Midnight Moving

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About an hour later


I sit and wait and sit and wait and sit and wait some more. I can't wait to see the babies much longer. But a nurse comes in a reassures me and Ni that we can see them soon. Everyone is out catching some sleep before the concert, including Niall. I'm not really that tired. So I'm left with my own thoughts. I check my phone. All this drama is killing me. It's not true. We would never do anything like that to anyone. I didn't even think people did that. Apparently they do. You know what? I'm not tired, but I think I need a nap to get out of my head for a while.
When I wake up, everyone is sitting around me bed. Even June. I smile sleepily and everyone waves.
"Hey baby. How ya feeling?" Niall asks. 
"Pretty good." I say truthfully. "What about you all?"
"We're pretty great. The nurse is bringing them in now." June reports.
"Oh my god, really?" I ask.
"Yeah. Any minute now." Niall confirms. I smile, hearing the door move open, and we all look. Jamie is wheeled in first. He still has a few tubes and IVs, and I can hardly bear seeing my little son like that. Charlie next, and she looks perfect. I take Jamie, and Niall takes Charlie, and we sit on the chairs next to my bed. I really did need an excuse to be out of bed, but the room is cold away from the blanket. Even in sweats.

"Here are some blankets for all of you. It's a little cold outside, and that makes it a little colder inside, too. And some blankets for the twins, as well." Dr. Andrews says. Once the babies are carefully wrapped, the nurses finally leave us alone.

"Well. That certainly took way too long, didn't it? We missed you, bub." I coo at my tiny little boy.

"And you, princess Jr." Niall adds to Charlotte.

"I princess!" Dylan says adamantly.

"I know, love. Charlotte is Princess Jr. That means she's a smaller version of you." Niall explains.

"Okay." Dylan says, content she still has her nickname, and sits quietly with her Uncle Zayn, who she's missed a lot, and quickly falls asleep.

"Miss Charlotte, I think you did an extraordinary job helping your little brother feel better. I think we have a nurse here, Li." Niall jokes.

"I agree. And maybe this one is a mattress tester. He sure enjoys his sleep." I joke back, glancing down at my 4 pound baby boy. He hasn't stirred once. I wash he would. I really wish he would. Reassure me. Charlotte is whimpering a little bit, which is making me feel a little better.

"They're so.. tiny." June whispers sleepily. She must have woken up recently, right be fore me most likely, because she's still adjusting to the light and noises.

"Yeah. They're really light, too. You wanna hold her?" Niall asks quietly. June is awake immediately. I suppress a giggle.

"Sure. There we go, little one." June says quietly, taking Charlotte, and holding her easily in her hands, but adjusting her in her elbow. "Hey, girly. You and your brother gave us quite the scare, you did." she says.

"Especially your brother." Zayn pipes up.

"Definitely you." I say, stroking Jamie's tiny cheek. "Ni, you want him? I'm going to use the loo." I say. Niall grins, and happily takes Jamie.

"Wow. You're a little lad, aren't you? Light as a feather, you are." Niall says. I go close the door to the loo, and just sit. I've been around people for a while. I needed some space. A few minutes later, I flush to fake them out, wet my hands, and walk out. Charlie has been passed around, it looks like, and Jamie has started making his rounds. They aren't moving him, though. They're all rotating seats. I go to the couch where Niall is sitting, and tuck my legs up under me.

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