The Big Day

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By the time I get to the brides room in the church, I have just enough time to put on my dress, touch up my hair, and then we have to get into the lineup.
"Knock knock!" Asher says from the door. "You look lovely, sis. Louis' jaw is gonna be at the floor." He jokes. I hug him best I can.
"I know." I say, boasting playfully. "But I honestly can't wait to see him. He's technically already my husband, and I miss him." I say. He nods.
"That makes sense." He tells me. Just then, Lucy pokes her head in.
"Hey, guys. Shut up and listen for the music. We go down the aisle in two minutes, and you're right behind us." She says. "Good luck." She adds, closing the door.
"Deep breath, June. You got this, girl." I breathe as quietly as I can. I hear the music and know Louis is headed down the aisle right now. The music changes. Asher looks over at me.
"Don't stress. This is gonna be amazing." He comforts me. I nod, smiling. The music changes one more time, and I hear the girls move. And here it is. The doors swing open, and the bridal march plays. Asher and I take in the scene. It's so beautiful, lots of baby blues and deep reds and silvers draped everywhere. The girls are in knee length wine red dresses, and the guys are wearing matching ties to go with the dresses. I look around subtly, smiling at all the people I know, and feeling timid about all the people I will meet. Then, I finally look to Louis. Our eyes lock. I feel instantly calm, and I tear up. His dark suit, classic Louis bow tie, and smile are perfect. His hair, I could stand to run my hands through and mess up. I hate it. It's not him. And me. The pregnant woman. Enough said. I mean, that speaks for itself.
We reach the alter, Asher kisses my head, Louis takes my hands, and I put my veil behind my head.
"You look amazing." He breathes.
"You too. Not a fan of the hair." I say just as quietly. He shakes his head, and the camera men bear us nod, and I know we're live on Twitter. And my friends and family that weren't allowed to be at the ceremony here are most likely watching. And my mom. So I concentrate on Louis and the Reverend. We all do pretty good until the rings and the 'I Do's'.
"Louis William Tomlinson, do you take Juniper Elle Roque to be your lawfully wedded wife, to hold in sickness and health equally, until death do you both part?"(A/N I know they aren't the real vows, but I'm doing it because I like these.) I tear up as he says:
"I do." Placing the ring on my finger.
"And do you, Juniper Elle Roque take Louis William Tomlinson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to hold in sickness and health equally, until death do you both part?" He asks. I smile, placing the ring on his finger.
"I do." I say.
"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Louis Tomlinson! You may now kiss the bride!" He says. And we do. Cheers erupt, and we make our way to the ceremony out back.
The wedding party lines up for the next hour of congrats and greetings.
"Congrats, you two! I'm so happy for you!" One woman says.
"Juniper, this is Indina Menzel. She was in the movie Enchanted. She's doing another Disney Princess movie coming this winter." Louis says. We shake.
"Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming." I say. Next.
"Oh my lord. Blake Shelton. Nice to finally meet you!" I say happily.
"You too, darlin'! Congratulations, Lou! Mrs. Juniper, you are lovely, and I hope to see you two around." He says, letting the next person come.
"Okay, I am a huge fan of yours! Thank you so much for coming, girl!" I say to Shailene Woodley, most of the way through the party. She smiles, hugging me.
"Congratulations you two! I'm such a fan of yours, Juniper! Your art is amazing!" She compliments me.
"We hope to see you later! Thanks again for all the well wishes!" Louis says.
"Mary-Kate Olsen?! Wow, Yeah what a party!" Louis cries, about 20 minutes later.
"I'm so happy for you, Tommo! Juniper, congrats. From the way you talk, I think you got some soccer kids on the way!" She smiles. I nod.
"Oh you have no idea!!" I say, smiling.
When we finally say hello to all eight hundred and seventy-seven guests, we head to the large pavilion for some food.
"You doing okay, love?" Louis asks me.
"Yeah. Getting to need to sit for a few though. They've gotten heavy over the last few months." I say. We go and sit and eat. Then, we see people line up, and realize it's time for speeches and toasts. I'm relieved. I'll be sitting for longer than I'd thought. First up, Tina, my maid of honor.
"I've known June all my life. Through the easy times and the hard times. She's such a good person inside and out, but she's been through a lot. She was struggling when she won that contest. That contest may well have saved her. I haven't known Louis for as long as June, obviously, but in the several years I've known him he's taken care of June like no one has. It's so easy to see how he loves her. And if you don't see it, you are blind. Or in my mother's case, blonde." She says, pausing to giggle. My mother is a blonde, and there's that stereotype that all blondes are dumb(A/N: WHICH THEY ARE NOT. I AM A BLONDE, EVEN IF ITS HAIR DYE), get it? I giggle. "Sorry. No one understands that, just a little joke between me and the bride and our stepbrother. Anyway, he loves her so much, and she loves him. I mean, not even married, and they've got kids on the way! I can't wait, and neither can the world! Here's to Juniper and Louis Tomlinson!" She cheers, raising her glass. Everyone does too, and she walks back to her chair. And here come Asher and Dan. Oh. Shîtê. I'm screwed. This is going to be so A)Inappropriate or B) Embarrassing or C) BOTH!
"Hey everyone! We're June's brothers. I'm Asher, her step brother--"
"And I'm Dan, her half brother. Long stories on both cases. We're here to talk about Juniper and Louis. I met June around her 19th birthday, and she and I ended up working out over the phone we were related by our dad, who passed away several years before, I regret to say. But June and Louis, I've known for about the same time. I can safely say there will be no divorces here! They love each other so much, were practically clinging to one another when I met them. And I felt at ease seeing them together, unlike when my sister was dating anyone. I could kinda sense how good they were for one another. They would do anything for the other. Anyway, I have a wife, right? The other day, she asked me to give her a massage. I asked her why, and she simply replied that Louis did it for June." He says. We all laughed, even Amal.
"I was there. He did it about 10 seconds later. Anyway, I've known June for a long time. Almost-- oh she's 20 now... since she was a little older than 13... so that's--- got it! About 6 1/2 years. And Tina is right, she went through some hard times during those years. But when I came to meet Louis and the rest, first of all, I became best friends with Niall, because how do you resist? Second, actually met Louis. And I'll tell you here and now that most brothers would push their baby sister's boyfriend down when he sees him helping her downstairs. But somehow, I was okay with it. She was coming back from a little lightheadedness from about 30 minutes before. I saw them kissing, hugging, sitting together, and playing tag, tagging with kisses. Most brothers would commit murder after seeing that the first time they meet their sisters boyfriend. But I could sense they were meant to be. I think anyone could. So congratulations on the overdue joy that is your wedding, you two! Louis, you take good care of her." Asher says.
"To The Tomlinson Crew!" They both cheer, and everyone says it back.
Speeches are about done, and last one up is Niall. We smile and clap, and I shoot him a wink, because you can see he's nervous. I catch a smile from Liam, as he shows Dylan how Daddy is up there. He relaxes some, seeing all the support, and goes ahead.
"Here today getting married are my best friends Juniper and Louis Tomlinson! I've known Louis for years, and he's one of the most accepting, kind, and hilarious people I've ever met. Especially more so than Harry. Sorry, mate." He says as everyone laughs, most having heard at least one of Harry's awful jokes. "I've known June for what, almost 3 years? That's crazy! From day one, I just knew how amazing she was. And they got engaged in such an awesome way. So did I, though!I'm a little mad though. I mean, I was engaged first! They got no right to do it first!" He says, getting playfully upset. "But not that mad. I mean, my nieces and/or nephews would make it hard to be married for a while. I mean, twins?! Gonna be crazy busy. And the tour, and all that stuff. But anyway, I love these people so much. They can absolutely always pick me up when I'm down. Without fail. June has a heart of gold, and I could listen to her and Louis laugh with us forever. To Tommo and the Clan!" He cheers. We all clap, before Louis moves up to the mic.
"Time for the gender reveal! Out to the back, everyone!" He calls, and we all slowly move that way. We've lead the world thinking I'm having twins. We have two boxes. One has one helium filled balloon, and the other has two. We know everything, but we have to act surprised when two balloons float up. And the genders. Even Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and all the people who found out yesterday have to act surprised. Except Tina. She's 'the one who found out for us and set it up', since she can't act for anything. We just got the scan and left, according to the story we'll tell.
"Okay, everyone. Thank you all so much for coming and being a part of a day that Mrs. Tomlinson and I will remember forever. Another day we will never forget is the day the twins are born! So, we're doing a gender reveal Live on Twitter and Live Right Here before the party breaks up so everyone can go home. We'd like to thank Tina for setting this up. Now, according to the poll, half of you think it's a boy and a girl, 37 percent of you think it's two girls, and the rest think it's two boys. Well, here we go!" Louis says happily, as we move to the first box. A bright blue burst of confetti bursts out and a blue ballon floats up. We get to see this again, and it's like it's the first time. Louis almost cries, as do I. Everyone is cheering and clapping and smiling like fools. Simon honestly look like a proud father smiling at us. We move to the second box.
"And now, baby number 2! Let's see!!" I cheer happily. We open the box. Explosion of blue, and not one, but two blue balloons float up! It's the same euphoria we had the first time we found out we were having triplets, and the genders at once. Louis and I are smiling like idiots and crying tears of happiness, and everyone is gasping and shocked.
"What does that mean?" Someone yells out.
"Guys, this is so funny. I guess when the doctor told us multiples, we immediately though twins. Didn't even think triplets. Even though twins are on Louis' side and triplets and quadruplets on mine. So apparently we are having TRIPLET BOYS!!!!" I explain, cheering. The guests explode cheering. Then, everyone sits around chatting, and one by one, they all leave.
"Thanks again for coming, Lou and Lux. Love you two." I say, hugging them. Lux points to my belly.
"Bye baby! Thee!" She says. I laugh.
"Three babies, yeah!" Lou says. "Congrats again you two. Talk to you soon, I hope." She says, as she and Lux head home. It's getting to be around 10 pm, and Lux was getting really tired.
"About ready to call quits?" Louis asks me.
"Let's give it 45 minutes. Then we'll make a run for it." I decide. He nods.
"I'll let the lads and ladies know." He says, shooting a text on the chat. Just then, James Corden heads to the door. We slip over.
"Leaving already, mate?" Louis grins. He nods.
"Yeah. Wife's getting tired and I promised her a movie night. I thought I'd go so I can still sleep in bed tonight." He shrugs. I chuckle, and hug him, making the little boys kick. He pulls away.
"Wow! Those are some kick ball players you two have! Congrats, again." He says, heading out the side to his waiting car. The fans found out where we were and have gathered outside. So everyone is saying their goodbyes and slipping out every entrance we can find that they haven't. Several minutes later, we see that the last group has just left. It's just the wedding party now. So Louis and I get out the back silently and into our car with the rest of the group.
"That was one of the best days ever. Now, let's go home." Louis says. I nod into his neck where my head is.
"So, three boys, huh? I actually know what to buy a boy." Liam says happily.
"You weren't too bad with Dylan's stuff though." Niall admits. "And maybe we get extra lucky and land a little boy." He says. "Not that I don't love Dylan, but it'd be cool to have one of each." He adds quickly. Liam nods, bouncing Dylan in his lap.
"Dylan, do you want a little brother or sister?" He asks, smiling. He knows she won't answer. She hasn't said her first word yet. She just makes word-like noises.
"Speaking of words, Dylan, say Daddy. Daddy." Liam says.
"No way, Liam. Nice try. I birthed her, she learns my name first. We've talked about this." Niall says, kissing Liam on the cheek, and taking Dylan.
"Papa, Dylan. Can you say Papa? June, good luck with three of these!" He says, Turing to me after a moment, already exasperated.
"Luck!" Comes a small voice. We all turn to Dylan in disbelief. "Luck!" She says, pleased with herself. We all burst into laughter.
"And her first word was LUCK. Nice, boys." Zayn teases. "Hey, she's talking, right?" He adds in defense as they cover Dylan's eyes and flick a few fingers at him, making us all laugh more.
"Okay, Louis, speaking of first picks, that hairstyle on you is NOT mine. Here," I say, running my hands through his hair. He grins. "Perfect. Now that's my LouBear." I say, leaning against him. We've reached the house now, and we all go inside, and change out of our formal clothes into leggings, sweats, t shirts, no shirts, sports bras, whatever it is we sleep in, and say goodnight. I change into a long pink shirt and pink plaid flannels, and climb into bed with Louis.
"23, Dad of three little boys. Husband. Musician. Bandmate." Louis sighs.
"No one else I'd rather marry. 20, mother to three boys. Wife. Artist. Band groupie." I say.
"No one else I'd rather have triplets with." He says back, and we cuddle up and drift off to sleep.

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