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As soon as we get home, we change for Niall's doctors appointment. He and I are back in the car in a matter of minutes. But he had forgotten the treachery of stairs while you're pregnant. To do certain things at concerts at first, we'd had to use stairs.
"Ready to talk about all this, love?" I ask.
"Well, I mean I know we need to, but just the idea of any of it scares me." Niall admits. He takes my hand.
"Well, think of it this way. The more we talk about it, the closer we are to our little girl, hmm?" I say. Just the thought makes him smile. But you can see he's still nervous. He gives a small nod, and we pull up to the private clinic.
"Hi, Niall Horan here for a meeting with Dr. Green." He says. The lady behind the counter smiles.
"Of course, Niall. Go on in. He's waiting. He had a cancellation, but we knew about the trip." She ushers me in. He grips my hand and we walk in. Once we're inside, we're really excited, but Niall is obviously terrified, too. I kiss his hand, and we sit on the couch.
"Congrats on the little girl, lads!" Dr. Green says. We thank him, and then we're on to the real subject.
"So, we're here to discuss birthing options?" He asks. I nod, and Niall scoots closer. I wrap around him and get his other hand. He relaxes a little.
"Now, we have a few options. One, c-section. That's not as popular, because most men want to feel what a woman goes through. Another way is to numb your lower abdomen and make an opening. It will form a sort of birth canal, and you can push naturally. And before you ask, yes, you'll be able to get an epidural." He says. We ask him some questions, and after about 15 minutes, he leaves to give us some time to discuss.
"So what are you leaning towards, love?" I ask. Niall looks very nervous and on edge. He sits there, and I let him mull it over for a few minutes.
"So...?" I ask.
"I don't know. Both the options scare the shît out of me. I'm getting cut while conscious either way." He says. Yup. He's scared. I poke my head out, and tell him we're gonna need a while. He says to poke my head out when we're ready.
"Hey, listen. You're gonna be fine, love. I'll be right there either way. Oh, come on now. Don't cry." I say. Niall is now crying.
"Stupid... pregnancy.... hormones." He says. I hold him until he stops. "I'm not scared enough to cry, but the hormones jack up every emotion available." He says with a watery chuckle.
"Any thoughts?" I ask. He takes a deep breath.
"If I'm going to be cut open, I might as well do something. I'm not doing a c-section if I can help it." He says. I grin, and let the doctor know we're ready.
"Sorry about that. We were kind of on the fence." I say.
"So, Niall, how are you going to bring your baby girl into the world?" Dr. Green asks.
"I think I'm gonna go natural." He says. Dr. Green smiles and writes it down.
"I'll put it in your file, okay?" He asks. We nod.
"Alright, you're good to go! Have a great day, and we'll see you in a few weeks for your last check up before she's born." Dr. Green says, and we leave.
"I can't wait to be home again, and get the nursery ready." Niall says, grinning widely.
"Me too, Niall." I say. When we arrive home, June is there with Zoe, Jen, Jen's boyfriend, Dan, Amal, Ron, Ron's wife and kids, their sister, and her fiancée. Our parents and siblings are here too. It's a baby shower.
"I'm a party planner." Amal explains. We nod. Sounds about right considering the time they had.
"You never told me you were pregnant!!!" Mum exclaimed.
"I thought you watched the interviews?" I ask. "And I did tell you. When was the last time you checked your cell phone?" Niall asks.
"I don't even know where it is.... that's why we still have a landline!"
"Congrats on the princess, lads." Greg, his brother, says, sighing at his mom.
"Thanks, big bro." Niall says, hugging him. "Ooh! She's kicking! I think she's liking the attention." He chuckles.
"Oh my gosh! I wanna feel!!!" His mum squeals. Once everyone says hello, we realize this is acting as a meet, too. June has never meet any of our siblings. Right now, she's talking to Louis' siblings. I think she likes Fizzy and Lottie quite a bit. We spend some time catching up before doing some games. We play charades, and Guess Who? and just have fun.

Everyone is getting along famously, thank goodness. June and Lottie are really getting along. They're the closest in age.
"Time for gifts!" Bobby announces. We all gather around, and watch them open a high chair, bottles, bibs, formula, some clothes, toys, and a crib. Niall is almost in tears. Zoe looks very out of place. She doesn't look comfortable at all, and she looks very upset about something. When they start talking setups, I motion to Harry, and we take her into the other room.
"Are you okay, Zoe? You look very... uncomfortable." Harry asks.
"Yeah. I just called my boyfriend, expecting him to freak out because I was missing. The first thing he says is I owe him for doing this. I started yelling at him that he drugged me and dumped me through a window. He asked me if he was getting any for making this the best date ever. I broke up with him." She says, crying. I hug her.
"I'm so sorry. He doesn't deserve you. Why don't you and I go out to dinner sometime, to make up for him?" I say. Harry grins, and she looks like she's going to pass out.
"Of course. Thanks, Zayn." She says.
"Now cheer up! You may not know us very well, but we won't bite. Last guest we had, Louis kissed her 8 hours after she arrived!" I laugh.
"And I'm guessing, when the newest resident arrives, it'll only be a matter of moments for everyone to be kissing her." Harry says, and we nod. We head back out, where they're discussing names.
"Hailee? McKayla? Teagan?" Fizzy, another of Louis' sister asks.
"Alex, Victoria, Nikki?" Asks Maura.
"Janae, Samantha, Emma Lynn?" Phoebe asks.
"I think my favorites are Samantha, Nikki, and Teagan." Niall says.
"I like Alex, too." Liam says. We continue for quite a while, and add to the list Nikki Alex, Teagan Bryn, and Samantha Jane. Zoe and I cuddle up on the floor, earning weird looks from June. I smile and stick my tongue out at her and she knows to let it go for now. We spend sometime hauling things up to the nursery, and then everyone heads home except Maura and Bobby, Greg, Denise, and Theo(Greg and Denise's son). They're staying with us for a few days to help set up the nursery and other things.
Several days later
"So, we have a million little outfits, for you princess." Niall says. "Oof! She likes the sound of that, lads!" He laughs. So do we. We've just got to the car from shopping for baby clothes. They bought a lot of cutesy clothes, but Harry and I convinced them to get her a pink leather jacket. I still can't believe it. They made June pick her coming home outfit, and she picked a little onesie that says Hello World in gold letters, and bright blue little leggings. And a flowery headband. Niall literally squealed.
"We need to pick a nursery theme. And then pick a color." Liam says.
"Maybe just kinda neutral. Girly but not too girly." Niall says.
"Cute!" Harry grins. "Paint it a brown color." He adds. A few minutes later, they have the nursery planned.

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