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Louis is out of it completely. He broke as soon as we got back to the car. I'm surprised if he every comes out of that room. He's been up there since we got back. He's been having attacks on and off all day, and they're getting longer and harder. I don't know what to do to help him. None of us do.
JuneBug: Hey, Li. I made it back. How's everyone?
Liam: most of the lads are sitting around watching movies and moping, but Louis hasn't left his room. His anxiety attacks are getting worse.
JuneBug: Oh my god. I wonder if I called him?!
Liam: Give it a go.
JuneBug: I miss you guys so dâmn much. I found a friend though...
Liam: we miss you more... call him. Love ya.
JuneBug: Bye Payno. Tell the boys I send my love. And to look on the table.
Liam: Will do, sis. ❤️
"Hey, lads! June sends her love, and told us to look on the kitchen table...?" I said. They slowly got up, except for Niall. He was asleep. We trudged to the kitchen, and saw papers. They all had our names. We picked them up and opened them. Mine was a portrait of me and a note.
This month has been fantastic. The day I found out about the contest, I was wearing all black and I didn't care what I was doing or who I would be. I drew to escape emotions. I don't think I can ever thank you all enough. Because you saved me. From doing unthinkable things. You all got me going, laughing, loving, even when my own mother didn't. I think I know why you only have the one kidney, by the way! You're heart is too big. There isn't enough space for you to have two kidneys!! Woo hoo, I've solved the riddle! Tell the world! And I know I have amazing friends in you all no matter what. I haven't laughed this hard since I was 13. I've found myself and learned to laugh. I'll talk to you soon, Big Bro Payno.
With Love,
"Hey guys! C'mere and read these! From June!" I shout. Niall wakes up and stumbles into a chair, and Louis comes down. His eyes are red and he's trembling. Recent attack. They all pick up their notes and read them.

I have a note from June, along with a picture of me. She took it at the concert. Must've drawn it since then.
Hey Hazza,
I'm already missing you writing this, and I'm not even gone! I really hope you all enjoy what I've drawn. This contest is the best thing that's ever happened. I've gained 4 best friends/big brothers, a boyfriend, and learned so much along the way! I used to be anxiety riddled, getting severe attacks over nothing, and now I can say I have only had 3 attacks this month! I'll keep texting you about the thing we've discussed. Love ya, sass-master.
I love this so much. It's a piece of June to have with me. All the lads are in tears, reading theirs. I think it's just overwhelming. Louis is on Zayn's shoulder sobbing while Zayn reads his own letter, on the verge of tears. This has been one of our worst days.

So I'm realizing we all have notes from June, and they're all different, and I'm mentally preparing myself. Here we go.
Hey Malik.
You've guessed it's Juniper, like duh. You know, at first I was a little shy of you. You just seem very reserved and quiet. I wasn't sure how to handle someone like that. You reminded me of... well, me! But since then, you have definitely grown on me! And you may still be a silent one, but when you speak, or sing, every one listens. So use it. You are a brother to me. And, no, I don't have favorites, so don't text me asking. I know you, Zaynie. Anyway, thank you for the laughs and love. See you soon, I hope.
Peace out for now,
Okay, okay, I'm crying. Sorry, but I'm human, and who wouldn't cry after that? Really? Louis is already crying silently. But I swear, Niall's probably going to hyperventilate at the rate he's going with those cries. He's literally on the floor against the wall, sobbing. This sucks. Hopefully things get better soon.

Okay, this has officially been the worst day ever. I feel like someone died. I think Louis may have, actually. But I'm not going to say anything while he's in the room. Probably not smart. I'll wait. I go ahead and read June's letter.
Hiya Nialler
Howzitgoin?! Yeah, I'll imagine it pretty much sucks right about now. This is just something small to show how much I love y'all. You'll be happy to know it took me longer to do your eyes than it took me to do anything else on anyone else. And I know what you've told me about you. First, your laugh is lovely. Get #LLN or Laugh Like Niall trending. If a laugh could be my ringtone, yours might be mine. Or Louis'. I mean, really. Second, you have a heart of gold. I mean literal gold. How are you so light?! There are girls who care about your face and body. Liam doesn't, I don't, the boys don't. Especially Liam. I admit, it could be a contributing factor. Cuz you are pretty cute. But you're the one who says you love with your heart, not your eyes. Please. Remember, other people do that, too. We've done it with you. And last, you have the most amazing sense of humor. Sure, it can be dirty, but honestly, you're the least dirty of all of those insane humans you call band mates and best brothers. Point: you are the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful soul ever. Please always know that. Luv ya 4eva.
Later Nialler,
Your June Bug
When Liam puts a hand on my shoulder I realize I'm sobbing on the floor. Like, about to hyperventilate. I calm down, but I'm still crying. Then, Liam sits next to me. I look around to see Louis is sobbing, and in the middle of an attack to boot. This. Has. Been. The. Hardest. Day. We. Will. EVER. Have. For a long time.

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