See You (Sooner Than You Think)

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Liam POV

"Niall, I am so over being pregnant. Can I just give them to you to carry, and I'll take them back for labor?" I whines, as I gets up from my 5th night with only an hour or so of sleep. I have a small cramp, but I'm sure it's just routine.
"Awwww baby. It's all worth it, I promise. Not too much longer now." Niall promises, kissing my cheek, and heading about 3 steps down the hall to the kitchen.
"Hardly reassuring right now, just saying." I laugh, as I sit down. I'm about 7 months pregnant right now, and we're on our last two nights of tour, in California. It's harder and harder to stand, I still have two months left.
"Hey now, you two better stop ganging up on me. You want out, I know. I want to meet you. But I'll see you soon. Just calm yourselves." I say, as the twins start to kick murder on my upper abdomen. I rub the spot a little, and feel two little feet, and smile. After 10 minutes or so, Louis come out from his bunk, and Harry, laughing, follows.
"My best friend has the dirtiest mind! Wow!" he laughs.
"WHAT?! No way, you're lying to them. Quit it!" June cries from the computer.
"Nope. June, you can't play innocent anymore. I'm telling them that joke you told." Harry says.
"No!" she tries over the computer, but to no avail, as Harry whispers it to Niall, who rolls on the floor laughing, and then to me.
"No shit, June told that?" Is all I can say between laughs. "That is the best joke I've ever heard, but it might be better placed near Christmas. And keep that mouth down, you have 2 month olds around." I tell her, stopping my laughing so the babies don't start kicking.
"Speaking over babies, mine are crying. I have to go. Call you tonight?" she asks.
"Of course. See you soon?" Louis asks.
"See you soon!" June says, and that video chat ends. Small cramps have been fairly constant during the last 20 minutes on video, and a little before that. But I'm sure it's okay. Braxton Hicks, most likely. I have two months left.
"Hey, lads, we have to get ready for sound check. You good, Li? You look a little worried." Louis says. 
"Oh! Oh, yeah, I'm good. Just, lost in thought, I guess." I say dismissively, and head beck to get dressed. I just grab a t shirt and jeans and flip flops and run a comb through my hair, and we head to the arena, where we're going to spend all day and most of tonight.

It's around 2 when we decide to stop for lunch. When I realize I'm not hungry, and I still have minor Braxton Hicks, I get a little worried.
"What do you want to eat? You're probably hungry." Niall asks me.
"I'm not really hungry, Ni. I'm gonna go take a nap, actually." I say, heading to lay on the couch.
"Are you okay? You sure you're not hungry?" He asks me.
"Yeah. Just a little tired." I say, as I feel a little stronger pain. I'm getting a little worried, but maybe a nap will help.
"Call me if you need something, okay? I love you." he says.
"Love you more." I say, going into the other room, and laying on the couch, and almost immediately falling asleep.
I wake up feeling a sharp pain, and gasp. I have no clue what's going on, whether it's real or Braxton Hicks or whatever, but I wait until the pain dies down, and walk out to where the lads are sitting. Apparently, my worry shows.
"Liam, are you okay, man? You look like you're going to throw up and then pass out in it." Harry says. I manage a smile.
"That good, huh? Hey, Ni, can we talk?" I say, urging him into the other room. We go out of earshot, and he looks me over.
"In all seriousness, Harry was right. Is everything okay?" my husband asks.
"Niall, I have no clue. You tell me. I've had small and constant cramps all day, and fell asleep to a little more intense pains, and woke up to a sharp shooting pain. I thought they were Braxton Hicks at first, but now I'm not so sure..." I admit.
"That can't be. You're only 7 months. Do we want to ask the doc to check?" Niall asks in disbelief.
"It couldn't hurt, could it? So we know what to do?" I ask. Niall picks up the phone, and the doctor we keep on hand is down in only a minute or two.
"Thanks for coming. So I'm 7 months along, yeah? I think I've been in early labor all morning, but I can't really tell. Can you tell in any way if I'm really in labor or if this is the kids' way of telling us to calm life down a bit?" I say. Dr. Sanders smiles, and starts feeling my belly. He doesn't get very far, before frowning.
"Liam, you dropped. Absolutely positive. And your stomach has gone rock solid. Liam, you need to get to a hospital. Post phone the show. Doctors orders." he says. I think my heart stops.
"I-It's too early...." I say.
"But they'll be okay. Come on, we need to go." Niall says, right before another contraction hits. I wince, and he helps me stand. We walk out as fast as possible, and the boys jump up.
"What's wrong? Don't lie." Louis says. I'm nearly in tears of fear.
"I-I'm in la-labor." is all I need to say before everyone is getting their things, and Louis calls June, and we're in the car. I cuddle close to Niall, and he rubs my back.
"Are you as scared as I am?" I ask.
"Maybe more so." he says truthfully. 
"They're going to be okay, right? We're going to get to bring them both home, right?" I ask, scared out of my mind that we won't.
"They're both going to be fine. So are you. I promise." he promises, kissing me. We sit the ride in silence, while Louis emails and calls to cancel the concerts for the next week or so, and then texts June to get her out here, which I'm grateful for. During the hour drive, I get two more contractions, not too powerful, but uncomfortable. When we arrive, we head inside.
"Hi. We called. Liam Payne." Niall says.
"Of course. Come this way." the woman says, leading us to a large private room. "I heard you have a large group of people, so we gave you the suite." she says.
"Yeah, we have a big family. 1 toddler, infant triplets, 5 adults, a possible 6th, and then there's the new little ones. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it." Harry says. 
"No problem. Doctor Andrews will be in soon." she says, and leaves us. I sit on the bed, and Louis comes and joins me.
"Sixth?" I ask him.
"I texted Zayn. He told me to wish you luck, and he wants to come. Apparently, they just lost another one, though. Only 6 weeks in. They didn't even know she was pregnant. She's taking it really hard. So he's not sure if she's up for travel, but he's going to try to make it." Louis replies sadly.
"Poor Zoe, and poor Zayn. I can't even imagine." I sigh.
"Hopefully next time they'll get 5." Harry sighs.
"They deserve it. And worst come to worst, they adopt." Niall says. 
"Mr. Payne? I'm Doctor Andrews. Nice to meet you." a woman says from the door.
"Hi. You too. I'm guessing you need an update?" I ask. She smiles, nodding. "I'm Liam Payne. 1/4 of the boy band One Direction. These boys are my band mates. As for the pregnancy, I'm 7 months pregnant with twins. A girl and a boy. I thought it was just Braxton Hicks at first, but our stage doctor told me it was real, and I obviously panicked a little, but we're here now." I tell her.

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