'Wake Up' Call

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Louis hasn't left her side. Not once for 4 days. But even though he knows she'll wake up, he's having doubts that she's really going to be okay. That she'll be the exact same as she was. I'm staying with them in the room tonight, because Louis seems to need someone right now.He's thinner. He refuses to leave the rooms. He doesn't sleep. So I'm happy to help. I'm sitting in the same chair as usual, right next to Louis, and everyone is asleep in the other room. He's got her hand in his, like normal, and he's staring at her face. He hasn't moved a while, and I decide to check on him.
"Louis? Louis." I say, shaking his shoulder. He turns around, and it's easy to tell how much he's been crying. 
"What if she's not the same like they said?" he asks flat out.
"Louis, stop. She will be." I say quietly.
"But what if she's not?" he asks again.
"Louis, please. They told us she would be. She's going to be the same, smiley, happy June. What worries you so much?" I ask.
"That no one else knew besides me. How tired she was. Not physically tired. Tired of life. Tired of the press using her like a rag doll, shaking her around like... like she wasn't a person. How much she hated the press, no matter what it was. She always said they twisted things around, especially the important things. How ready she was to end it all, just because of how miserable she was from everything." he says, shaking his head.
"There's a lot you knew we didn't. I want to know the little things. Could you tell me?" I ask. I know talking about the things he loves about her will help.
"Yeah... yeah. Well for starters, if want her to laugh, and I mean really laugh, then all you needed was a little dirty humor. You don't even need a lot. One joke, and she'd be in tears. She loves Family Guy. Loves  it. She is most ticklish on the arch of her foot and the bottom of her spine, gets her screaming with laughter right away. She always tells me her favorite thing about us used to be that we could get her smiling like absolutely nothing else before she met us. She agrees we can still do that. She notices all the little things. Because of her we found Freddie's little language. If he whimpers, he wants her. If he thrashes, he wants me. Hunter has moles that look like the Little Dipper on his neck, and Logan has matching ones on his back. Niall's hand shake like mad when he's bored, and she figured out how my legs bounce and shake when I'm nervous. She can tell your fake laugh from your real one, and apparently Liam is always wearing something green. Her smile reflects in her eyes every time. Truly happy or for the camera. Her eyes are the way a storm looks from below. Dark gray on the edge, light in the middle, but they almost get darker when she's upset or passionate about something. They used to light up every time one of our boys came in the room, or made a funny face. No matter how long it's been since that happened, I still love it. How delicate she was, even when she wasn't depressed. She was like a flower, like if you held her too tight, she'd fall apart. She needed freedom, she couldn't be confined. Her photography wasn't always beauty. She captured life. She captured real life, no matter how beautiful or ugly. She genuinely loved everyone who ever lived, no matter how she outwardly spoke about them. She knew every person had a life, and a purpose." Louis explains, smiling a little here and there.
"She really is a beautiful person, isn't she?" I ask fondly, missing her more and more every second.
"She really is. Or was. That's what scares me. Will I ever wake up to that beautiful smile, those shining eyes, like I used to? Or will I wake up to tears and scared hands clutching at my shirt, terrified of losing me because I'm believing the press? Those evil people who almost took her from me? That lust and need for adventure, or the need to stay in bed so she doesn't break in two? Will I ever have to go through what I had to again? Or will it be a wake up call next time, or not? Will I have to watch my wife deteriorate, and make herself bleed, and hate everything she is again? Will I have to raise my sons on my own, because their mother couldn't handle the weight of the world on her tiny, frail shoulders? How can I ever begin to tell her how beautiful, amazing, and mesmerizing she is? How every flicker of a smile can send me whirling, catching my breath again? How can I even begin to fathom the pain she was in to even try to relate, so on those cold, scary, nightmare kind of nights where she wakes up, covered in sweat, I can try to relate, to tell her I know, even if I don't? How can I show her life is worth living, if she really tried to go this far? How can I show her how much I need her? How much her sons need her? How much the world needs a JuneBug like her?" Louis asks, sobbing. I look up, and see certain someone with tears in their eyes. And from the look on her face, she heard enough.
"Louis?" I say slowly. He looks up. "Turn around." I point. His face looks so hopeful, as he turns around.
"Hi, LouBear." she says quietly, and motions him up. His face is in her neck within a second, and they're laying there together.
"I missed you.. so... so much." I hear him say. "It's... it's really you?" he asks, fingers running through her hair. She smiles that sunshine smile we missed.
"It's really me, baby. It's me. I'm right here, and I'm never leaving again, if I can help it." she says, fingers threaded in his hair. They sit quietly together for a while, Louis crying, June running her hands through his hair. "Hey, just breathe." she says after a few more minutes. His face retracts from her collarbone and he collects himself. I get up to come over.
"Hey, JuneBerry." I grin, kissing her cheek.
"Hey, Haz. You ever call Kale?" she asks. I nod.
"She said to say she said hi when you woke up." I inform her. She nods, and waves. "Should we get them up now, or wait?" I ask.

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