Coming Back and Making Announcements

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A few weeks later
June is calling today. It's her last call before heading off to college. She's told us about those people who she found who are most likely her long lost siblings. That's insane. We're really looking forward to hearing from her. I mean, it's her birthday tomorrow! She's asked for no gifts. She doesn't have anywhere to put them, in a dorm and all. We agreed. Liam's laptop pings, and we answer.
"June!" Niall says, bouncing more than a kid in a sugar rush.
"Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry!" She says, laughing and mimicking Niall. We all laugh
"Hey, love." Louis says, smiling.
"Hey, Berry." Harry grins.
"Hiya girl." I say.
"Hi, JuneBug. How's it going?" Liam says, chuckling from her act.
"Hey guys! I miss you all like crazy! Have there been anymore incidents?" She asks. She means Louis breaking down on TV two days after she left, and they mentioned not seeing her for a few years possibly. We talked with the guy after, and won't be on his show again.
"Nope. You'd know." Louis says, ruffling his hair.
"True. So, I LEAVE FOR COLLEGE TOMORROW AND MEET MY POSSIBLE BROTHERS AND SISTER!" She exclaims. We clap, and she play bows.
"So excited for you! You have to FaceTime when you get there!" Liam says.
"Totally!" She responds.
"So, how's the whole puzzle of the family going?" I ask. We're all wondering.
"So we've been trading details for the last week, and we've pretty much concluded if we look alike, we'll do a test and make sure. We think it's each other who we've heard about." She explains. We talk for a while before our private sessions. We all leave and she talks with us one on one before we say good bye as a group. Let's her and Louis get everything out of their systems so they don't go insane. And everyone gets to talk to her, instead of fighting for words. I really like the system.
"Have fun, guys! It's Liam's week to be first! He'll call you as I draw names like normal. See ya soon!" He says. Apparently we are banished.

"So, June, what's the status?" Liam asks.
"Oh you know, bi weekly attacks. 10 minutes long or so, and something's longer. Sometimes they come and go all day. Stress isn't good for me, but moving is stressful. I plan to have my signed poster of you copied and made smaller, so I can just put it by my calendar. All my signed things of yours, and my valuables are going in a storage space Dan and I are sharing." I say.
"Nice. Except the attacks. I'm a little worried. Niall and I have been fighting a lot lately." Liam confesses.
"Okay. What about?" I ask, immediately concerned. I know what fighting does to Niall. How upset he gets after.
"Not much. Occasionally I'm making a loud noise. And occasionally I make the food wrong. Small things, but he always apologizes. I don't know. He's also been kinda moody." Liam admits. I think of something. Maybe... but we'll see soon.
"He's probably just stressed. This tour is driving us all up the wall. Especially me. Management put me in charge of designing the tour bus." I say. He nods. Then, my timer dings.
"Who do I need to call?" He asks.
"Call the boyfriend of yours." I smile. He says bye, and a minute later, Niall walks in with nachos with ranch and queso. Nasty. Oh well. Possible cravings.
"So, how've things been?" I ask. I'm going to see what he says. I'll lead into it if I have to.
"Well, Liam and I have been fighting about the dumbest things. And I'm starting to gain weight. I'm honestly just freaking out over the smallest things. I wonder if it's stress for the tour in October." He says.
"Oh my god... Niall..." I gasp.
"What?" He asks.
"When was the last time you and Liam...?" I say, making motions.
"A few days before you left. A week before maybe?" He says.
"Niall... could you be pregnant?!" I ask. Before you flip out, male pregnancy is common. Everywhere. It's a natural thing. No one really cares. It's like a pregnant woman, but for males, it's harder on their bodies. That's it.
"You know what, that's probably it! Mood swings, cravings, the works." He says. "But Liam probably doesn't want to be a father, so I don't know know what I'll do." He says.
"Why don't you go to the doctors, and if the results are what we think, wait a bit to tell them. Okay?" I say. He nods.
"I'll make the appointment for tomorrow morning." He says, smiling. He really does love kids. We talk a little more before he has to send in Harry.
"Hey, Berry. How's it going?" He asks.
"Pretty good, since I get to see you all tomorrow." I say.
"The car will pick you up from your dorm a few hours after you land. You land at 2? It'll pick you up at 4." He says.
"Perfect. And keep them busy. No one else knows right?" I ask. He nods. "And I'm thinking take you all back to the dorm to help me unpack so we can be together. And meet my possible brother." I say.
"Sounds perfect." Harry says.
"So, Hazza. Any new ladies?" I ask. He chuckles.
"Only our millions of fans." He says. "Oh yeah! There'll be a guy with my video camera to capture us seeing one another." He adds. We chitchat a while before we have to go.
"Bye Hazza. See you tomorrow. I'll text when I land. Send in Malik for me, will ya?" I say.
"Sure thing. Bye Juneberry." He grins, and as he head out, I see Zayn stumble into the room.
"He shoved me into the room. I got my arm on the wall." He says. "So.. Vas happenin?" He says. I giggle.
"Not much. I'm heading to college tomorrow, and I can't wait. I don't think I'll call tomorrow, because I don't know when I'll be settled." I say. We talk a little, and he gives up his last 5 minutes for Louis, who runs in. I'll spare you the details of our conversation, in case of young ears, and because a lot of you won't understand. Basically just talking adult. I'll put it that way. Then, the boys file in. Niall is still grinning. I get a text.
Nialler: I took a home test and it was positive. But they're wrong sometimes. I also made an appointment for high noon tomorrow
June: That's great! Talk about it later?
Niall nods.
"So, I've gotta go finish packing the boxes. Then I'm headed to bed." I say. That's a lie. The boxes are packed and shipped. I'm sleeping in a hotel near the airport.
"Okay. Bye, babe." Louis says.
"See ya, Juniper." Zayn waves.
"Bye, JuneBug." Niall say. Thank you he mouths. I nod.
"Talk to you later, Berry." Harry grins.
"I'll go ahead and sign us out. Bye June. Talk to you soon." Liam says, and the camera shuts off.
The next morning
Phoenix wakes me up at 4:30, and I get up immediately with butterflies. I have my outfit in my carry on bag. It's a aqua colored Soaring U v neck I bought online, and my light blue skinny jeans and black strappy sandals. My hair is in a black cloth headband, and I'm wearing mascara and lip gloss. Then, Phoenix comes out wearing a floral romper, tights, and sneakers. She looks great, and I tell her.
"Thanks! Now come on! We leave in 2 hours!" She says. I squeal. Then I get a text from Niall.
Nialler: Guess who's pregnant?
June: Niall that's awesome! Congrats, daddy!
Nialler: thanks Bug. I guess you have to get moving. I'll talk to you later.
June: okay. But remember, maybe wait to tell Liam and the boys. Maybe if we do it over FaceTime, I can record it?
Nialler: okay. I'll let you. Luv ya.
June: bye Niall. Bye baby Horan-Payne.
I head out the door with Phoenix, and in 90 minutes, we're on the plane.
10 hours later
I slept most of the flight, and when I look, Dan said he'd meet me at my gate. I text him to tell him where to be, and then, the captains says we've landed. I head off with Phoenix. There's Dan. Yup, he's my brother. He has the same hair color and texture as me, and he has my eyes. And nose. His mouth and ears and face shape are different though.
"Juniper?" He asks me. I nod. He hugs me.
"It's great to meet my probably brother!!" I exclaim. Phoenix gives us our moment and goes for our luggage. We hug and then kinda look at each other.
"Here it is! Our dorm!" Dan says. I've told him I'm leaving soon, but I wanted to meet my family first. They are aware of me. Who I am.
"I can't wait!" I say. We head into our room, where my stuff is on my side. And on Dan's side, there are 3 people.
"Hi, I'm Juniper. But you can call me June." I say. The older woman, who has blonde hair and brown eyes, and is reasonably tall, his mom, hugs me. Then, Harley, his sister, hugs me. Ron kisses my cheek. We all catch up as I go through my stuff. The first thing I do is put my blue sheets on my bed. They remind me of the sky. Then, I unpack everything except for a few boxes with big or valuable things. That's going to the storage space we've rented for the next few years. Then, I get a call.
"Juniper Roque? Your car is here." A voice says.
"On my way." I say. I hug everyone bye, and Dan explains as I leave. I get in the car, and it's the driver from Lou and my day.
"Hey Kate! Been a bit, hmm?" I ask.
"Yup! Good to see ya, Juniper!" She says. We chat the whole way.
Hazza: Hey. I saw a car pull up. We're upstairs. Camera guy, Rod, by the door.
JuneBug: K see you in like 2 minutes.
The butterflies are building. I meet the camera guy, and he presses play. I knock.
"Coming!" I hear. Liam. The door opens, and his jaw drops. Then he smiles so wide his face may break. "June!!" He says, hugging me. "Louis will never let you go again." He says.
"Who's... June!" Zayn says. Liam moves and Zayn and I are hugging.
"Miss me?" I ask.
"How could I not?" He smiles.
"June? What?" Harry says. He's so faking.
"Shut up Styles. Just give me a hug. You helped." I say. Then Harry's hugging me so tight it almost hurts.
"You have no idea how upset Louis is he can't be with you today." He whispers.
"Well.. here I am. To stay." I say.
"Who's that, guys? June!" Niall gasps. Then we're hugging.
"I can't believe I'm pregnant." He whispers.
"Me either. I'm so happy for you. When do you wanna tell them?"
"Tonight at your birthday dinner." He says. I nod.
"Wait, lads, who's--" I hear. Niall lets go. It Louis. He sees me, and starts crying. He runs over and kisses me.
"Happy Birthday, love. You have no idea how happy I am you're here." He says.
"Wait... why are you here? Not that it's a bad thing?!" Liam asks. I explain.
"Surprise!" I say. I explain the situation. They all look at Harry
"You're welcome." He says. Louis smacks him playfully. We laugh, and the camera stops, and they all put on shoes and we head back to my dorm.

It's June's birthday dinner with us. She and her whole family are having dinner tomorrow. It's home cooked, so we told her to dress casual. She decided on a floral knee length dress and blue leggings and converse. She knows tag is in the cards. We talked while she did her hair.
"So you're gonna tell them?" She asks.
"Yeah. As we sit down. Get it done. I can't tell if it's morning sickness, or nerves, but I swear I'm going to throw up." I say. Who ever called it morning sickness didn't know what they were talking about. We're honestly just ordering pizza, and Harry and Lou are making a cake. Well, actually, from what I saw, Harry is making it, and Louis is making sure everything gets taste-tested.
"Everyone! Dinners here!" Zayn says. June finishes her hair and hugs me.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Yup. Let me grab something, and I'm ready." I say. I run to my room and grab an ultrasound picture with 'CONGRATS DADDY!!!" written on it. I'm giving it to Liam when we sit. From there, I'll let the bombs detonate themselves.
"Okay, Niall's weird pizza, our 3 pepperoni and bacons, and a cheese in case." Liam counts off. Oh god I hope this goes well. I get my pizza and drink, and realize this'll be the first time I haven't had alcohol at dinner in a few weeks. That's gonna raise some eyebrows. But not for long. As soon as everyone sits down, I get a wink and a nod from June. I stand up.
"I have to tell you guys something. Something big." I say.
"Everything okay?" Liam asks.
"Well, you tell me." I say, sliding the picture over. He looks at it, then he looks at me.
"What?" He whispers.
"Is that okay?" I ask. He can't even speak. He nods. His grin is so wide, his face is about to split.
"What's up?" Louis asks. June smiles knowingly.
"Well... you're all gonna be uncles!" I say.
"Oh my god WHAT?!?!!" Harry says. They're all jumping and cheering, and I'm crying(stupid hormones), and then everyone's crying. Once the shock wears off, I'm bombarded with questions.
"How far along are you?"
"Will you want to know if it's a boy or girl?"
"When can you find out it's a boy or girl?"
"When will you start to show?"
"Okay okay okay. I'm about 6 weeks. I don't know if I want to know. And it'll be about 4 months before I can find out. I'll show in about 2 months." I say. There are more, but they're stupid. Most asking to names the baby after them.
Later that night with Liam, we lay in my bed, and just talked.
"So, you're really okay with this?" I ask. "If you don't want to-"
"Niall James Horan. Shut up. I'm totally fine with becoming a dad. As long as you want to be one too." He says. He can always calm me down.
"I'm so excited. 7 and 1/2 months, and we get a baby. Until then, we better enjoy time to ourselves." I say.
"Well I'm going to bed. Night, love, night little love." Liam says, kissing my flat belly. I laugh, and fall asleep too.

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