn't know for sure until we slept on it...then he and I would take a better look at it without them...just to make sure it was safe...Kim went up to Criss and handed him a bottle of water...that they've been sharing...Johnny was sound asleep on a pallet next to Mama D and Sandy. JD and Costa both went up to us both and asked if we heard anything lately...because a few times they thought for sure they heard someone laughing earlier...but it was no one from the group...Criss and I said we weren't laughing. Criss brightened up and said that Stoney and Kc must be alive!

Criss ran over to his brothers and asked where and when they heard the he could go in search for them...Costa grabbed him very quickly and said due to the echoes there was no way of knowing where they were at...and how long the echoes traveled. Criss tapped me on the shoulder and said he had to go look anyway...because he wouldn't take another step toward freedom without them anyway...especially now that they had gotten a signal from them letting them know they were alive. I just had to smile at my buddy for I never seen him so excited in a long time...until he got the news of his childhood friend and brother safe and laughing!! of all things.

So until Criss got his private search party out of his system...I hopped on the pallet beside my girl and took a slight snooze. A few hours later he came back empty handed and in full pout mode because he didn't find them...he dropped on the pallet beside Kim and closed his eyes as he lay down on her shoulder.

Meanwhile, back on the other side Klayton and Kc were making excellent that he let his leg rest up...he was good for another slightly long haul...and so was his silly perversion...he was teasing and taunting Kc the entire time...making her smile, giggle, and blush...until he got a little too dirty she turned around and playfully clobbered him...and told him to settle down...which would only make him chuckle. He wrapped his arm around her as they continued their journey...until they came across a room that had stairs traveling up...Klayton ran up to the door way...wanting to go check it out...but Kc pointed it out to him that there was no light...which was rather odd that the downstairs level would have light...and the upper floor not.

Klayton snickered and asked her if she was afraid of the dark...then added if she was he would protect her...she gave him a smile and said that it wasn't the dark she was afraid was what might be in the dark that has her nervous. Kc was just about to say something else...when Klayton placed his finger on her lips...and slowly reached down and kissed her very sweetly...then said he was hearing voices...down that hall...Kc brightened up and asked him if it was their group...he gave her a silly grin and said lets go check it as Kc went down the hall to where Klayton pointed out...he went up the stairs...and once he got up there and into the room he was shocked at what he was looking at.

Kc made it to the group and hollered at all of them telling them all how happy she was to see them all again...Criss was the first one too her and put her in a huge bear hug then kissed her...telling her how relieved he was to see her...then he looked behind her and asked her about Klayton...she gave him a smile and said he was just behind her a ways...Criss kissed her again and said thanks to himself while looking up. Stoney came up behind Kc and told Criss to leave his girl alone...and to give him a kiss instead. Criss and the entire gang jumped up and surrounded both of them...showing them all love for their safe return...then Stoney got very serious and told Criss and the others what he found out when he went up the stairs.

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