The Truth Comes Out

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I wake up, stretch, and look down at my sleeping wife. She's paler. Thinner. I shrug it off, she may just not have been eating enough because she's taking care of the boys, and we just got out of winter. So I head to use the loo quickly, and see her phone open and on, even after so many hours. I look. Just a quick glance.
'Ugly and worthless'
'Fake' and much more, which absolutely breaks my heart. Then I see she has hundreds of unread text messages, so I go ahead and open, just to see if it's anything important or something to use against her mother. And boy is it. Disgusting, evil, harassing messages from her mother, Jordie, and even unknown numbers are coming through by the minute. How long has this been going on? I need to find out soon, so I can figure out why it's happening, besides the recent news, and how the hell we can stop it. I set the phone back down, use the loo, and head back to bed. At first look, June just looks tired. After seeing that, she looks like she's withdrawn herself from life itself. She looks like she hasn't eaten, slept, or done anything since she left us a month back. She didn't eat when we went down for anything either. This is a problem. And I don't know who to call, or to talk to. But I call the first people that come to my mind.
"Hey mum, hey Lottie." I say, after dressing, and going to the limo, kicking the driver out, and calling the two people who could help.
"Lou, babe, you look upset. Is everything okay? What the hell is up with the news about you boys and June?!" Mum asks immediately.
"Mum, I don't know what to do... she's starving herself.... I know it. You can tell when you look at her. She's getting harassing messages at all hours, day and night, and no one knows. I just found out this morning.. and I don't know what to do....." I spill.
"She's what? Oh my goodness!!" Lottie cries. "No, it's none of you business, girls. You need to go downstairs, please, and Daisy, get them some food. Leave the babies." Lottie says, turning around. "Sorry, watching the girls. Mum, how did you do this so many times?" Lottie groans. I muster a weak laugh.
"Luck." mum says. "Louis, you need to talk to her now. As soon as you get up to your room again, tell her to get dressed, and take her out and talk to her, okay? Help her." Mum advises.
"Bear, you need to talk to her. Make her feel loved. Okay? Maybe do a care package. Movie tickets, a new outfit, maybe bring one of the lads to help you with that, just show her how much she's worth. Sometimes, that's all you need. Bring back a happy memory of when you guys were worry free." Lottie suggests. "Call us if you need anything, but go now. So she doesn't get busy with the boys." she adds.

"Your sister is right. By the way Lottie, I'm working late. Good luck. I love you, LouBear. Tell us how it goes." Mum says, Lottie groans, and I end the call. I think that was the perfect thing to do. I go back inside to the concierge.
"Is there a park nearby?" I ask.
"Yes sir. It's about 1/2 a mile away. Here are directions." the man says, handing me a paper.
"Perfect. A walk is just what I need. Thank you." I say, and head upstairs to the giant suite quickly.
"Where'd you go to?" Harry asks. I shake my head.
"It's a very long story, I'm sure. Where's June?" I ask quickly.
"Bathroom. It everyth--" I don't let him finish, and head to the bathroom.
"Hey babe, can we-- oh my god!" I say, running over. There is a pill bottle on the counter, and a few have spilled out. I look quickly, and see they're for depression and anxiety both. Don't get the wrong idea. She's conscious, but she is holding a razor to her skin on her stomach. And there are new marks everywhere.
"Louis.... take it. Please." she begs, and I gladly do, holding her the whole time I throw it away and make sure there aren't more. 
"Come on, let's get dressed." I say, grabbing some shorts, a t shirt, and sandals quickly for her, and some jeans, t shirt, and sneakers for me. We both quickly change, and I throw her phone under the bed when she tries to take it.
"Don't even think about it." I say, and guide her to the door. "We'll meet you at the hospital, guys. See you." I say meaningfully to Zayn as we leave, pocketing my phone, and heading towards the park. Of course, we're spotted within minutes, and June, who seems to be a lot frailer than I first thought, clings to my t shirt, and smiles a little, but just enough.
"Juniper, is it true?!"
"Louis, what is this news about? Can we get a statement?"
"I'm so sorry, June. Men are pigs."
"You probably liked it, whore." and so many more disgusting comments shot towards us.
"Move." I growl, and we run into a crowd of teen girls.
"You guys are amazing! This scandal sucks!"
"Juniper, you're beautiful!"
"We can totally fix this! We promise!"
"Have a great day!" are all the amazing and uplifting things we hear passing through.
"Thank you so much guys! We love you, too!" I say, and June nods in agreement. I can still hear cameras clicking behind us, and I kiss her just so they can't print it unless it's in our favor, and I hear groans. My wife giggles, and I kiss her again, for our benefit this time, not for cameras.
"Okay. So you saw that, then....." June says quietly.
"No shit. June, I know pretty much everything. I'm pretty sure the only reason you eat is to keep the boys healthy, you're not sleeping well, you're getting rude anonymous texts all the time, and tweets, and messages, and you're cutting again, and you have depression and your anxiety is back, and you've decided not to tell me." I reel off as she starts crying. "I'm not going to lie and say I'm mad, but I am not going to lie and say I'm not extremely concerned." I say after a moment. I can see the park from where we're standing, and there are some trees and a trail, and a bench a ways down. "Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise I'm not mad, but I want you to talk to me about it, so we can talk about it, okay?" I add as we come to the trees, and make our way into covered area.
"Okay..." she whispers. We walk quietly over to the bench, and sit down, just as my phone buzzes. Damn it Haz!
Is everything okay? We are at the hospital, apparently Jamie is in the NICU. He wasn't breathing right for real. Liam is not taking it well. It reads. Shit. We'll get there as soon as we can. No, everything could be a lot better. I'll explain more later. I text back, shut my phone off, and put it away. June didn't notice, she was still crying so hard she was shaking. I rub her back softly.
"Hey, calm down a little. Breathe. You can tell me anything." I soothe. She slows her crying down to shaky breaths, and looks up. "Okay. Now let's start at the beginning." I say, still rubbing her back.
"Okay. Let's start simple. It's back. With depression, and worse than ever. Mom started texting me as soon as she could, sending out my number to all her friends who I didn't know, and threatening me if I didn't come back home, she was going to make me pay. Then real, nasty, scary threats were everywhere. They were threatening us, the boys, the band, everyone close to us. It's not like I'm a kid, there's no reason she would have wanted me back. They were slut shaming me left and right, how I was ugly, and so much more, and I don't know, one day, I just.... it happened again. And I didn't mean to at first, but it became a subconscious thing to read them, and feel like I needed to. I knew then and know now that it wasn't the correct way to handle things, but I didn't know what to do. Then, last night, as I got to the airport, she said she had given me time, and we were all going to pay. I didn't believe her, stupidly. This is all my fault. This news thing. It's all my fault." she says, and puts her face in my neck, and I feel her start sobbing again. "The only reason I've eaten at all is to keep getting the boys nutrients. And I'm eating minimal amounts even then. No one else knows. And I'd like to wait until we know everything is going to be okay with Liam and the babies until we go there." she says with force. I nod.
"Speaking of, I just got a text a few minutes ago. Jamie isn't doing well. He's having a hard time breathing again. Liam isn't taking the news well." I say.
"Listen. I will make you a deal. We can talk about this later, okay? But the most important thing right now isn't me. I'm a survivor. His son may be dying. Let's go." June says, getting up.
"You really are a survivor. Let's go." kissing my wife, and holding her the whole way to the hospital. Through fans and reporters and really pissed security, and then we went upstairs.
"Ni? What are you doing out here?" I ask, walking in with June, seeing him sitting in the waiting room.
"He won't talk to anyone. Not even the doctors. They made me leave. Only one person at a time right now until he's willing to talk. Zayn's about done trying, he's really upset. Harry's basically been crying since we heard about Jamie, so we sent him back to the hotel. Lou, you want to try next?" Niall asks. June hugs him, holding tight, and he doesn't look like he'll let go soon.
"Sure. Anything for you guys. Are they trying the twin therapy?" I ask.
"They're trying to stabilize him first. They have him on a breathing tube and.... and some sort of IV. I couldn't handle myself enough to hold tears and listen. She promised Char would be the first thing they brought in after he was stable. Liam is doing the concert tonight, if he talks before then. He wants to get out of his head for a while. We haven't even said anything about the twins yet. We just know they know we're in the hospital." Niall admits, as Zayn walks out. "They know he's here too. So they think either someone is dead or babies are being born early." he adds.
"He won't look up at all. He's looking at that picture we took of you 5, then looking at the time on his watch, and then back to the picture. Ni, I think he legitimately thinks Jamie is going to die. Which isn't going to happen." Zayn says.
"Okay. Do you want me to go ahead?" I ask.
"We can't leave him alone for too long right now." June says, and so I head in.

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