We Have a WINNER!!!

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"Lads! We got to go! We're on in an hour!" Paul yelled.
"Alright!" We yelled. I headed downstairs, and saw Niall sitting there. He was so cute... oh my. Rolling Stones shirt, back jeans, and a hat. Just then, the lads bounded down. We clamored through the mob, huddled around Niall, and slipped into the limo. We were announcing the winner over the radio at 5.
When we got there, we hooked up to headsets and we were live!
"Hi! We're One Direction!" We chorused.
"And we're here to announce the winner of our contest!" I said.
"We're so happy to say we picked a sweet girl who deserves it!" Niall says.

I'm listening, waiting for the winner in my new apartment with Jordie.
"The winner is a positive, sweet young lady, and we can't wait to meet her!" Liam says.
"And hopefully make a new friend!" Zayn adds.
"Juniper Elle Roque, congratulations!!" Harry cheers. Wait....
"Eeeee! June!!!" Jordie squeals. I hush her.
"We will DM you on Instagram so you can text us to work out our FaceTime." Liam says.
"We hope you are excited to meet us, because we can't wait to meet you!" Niall cheers.
"Bye guys!" They say. Okay. I officially freak out.
"Holy moly guacamole!!! I can't believe this!" I scream. Suddenly my phone beeps, and it's an Instagram DM from 1D! I read it out loud.
"Hey, Juniper! It's Niall. The lads and I can't wait to meet you over FaceTime! They're all talking their arses off at the moment, so I thought I'd text you. Where are you from?" I squealed, and typed back.
Hey Niall! I'm so thankful you guys chose me! I'm from a small town in Florida called Winter Haven.
Cool! We love Florida. The lads are listening now. We're wondering when you want to FaceTime to work out getting here.
Whenever you guys want to. I'm free.
Hey, it's Harry. How about tomorrow at 3? We don't have any plans.
Feel free to text us any time, Juniper.
Niall- 323-456-6360
Harry- 020-516-4657
Liam- 020-124-5680
Louis- 020-135-3579
(A/N: these are NOT their real numbers, so don't even start)
Thanks, so much guys! Call me June if you want, by the way! Bye!
Bye June! Can't wait to meet you!
Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Harry

The next day at 3 pm

Red jeans, white and black striped ringer t shirt, blue nails, hair down, black converse. I own a lot of converse. I was totally ready. My computer beeped, so I popped in my earbuds, and answered.
"Hi, June!" They said.
"Oh my gosh! Hi guys!"
"How're you today?" Niall asked, in his awesome accent.
"I'm awesome! You guys?"
"Good" Liam says.
"Nice" Zayn said.
"Amazing, now that we get to meet you!" Louis smiled. That is the most beautiful smile in the world. My Lord.
"Perfect" Harry said.
"I'm great, June. Thanks." Niall grinned.
"That's awesome! I have to fangirl for a minute, okay?" I ask, blushing.
"June, you said yourself you're a big fan. Go right ahead." Harry said kindly.
"Thank you." I said gratefully. I took out my earbuds and squealed, and they covered their ears. I giggled. "I love you guys so much, and I can't believe I'm meeting you!!!! Okay, I'm done." I giggle. They laugh with me.
"So, down to business. You need to come soon. When do you want to do that?" Liam asks. No wonder they call him Daddy Direction. He's very responsible. I smile.
"Honestly Liam, I'm free whenever. I recently graduated high school, and I'm putting off college for a bit to travel and work on art and writing. So when works for you?" I ask. Harry smiles again. They talk among themselves for a minute.
"Um... we're wondering if you want to come in a week? We'll pay for your ticket, but obviously bring money. Bring whatever you want, and we can't wait to have you." Zayn smiles.
"Thanks! I'd love to chat more! Unless you have to go...?" I say.
"No no no! We're free all day!" Louis says. "So we want to know more about you! So you have anxiety?" He asks. He bit his lip and played with his hair.
"Lou!" Liam says. "Sorry Juniper. If you don't want to.."
"No it's fine. Totally. What bout it Louis?"
"Well, I'm just wondering how often you get attacks, and what you do when you get them? If you don't want to answer...." he said quietly, looking a little ashamed. It broke my heart. I was completely comfortable doing this, so here we go.
"Louis, its fine. Any questions you guys have. You might need to know anyway. So I don't get them very often. If I get really freaked out or scared, I start shaking, get shortness of breath, am overcome with dizziness, and my heart starts racing. To stop them, just having someone sit and talk to me helps. It stops after a few minutes. I have an inhaler I keep, so you don't have to worry about it."
"Umm... okay." Louis says.
"I have a question." Harry says.
"Do you know why you have anxiety?" He asked shyly.
"I was wondering the same thing..." Niall whispered.
"I do. It's hard to tell people this, but I trust you guys. When I was 10, we lived in Maryland. My dad went off to fight in the war. I don't know which one. He fought terrorists. He was back after 3 years, and all was right. My dad worked for the FBI, and he was fine. He worked homicide. He was working on a case, when one night, my mom walked in around 1 am, and packed me a bag. I grabbed my phone, iPod, earbuds, and my stuffed bear, a gift from my dad, and we ran.  We got in our car, and went to stay with my grandpa about 4 hours away. My mom told me while we drove that my dad had upset bad people, and he kept us safe by sending us away. The next morning, the hospital called. My dad had killed the men, but they had killed him as well. They relocated us to get us away from the memories. We moved to Florida, and I started panicking before tests, dates, you name it. Yeah, I know why, and I won't forget." I said, a tear rolling down my cheek.
"June... we're so sorry. I didn't want you to relive that..." Harry said quietly. I think he was crying. Actually, they all were. So was I.
"Harry.. it's fine. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have. Don't feel bad. Now do you want to know anything else?" I ask, recomposing.
"We have a question." Zayn and Liam said.
"What do you want to know, guys?"
"Well... what was the worst attack you've had?" Zayn asked.
"If that's okay with you?" Liam said quickly.
"Guys. It's. Fine. Okay? The worst attack I've had was in 11th grade. I was about to give a presentation worth half my grade. I was first up, and right before class, I got so nervous I threw up, and hyperventilated. My older sister Tina found me and took me home. I never presented in front of the class. I waited until after school, and went in. I haven't had an attack that bad since. Being Valedictorian was a bad one, but not as bad as that."
"Holy shîtė, June!" Louis says.
"Yeah. That's horrible. I'm sorry we asked all these questions." Liam says.
"Guys, everyone wants to know about it. You're fine. I promise. Here's the deal: you can give me the biggest hugs ever when I see you, okay?" They grin and nod.
"I was going to do that anyway, but I guess I could go better..." Louis said, and I laughed. I realized how perfect he was. We talked about what kind of clothes to bring, and about the ticket and things, because I made them wait until I was there to find out more about me.
"Guys, hate to end the fun, but it's ten here, and I have to get my ticket in the morning." I said.
"Juniper, its fine. Text us, okay?" Harry smiled.
"Yeah. We don't bite." Niall laughed.
"Thanks for everything guys. Talk to you later. Bye." I giggled. They waved, and the camera cut off. This was gonna be the best month of my life.

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