Wedding Day

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A week later
June is taking us all wedding dress shopping. We're going to the place where they do Say Yes to the Dress, and everyone is so excited. June is picking two dresses. One for the private ceremony, and one for the 1000 person one. Yeah. 1000 and then there's going to be a party. And for that the girls are taking her shopping for that dress next week. Just then, she comes down in a simple pair of jeans, open shoulder top, heels, and carrying everyone's newest accessories, hat, sunglasses, and a trench coat.
"Hey, Lima Bean." She says. She's only just begun using that, but I don't mind too much.
"Hey, Berry. You excited?" I ask. She nods.
"I'm really worried what to do about the whole triplet thing though. I'm not too big now, but once I'm 6 months, I don't know what I'll do about the dress." She says. I look. She's gotten bigger in the last week. She looks four months, but she's really not. She's two months and a week or so. And she grows bigger every day.
"June, I don't care if you walk down the isle in what you're wearing now. As long as you're there and smiling, you'll look beautiful. As long as you become Mrs. Tomlinson, I don't care." Louis says from the door. She smiles. Just then, the whole party walks in.
"We gotta go, June." Zoe says. She looks to Louis.
"Go. I have a meeting anyway. Management." He says. He kisses her and everyone puts on their glasses, hats, and coats. We all head out into our cars. Dylan puts up a fit about a coat, so we take a large blanket. I wrap her in it as we leave the house, and she curls into me. We all take the long ride to the bridal shop in silence.
"Ooh...." I hear from beside me.
"You okay, June?" I ask.
"Um, yeah. I am. But I've been cramping heavily. It's like it's my time of the month. But Dr. Green said that would happen sometimes for the next few months." She explains. I nod, and she gasps again. I hand her the meds out of her bag. I see they're the anti cramping meds my mum used to take.
As we pull up, June's cramps disappear. We put our coats, hats, and glasses on again. She smiles as we walk in.
"Finally! I hate baseball hats!" Harry sighs. We made him wear one because the fedora attracted to much attention.
"I never thought I'd be here..." June breathes. I smile, and she takes Dylan as we meet the consultant.
"Hi, guys. I'm looking for Juniper?" She says. June steps up.
"Hi. That's me." She smiles, shaking the lady's hand.
"I'm Jayden. But call me Jay." She smiles. "Who do we have here today?" She asks. June's computer dings, saying that Dan, Amal, Tina, and Asher are on.
"Well, I guess they're all here now." June giggles. "Well we have my best friends, Lucy, Zoe, and Jen. Then my siblings, Dan, Asher, and Tina. And my sister in law Amal. Then we get to my goddaughter Dylan. Finally, my best brothers, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik." She says, and we laugh as Jay's jaw drops.
"Who's the lucky man?" Jay asks once the shock wears off, and she's guided us the the area June will be showing dresses.
"Well, be prepared." June says. "My fiancé is Louis Tomlinson." She blushes.
"Well that's amazing! What kind of dress we wanting here?" She says, seemingly unfazed.
"I like the form fitting look, but I can't do it." June says longingly. Seeing Jay's face, she goes on. "On the day of the wedding, I'll be six months pregnant. I'm currently two months with triplets." She says. Jay about falls backward.
"Okay. So we want flowy and elegant?" She says.
"Yes. And then we're going down to the bridesmaid section for the private wedding things. I'm wearing a bridesmaid dress for the private wedding, but management wants me in a real dress for the public thing. And we need actual bridesmaid dresses." She explains. Jay nods, and takes June back to the room, and goes to the racks.
"So I'm hearing what now?" Asher growls. Oh shîtė.
"She didn't tell you?" I ask. Asher shakes his head. Tina nods.
"She was scared of what you'd think. She's so overwhelmed, and didn't want you freaking out. She told me the other day." She says softly.
"She doesn't seem very overwhelmed. Tina, what's she said to you?" Harry says.
"How can you not see? She's not sleeping, she can't. The babies keep her up all night. And she's trying to plan for three babies, and a wedding. Make that two. Plus she's trying to act fine. She's double worked. Louis hasn't slept either. He's up with her." She says.
"How did we not see this?" Zayn asks. I start to respond, but June walks out. My eyes pop. That is the ugliest dress ever. June's face mimics mine. It's strapless, and really looks like a towel. She looks nauseous in it. Harry looks like he wants to rip it up.
"I like the simplicity, but maybe go for something not white? Maybe long sleeves." She suggests. Jay nods, and they head back.
"What was that?" Lucy says. Her face was smiling, but her eyes looked like she wanted to set the dress on fire.
"Awful." Niall answers. Then, my phone rings.
"I'm gonna step outside." I say quietly, and answer my phone. It's Louis. "Hey, Lou, wh--" I cut off, hearing him sobbing.
"I can't.... why?" He sobs.
"Mr. Payne?" I hear. It's Management.
"Yes?" I say.
"Are the others around as well?" The guy says.
"No. I'm sorry, but we're in the middle of shopping for Louis' fiancée. What is the meaning of this?" I ask, getting angrier by the second.
"We've called to tell you that you all begin tour on April 22nd." I hear. Louis sobs again.
"I'm sorry. When did you decide this?" I ask.
"Several months ago. Before Miss Roque was pregnant." He says.
"Well reschedule. There are going to be two week old babies around the house. Not to mention, Louis'." I say.
"We're not changing our minds." Comes a woman's voice.
"Louis. I'm so sorry, I have to go. Go home, the lads and I will be here as soon as she has her dress." I reassure. Louis whimpers, and I hear a door slam.
"Bye." He whispers, and the line disconnects. I walk back in, and June is on the stand in an ivory off the shoulder dress. It goes fitted to her waist, and then poofs into a princess skirt.
"This is really pretty. This might be it, but I want to try that one other one first." She says. They head back. I give the boys the update, and Harry is just livid.
"I hate this company." He mutters. We all agree. The girls gasp. We look up, and gasp too. June is in loose neck, lace sleeve dress.
"I live how it's A Line, and very simple. I feel like it'll compliment the kids, too." She says. "I think this is the dress." She smiles.
"Jack her up! Jack her up!" Lucy, Zoe, Amal, and Tina chant. So they do. She refuses a veil, so they give her fake flowers, and accessories. She turns around, and starts crying.
"This is it, guys." She nods.
An hour and Harry's credit card, which he forced on her, later, we're on the way back to the house. We walk in, to find Louis lying asleep on the couch. His computer has his and June's big wedding Pinterest board up. We look through their plans. Silver, red, and pale blue color scheme. Lanterns, gourmet food, fireflies, music, its magical. But it's not really their wedding. We move over to the private wedding. Gold and orange scheme, very simple. Simple food, and music. That's the Tomlinson wedding they want. Not the big hullabaloo the world makes it. Then, Louis wake up.
"Hey, man. How are you?" Harry asks.
"Well, I'm distraught. But I'm also so mad they won't do anything. The tickets aren't even on sale yet!" He says. We complain more, Louis cries, and eventually, he falls asleep on Harry, who takes him upstairs.
"I feel so bad for the girls. They'll have to stay and help June, and we'll be off having fun---- Liam." Niall says. I start.
"What, love?" I ask. He looks at me, terrified.
"Dylan's too young. We have to leave her here." He says. Oh no. Niall has slight separation issues. But so does Dylan. And me. So it all works out. But not in this case. We all sit around quietly, until the door unlocks. June walks in, smiling, with all the others.
"Hey, ladies. How'd it go?" Zayn asks, going over to Zoe and pecking her lips.
"Great. We got my other dress, and the both bridesmaid dresses." June says happily. Oh how I wish that we could make that happiness last. But when she talks to Louis, and he tells her, it'll burst that bubble. I mean, in no time, she'll be married, and a few months after that a mother, and a single one for the first few months at that. She doesn't need more stress. But we all smile.
"That's so great!" Niall says, smiling.
"I'm gonna go see Louis, okay?" She says. We nod, and she heads upstairs. I figure he's asleep, but after about 10 minutes, a sob escapes downstairs.
"I wish we could drop them. But that Godawful contract has to be fulfilled before we can. So we're out of luck." Harry, who has come downstairs, says. We all nod.
"It's getting late. We might as well try to get some sleep. These next four months are going to be absolutely insane." I suggest. We all make our way upstairs, Niall and I lay an already sleeping Dylan in her crib, and everyone is passed out.
Four months later
The private wedding is tomorrow, and the public the next day. Louis and I couldn't be more excited. We've been running around like crazy. Well, Louis has. I've been directing him. I can't stand for long enough to do this stuff. I'm huge. If I was having one baby, I'd look so overdue I'd be heading into 10 months.
"Hey, Bug, and Baby Bugs." Niall says playfully, as he comes into the living room from dinner. I couldn't eat it. Eggs, grits, and toast. The eggs made me throw up at the smell, the grits did too. So I had toast sitting in here.
"Hey, Nialler. How's it going?" I ask.
"You find out genders after the wedding tomorrow, and two months later, I'll have some nieces and/or nephews to spoil. I'm great. And you?" He says happily. I smile. I'm only 6 months, but the doctor says there is no way I'm making it past 8 months. So I have two months.
"There's two months left. Gender reveal. I'm getting married tomorrow. And then next day, I get to do it again. I'm so excited, it may hurt a little." I giggle.
"Us too. Between you and me, there's a pool. I think you get a girl and two boys, Liam thinks it's all girls, Zayn thinks it's two girls and a boy, and Harry thinks it's all boys. Louis is impartial." He informs me. I laugh.
"Wow. Nice." I say. Just then, Louis basically floats in. He's been so happy since this morning.
"Everyone is going to be here around 9 tomorrow." He says.
"That's great! I can't wait! Now, these little ones are kicking me so hard it's gonna fracture my ribs. Louis, can you help?" I ask. He nods, and sits next to me, placing his hand on my bump.
"Hey, kids. We have a big day tomorrow. Will you stop that unnecessary kicking at give mummy some sleep?" He asks. The kicking ceases. I'm always shocked at how well that works.
The Next Morning
I wake up alone, confused, and then I see all my friends, Tina, Amal, Dan, and Asher, sitting around on the floor, passed out.
"I'm getting married today.." I say, my smile widening. I get up to use the restroom, and when I come out, everyone is awake.
"Good morning, Miss Roque." Zoe says happily.
"Hey, sissy." Dan says. "Hello, future nieces and/or nephews. Hopefully nephews." He says, making everyone laugh.
"Hey, don't make the girls nervous that Uncle Dan won't like them!" I say teasingly. He smirks.
"If he gets that way about it, I'll make sure our daughter is fully aware how he feels about her brother." Amal reassures me. We hear crying.
"Speak of the devils, they're awake. I'll be right back. Dan, get out of here, you too Asher. Louis needs you soon." Amal says, leaving, and Dan follows.
"How they treating you?" Asher asks. I roll my eyes.
"They're kicking me to a pulp today." I groan.
"That sounds so fun, well--"
"Asher get your âss in here! Time to start getting ready!" Harry yells. Asher kisses my cheek and runs out the door. I take the girls hands and place them on the kicking places. They gasp.
"Wow. That must be even better feeling on the inside." Zoe says sarcastically. I nod vigorously.
"They must be excited to tell the world what they'll be." Lucy says. "We have a busy morning ahead. We're going to bring up our breakfast, eat, and then paint our nails. From there, we're doing our hair, makeup, and get into our dresses. Then Asher will be in to walk you down to the alter." She reels off.
"Well then, I might as well grab breakfast. I'll be back. Zoe, Lucy?" She says, and they rise and head downstairs. It's just me and Jen.
"I feel awful, we haven't talked in so long." I say guiltily.
"I feel bad too. I wasn't trying to do anything about it. But I'm so happy for you. You'll be a mum soon, and a wife in about 3 hours." She says happily.
"I'm so excited. To meet the little soccer players, to be a Tomlinson, to get away from the name I've begun to hate. It's a new beginning in every way." I say happily. The others return with breakfast. Fruit Loops, toast, and orange juice. It's all I can do to hold it down. But I do, and we begin painting our nails. Just white, so I can have them like this today and tomorrow. We do silver sparkles over the white, and let them dry.
"Makeup!" I hear, as Lou walks in. I jump, and turn around to see her smiling.
"Oh my gosh, Lou! Giving me heart attacks!" I joke. She smiles, and hugs me best she can.
"Now, I'm thinking very simple. Louis is very adamant about you wearing very minimal makeup, since tomorrow you'll be covered." She says. I smile.
"That's LouBear for you." I say, sitting in the chair. Lou applies some foundation and powder to even out my skin, small amounts of blush and eye color, some lip gloss, and a little mascara while Jen twists my hair up. I open my eyes to see my hair done, makeup done, and dress waiting. For the private wedding, I chose a floor length, light pink dress and white heels for me, and champagne colored knee length dresses for the girls. No veil or bouquet. Just a single Juneberry bush branch. Then, there is a knock at the door. Lucy opens it.
"Come on in, lads." She says, and all the boys except Louis come in.
"We just wanted to see our baby sis before we got downstairs. You look beautiful, sweetie." Asher says. I blush.
"No I don't. I look okay, but not beautiful." I protest.
"No. You look stunning. And what's hard to believe is you'll be looking even better tomorrow." Zayn says.
"Whatever. How long?" I ask. Liam check his watch.
"Long enough that we gotta go. Like, now." He says, and they kiss me on my cheek and rush out. Amal checks her watch and her eyes go huge.
"Yeah. We gotta get lined up." She says.
"Can you hand me that water?" I ask Tina with a pointed look. This canNOT be happening. It's been 6 months! Come on! She hands me the water, and I drink it all. My hands stop shaking, my breathing goes normal, and I'm fine again.
"Caught it just in time." Lucy says, and I hear the music for the groomsmen and bridesmaids. They line up in order, and Zoe steps out to meet Zayn. I watch from the door as Lou goes to Liam, Jen to Niall, Lucy to Harry, and Amal to Dan. Asher walks over and offers his arm. I smile, take my bushel of branches, and we walk out. And there's Louis. And some other people. But I only see Louis. In gray jeggings, a white button down, and a matching bow tie, he looks amazing. His hair is messy as ever. He's not really looking, he's wiping his eyes on his sleeve. He saw me as soon as I stepped out.
"Are those Juneberry branches?" Asher mumbles as we go down the stairs, very slowly. I nod quickly. He grins. "Nice." He whispers. Then, Louis looks up, and really sees me. And now we're both crying. We make it down the stairs, and my face may break under my beam, and Louis' too. When I make it to the makeshift alter, Louis takes my hands, and we smile at each other.
"The couple has written their vows. Juniper?" Revered Tomas says, nodding at me. Louis and I face each other.
"Louis. We've talked about this for a while, and in addition to the vows we've agreed to do for one another, I wanted to say some things. I was anxiety riddled, bullied, and ready to see the country. Not the world. I wanted to, but I thought I'd start small. When I finally graduated and won the contest, I literally cried. You guys may have saved my life when I was younger with your music. Your interviews always made me laugh. Just a light in a dark world. We've all had our ups and downs, laughs and a lot of cries. These boys are my brothers. You are the love of my life and my best friend. The father of these three soccer players here. The best thing that ever happened to me. On my first night, when we found out we liked one another, we were supposed to say why. I never said why. Here's why: Louis, from the moment I saw you on the video call, you just seemed like the most amazing person ever. And you were so easy to talk to. Very easy to imagine like you were sitting in front of me, not a million miles away. You made me feel so safe and welcome from the start. And loved. I just couldn't believe how amazing you were from the start, even when you barely knew me. I love you, Louis. And I always will." I finish. Louis hasn't stopped smiling through the tears.
"Louis." Reverend Tomas says. Louis composes himself, and begins.
"Juniper Elle Roque. You are my life. The reason I smile every day. The reason I laugh. I was going through a hard time when I met you. Very close to sister anniversary. Almost the 10 year mark. God sent an angel. You. You are my angel, the best gift a God ever gave me besides the little ones you claim will become soccer players. I'm so happy to call you my love. My life force. Love of my life. And I never said why I liked you that night so long ago either. We really don't listen, do we? Guess not. I have just always felt so at ease around you. So calm. I just can't believe how much love radiates in every word you say. I'm so blessed. And I've never been happier. Thank you for everything, June, my love." He says. Not a dry eye around the house. Including Louis' and mine.
"Now place the rings on one another's fingers." Rev. Tomas says. We do, smiling. I savor my last moment as an unmarried woman as he speaks the words I've wanted to hear since we got engaged.
"I now pronounce you husband an wife. Kiss the bride." He says, and now, I can fully say this is the most amazing day of my life.

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