Premiere: This is Us and Music Video

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The moment we step out of the limo, we're bombarded by fans. Harry stepped out first, and everyone screamed. He took about half the reporters down the red carpet with him. Then, Zayn took about 20 with him, leaving about 15 with Liam, Niall, Louis, and I. Niall clung onto Liam's hand for dear life while they answered questions.
"Have you received any hate from fans since you got together?" One asked.
"No. We have gotten hate from posers who call themselves fans, but true fans will support us no matter what." Liam answers. Niall nods, and they make their way down the carpet, stopping and kissing, so reporters can get their pictures. Our turn. Louis steps out and offers his hand. Camera's flash as I exit. Louis' arm wraps around my waist, and he pulls me into him. We get asked plenty of questions, and Lou ignores most of them. We head to the carpet, stopping to pose and kiss for the cameras.

Now that we're out of that madness, we go to different stations, where they interview us about the movie process, and the making of it. We agree the best part was getting to relive the most amazing memories, and the worst was not getting to do concerts and see our fans and family and friends. We also meet up with Perrie, Zayn's secret girlfriend. They plan to announce tonight. So, right about now, they should be kissing in front of about 70 cameras, announcing their relationship. Making me the only single one. I can hear the fans screaming already. Soon enough, we head into the theater, after meeting a bunch of celebrities, including Micheal Bublé where Niall had to hold Liam's hand so he didn't fall over. Especially when he said he was a big fan. We all laughed after. We head up to the stage after escorting June to her seat.
"Hello, everybody!" Liam yells. Everyone claps. "We just want to thank everyone so so much for all the support. Without our fans we'd be doing normal jobs, not living like this. Everyone has supported us, and we want to thank everyone of you! You are beautiful and wonderful. We love you!"
"And now..." Niall says.
"Without further ado...." say Zayn and I.
"Oh my god cut the speech and show them our video!" Louis yells. We all laugh, and turn towards the screen.
"So I said to her, Angelina..."

"It was the best song ever...." sings Zayn. The crowd goes crazy, and we all bow.
"Now we can do the speeches." Louis says.
"Thank you King Tommo." I say, laughing. "A few years ago, I was thinking I'd go on X-Factor, get some exposure, and I wouldn't make it. Well. I didn't make it. Not on my own. The worst feeling I've ever felt was not getting my name called on that stage. Believe it or not, Harry and I were walking out together, not talking, just walking, when an employee came and told us and 3 other lads to get back onstage. We weren't sure what to think. So we went out, and even though we didn't even know one another, we were squeezing each other's shoulders and smiling at each other, just praying for good news. I think we all cried a little when we found out we'd been saved. We were now a band. I was once asked in an interview if I wanted to be in a band. I said I would love it. And then I wondered out loud to myself: 'are we famous? And have lots of fans?' Well, young me, you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Thank you everyone, so much!" I say, and head down to my seat. June hugs me as I move to my seat.
"My turn!" Harry says, bouncing on his feet. "Sorry. I'm may be a great performer, but I'm rubbish at speaking in front of people at huge important events. Anyway, when I auditioned, I was a 16 year old from Redditch. I worked in a bakery with my mum and dad, and sometimes Gemma would pop in. I loved to sing, so when I got voted on in X-Factor, I'd never been happier. Like Niall said, and I'm sure all of us agree, the worst moment was not getting called. Niall and I were crying to ourselves, not even knowing each other, and leaving, when we were taken back to the stage with some guys, named Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne. When we were put together, us 5 lads who didn't even know one another, we just started screaming, and laughing and jumping. We couldn't have been more thrilled. A few weeks after being moved into the judges house, Liam stung his foot, and almost missed the audition, but thank god he got back. We were all so happy. We knew we'd found friends in each other that audition. A few days later, I said to Shawn, who was behind the camera at the time: 'I don't know how I'm going to keep putting these jeans on. Might as well ditch them and paint myself.' Oh, young Harry, you have much to learn! I hope you enjoy! I love you all!" Harry says, and the crowd goes crazy. June hugs him, and so do I.
"Ugh. My turn. I hate public speaking, but you guys make it worth it." Zayn says. "I was a 17 year old kid from Bradford when I auditioned. I had almost no confidence in anything I did--except singing. I sang my best at the auditions. But obviously, I gave up on dancing. I tried to get out of it. It was a confidence thing. I saw everyone else had it, and I couldn't keep up. It was horrible, and I almost cried. When I wasn't called to move on, I was calling my mum to come pick me up, and I was trying not to start bawling. I told my mum not to come just yet when a studio worker brought me back. I stood there with 4 other lads I'd never met before. They told us we were now a band, and suddenly, I had more confidence than I thought possible. Now, we've sold out concerts and stadiums. The Worlds Most Successful Boy Band. And I've done it with my brothers. In an interview on X-Factor, I said that I couldn't be in the worlds most successful boy band if I couldn't even dance. But if I could go back and tell myself one thing, it'd be that I should t worry about it. Just focus on the boys. They're your most important thing to focus on right now. And look, now I'm all- all emotional. I'll stop here and let Payno talk. I love you all. Thank you again." He said, leaving the stage. He knelt down and hugged June, and went and sat with me and Harry. We all hugged, and Liam started.
"Unlike those lads, I love speaking in public. When I was 14, as you know, I made it onto X-Factor and to the judges house. And was then sent home. I was told to get some more education, and practice more. 'Come back in 2 years.' They said. So I did. Again, I made it. They were rather pleased to see that I hadn't given up. When my name wasn't called, I lost hope. I was backstage, crying my eyes out, knowing I couldn't face anything after this, when a stagehand took me out with 4 other lads. I'd never been more hopeful. I stood there with 4 strangers, and when we were told we were a band, we all screamed, and I'm sure at least one of us cried. We were so happy. Several weeks later, I was stung by a sea urchin at the beach, and had to go the the hospital. I almost didn't make it back. When I got back, the boys ran from the house, laughing and hugging me. They lifted me from the crutches, and carried me inside. I knew they cared then. I was so happy to finally have some friends. When we were doing interviews, I told the man who I was talking to that there was no way I'd ever sell out stadiums. I couldn't even get people to my 16th birthday party! Well, you wouldn't believe me if you knew what the future held. Oh my god now I'm getting emotional. Zayn, what have you done?! I love you all! Tommo, take it away!" Liam said, as he started to cry. He hugged June, just like the rest of us, and I switched seats with Zayn and took his hand. We cuddled together, and listened to Louis.
"Well, I guess this leaves me! Well I guess they've saved best for last!" He laughs. "Well, I was an 18 year old from Doncaster when I made it onto X-Factor. I loved singing so much. When they told me I was really good, the happiness in me was almost too much. I about burst. But it killed me when they didn't call my name. I honestly was crying so hard I don't remember what I was doing. But when I was onstage, someone, I don't know who, whispered in my ear that we'd be okay. I don't know who. But it gave me the smallest hope. When we were living together, and finally got to know one another, I knew I'd found the 4 most amazing people, and I wanted to spend life with them. Not in marriage, but as best friends and a band. I was watching old clips of the show this afternoon during prep, and all I can think is: was I really this loud, dramatic, and attracted to scarves back then? If I was, I'm sorry to everyone who put up with that. Now, I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world, and the best friends a lad could ask for. June, Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, come up here." He said. We all got up, with tears in our eyes, and had a massive group hug. "I love you all. Enjoy." He said. And we all headed down to our seats.
At the end of the movie
Liam lost it during the interviews, and so did I. June cried half the time, and Louis tried not to. But I saw him let a tear slip during the eliminations. And interviews. And everything else after. Zayn almost made it. At the end, he just kinda started crying, and Harry too. No reasons, they were just crying. Every member of the audience had shed a tear. Then Louis stood up.
"As you can see, we are all crying. For various reasons. We hope you enjoyed the movie. See you later!" He shouted. And we left. We were headed to the after party. June washed away her makeup and just put on some mascara and lip gloss. Liam lost the tie, and we all messed up our hair. We felt like us again. June had taken pictures of us making speeches, and of us standing together. Then, someone, who I now see is Jennifer Lawrence, sent her a picture of all of us hugging. When did she get that number? Oh well. We stepped out of the car, and there was no one. There was a huge party, but no fans and no reporters. It was amazing.

We all agreed on a non alcohol party, so everyone could go home coherent. We met so many amazing actors and musicians. June about cried when I introduced her to Emma Watson and Evanna Lynch. She actually got their numbers! She was beyond happy. I got to meet a million people, with June by my side the whole time. When a lot of people had cleared, we spent some time together, before actress Kara Rose Marshall drew Harry in and they left for her place. Zayn and Perrie left for her place, and then there were 4. We spoke with Ed Sheeran for a few minutes. We then realized he was the last one to leave. It was 2 am, and we were all so tired. So we climbed into the limousine, and June and I cuddled up together. I looked over and Niall was sleeping on Liam, and Liam was stroking Niall's hair. It was actually really sweet. Then I saw June was sleeping, too. Liam and I exchanged those looks.
'I'm in love' I mouth to him.
'Me too, Tommo, me too.' he mouths back.

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