The Last Days

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June just came down with Niall, and we decided to play Apples to Apples. We laughed some, but we were all kinda depressed after being reminded of June leaving. I think the winner ended up being Liam, because everyone else was kinda tired. Liam has never won. We were kinda off our game. June kisses Louis good night, and he heads upstairs, and I think he's been holding back tears. Niall, who's been sitting with Liam all night, half crying, heads up, and Liam follows, all with quick good nights. Zayn is the last one to head up, after talking a little about the interview tomorrow. 
"Now, listen, I'm going to help you. I'm going to organize a car to pick you up, and keep Louis busy until you arrive. Keep texting me to work it out, okay? But I just wanted to tell you. June, I have a sister, but you're like a little sister to me. I think you deserve to be home before coming back." I say.
"Harry. While I'm gone: promise me one thing." She says, looking dead into my eyes.
"Of course."
"Don't let Louis do something he'll regret. No more than 2 drinks a day, and no going anywhere alone, especially to clubs and things like that. That could go from bad to monstrous like that." She says, snapping her fingers. I nod.
"We should probably head to bed, Juneberry. We need beauty rest for your last interview." I say with a grin. She and I head upstairs, and I hear crying from 2 separate rooms. Louis and Niall. I head to Louis, and June slips into Niall's room. I see she's double booked with Liam too. Zayn's gonna break soon, you can see it. But today's been so full of tears, I think he's trying to stay strong.
"Lou? What's up?" I ask, even though I know.
"June's leaving so soon, and I don't know what's going to happen to me when she's gone. If I can't see her everyday, hold her hand, I don't know how sensitive I'll be. When or where the attacks will trigger, and how easy. It actually scares me for the fans. I don't wanna freak out on them. I'm just so confused and absolutely distraught." He says, in between sobs.
"Hey, we'll at least video chat together once a week. And on her birthday, we definitely can!" I say.
"I just don't want her to find someone better... and forget me.." he says.
"Louis 'The Tommo' Tomlinson, she will never forget you. Do you have any idea how many breakdowns she's had? She just doesn't want to worry you. I slept on her floor last night, because she was crying too hard to be alone. She's absolutely heartbroken, but the lads and I agree we have to do our best until she's gone. Then, we're going to bawl our eyes out." I say.
"I'm just so tired. Headaches are coming on easier the less sleep I get, and I'm confused and scared of what'll happen to me and what that'll do to you, the lads, and the fans..." he said. I pulled him into a hug.
"It's okay to cry... we're all human.." I say, sniffing back tears I'd been holding back.
"I know... I just don't know if I can stop..." he says, burying his head in my neck and crying. I cry too. We honestly sit there for about 2 hours and cry.
"Thanks, Hazza. For everything." Louis whispers, shakily.
"What're best brothers for?" I say with a watery smile, hugging him again and leaving.

I knock on Niall's door.
"Hey, Nialler, Li. What's wrong?" I ask. They're just crying. Head on their hands, shaking, sobbing. Liam looks up.
"You're leaving, and honestly, from there it's hard to explain. We've just never met a more amazing person. We're like brothers, sure, but you're our sister. It's just hard to accept it'll be so long before we see you again..." he says, and calms himself, tears still slipping. Niall lets out another sob.
"Niall, Liam, I'm going to have the most amazing surprise for you in about 3 weeks. You'll get a better present when you finally get a Lamborghini." I say. They manage small laughs. "Now, I've had enough of this crying business for a long time. Here's the deal, I'll call for all of you once a week, and on birthdays, and we can still text. Now, come here and hug me. Cry it out, and try to keep it together for tomorrow, or I'll cry. And I really don't want everyone to see that. I'm an ugly crier." I say, holding out my arms. They're already hugging one another, leaning into me. They're both sobbing like the world is ending. I'm honestly touched that they cry so much because of me. They love me so much they don't know how to live without me. Thank god they won't have to. After an hour or so, Liam's fallen asleep in Niall's arms. Niall smiles shakily, and kisses my cheek, laying down with Liam, curling into him. I finally get to bed around 11, and know I have to up at 6 for the 8 o'clock radio interview. At least I don't have to be perfectly attired.
"HEY! You! WAKE UP GØDDÂMNÎT!!" Zayn screams from my door. I laugh and roll out of bed.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Almost 7. We all slept past our alarms!" He says. I bolt around gathering my hair stuff and makeup, and pick out heather gray leggings, my black converse, and a 1D v neck. I pull my hair into a low ponytail, and put on some lip gloss. I check the time and see I have 20 minutes, so I work on their portraits. I'm on the final one, Niall. I've just begun his. It's hard to get that look in his eyes, but I'm doing my best. I get one done before Liam knocks.
"We gotta roll, but Paul brought Starbucks. Louis knew your order. Vanilla latte, with 3 shots of chocolate, and whipped cream. Here ya go." He said, handing me my coffee, and we bolted downstairs. The fans had become more crowding, and it was scaring all of us, so they assigned us 10 guards. Darry, Karl, Randall, Sarah, Tomas, Olivia, Jaxxon, Xenia, Ford, and Benji. They were tough as can be, and so nice. They rode in cars to get to our arrivals to help us in and out. It took a few minutes to get through the insane crowds.
When we finally arrived, and got into the studio, we hook up to the mics and we were live!
"Hi, One Direction! Hey, Juniper!" Dave, our interview said.
"Hey, Dave." Harry grinned.
"Hiya." Louis says.
"Hello." Liam says, yawning.
"Um. Hi." Zayn says.
"Hi, Dave." I smile.
"Morning." Niall yawns, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. I still can't believe that I'm the only one who drinks coffee.
"So, from what I hear, this is sadly June's last interview?" Dave asks. Louis squeezes my hand and Liam wraps an arm around Niall. Zayn looks down and has a concentrated look on his face.
"Sadly, yes, but we know that June will amount to amazing things with her art, and we plan to keep in touch." Harry says. He's the only one who can speak except me.
"So June, do you plan to go professional with art, or what? We were all very impressed. We'd love to see more." Dave says. I smile.
"I don't plan on becoming the next Picasso, if that's what you mean. But I plan to open my own studio one day, after college, and draw and do photography for people." I say. Louis smiles at me.
"Now where will you be attending?" Dave asks.
"I really don't know. I've applied to a lot of colleges, and been accepted into a few. I'm thinking my hometown Seminole State. A community college with an amazing art program." I lie. Harry flashes a smile my way. The rest of the boys go quiet. There's been enough idle chatter to last a lifetime, but it ceases.
"Now, how do you all see June? What's your prospect of her?"
"Well, I, for one, wasn't sure what to think when she arrived. I mean, she had a small hold up at our first interview, and I wasn't sure what to think. But over this month, I've just seen how much one person can change lives. She's worked wonder on us. She's like a sister to us. Except Louis. It's weird to date a sister." Zayn says. I hug him. "I swear he has to stop talking about you leaving. I'm going to cry." He whispers in my ear. I tighten my hold.
"Now, now, Malik, don't be the first. You know good and well we're all going to break down in the limo." I whisper, smiling.
"She's like a sister to me. We've just grown really close. We've all had our share of late night talks in the living room, and just had so much fun. I swear to god, I'm going to break down at the airport when she leaves. I can't imagine not seeing her every day." Liam says, smiling at me. I nod, my eyes saying 'me too'.
"Oh my god. I think she's so talented and sweet. She's a lovely girl, and I'll elaborate, because that sounds like I have nothing else. Most girls would treat us like celebrities who weren't normal people. But June has always treated us like normal people, let us be us, we've never had to suppress anything. From the start, we were spilling secrets we didn't know about each other to her. I don't know what I'm going to do when I can't talk to her every single day." Niall says, and I hug him, and he tears up. "I'm so glad we all ave a few days together. I'm going to miss everything." He whispers.
"Me too, Niall. Me too..." I say. We break the hug and he buries his face into Liam's shoulder.
"My turn! Where to begin? June is the most accepting and sweet person I've met. Most fans would just want autographs and pictures. We haven't taken that many pictures and we've only signed a 1D t shirt and hat. She was looking for friends and got big brothers. I have complete faith she'll excel at whatever she does. I think I'm going to curl up and die when she leaves and can't be around every morning noon and night." Harry says, kissing my temple. I mess with his hair, and he fake growls. I giggle.
"Well, once more, best for last. June is just very down to Earth and grounded. She's the love of my life, and I can't wait to see where life takes her. The lads say she's like a sister. I say she's a beautiful girl who deserves me and nothing less. One day, she'll visit us, and be just as famous as us. I love her so much, and I think she was the right choice." Louis says, kissing me.
"I love you too, Louis." I whisper in between kisses. We answer some more questions and talk as the interview winds down. Finally. We're all struggling not to cry.
"Well that's all the time we have left. June, I hope this was a good last interview. Hopefully we can see you in a few years, and you'll be half as famous as these boys! Britain loves you, and wishes you safe travels as good luck!" Dave says.
"Bye!" The boys and I say, before Dave puts on some music and we slip out. I can tell they're still trying not to cry. We get in the limo, and it's hard to tell who looses it first. We all sit on one row, and suddenly, we're all in tears. No noise, just one big hug and crying.
"I'm going to miss you all so much..." I whisper in between silent sobs. Because I am. 2 weeks is just too much. We're family. I know it's hard to let family go, and this is becoming close to impossible.
Last day before leaving
Today is June's last day, and then she leaves for Florida at 3 tomorrow. So we just want to hang around and chill. We've been through so many tears. When we picked her, we didn't realize it'd be so hard to let her go. We've been sitting around in the grass, laying out tanning. We're moping. I don't want to spend today like this. I get off Liam's lap and look over at June. She and Louis are tanning on the same chair, and I can't tell if they're asleep or not, but June is curled into his side.
"Okay guys. We're just moping. Look. The sun is out, there's a breeze. It's the best day since June arrived. Let's play tag and just enjoy. Please?" I beg. June gets up. Then Zayn. Harry, Liam, and after a moment, Louis.
"Who's it first?" Asks Liam. Harry volunteers by jumping up and down screaming
"I volunteer as tribute!!" And we're all laughing. That took long enough. It must be noon, and no ones cracked a smile yet. We've been out here since 10 or so.
"Wait! Let's video this, for the memories..." Louis says. He runs and set up the camera. We realize how silly this is going to look. June's in a sports bra and yoga shorts and converse, and the rest of us are shirtless in shorts or swim trunks. Also wearing TOMs or Nikes. June ties up her hair, and Louis presses record. Harry's off. We've all gotten a little faster this month to escape the Wrath of the Running Juniper. He catches Zayn, who catches June off guard and takes off again. She targets me. Apparently I scream or shriek or something, because everyone else is doubled over laughing. But June keeps running. So do I.
After about 35-40 minutes or so later, we've all collapsed laughing. Louis crawls over to June. He wants to be as close to her as possible until she leaves. We spend some time playing in the sprinklers and then watch some comedies. Adam Sandler movies are the best. We all had tears running down our faces after two or three of them. Now this is how you spend a Last Day. But tomorrow is going to be a no smile day. And we all know it.

I wake up really early on my last day. In Louis' bed. Hmm. I don't remember doing anything. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. I put on some sleep shorts and a t shirt. I kiss his head and head to the porch with my sketchbook. I have one more thing to do for them. They love my word art. So, in cool letters, I write
'Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis. This Is Us.' And decorate with with symbols of their career. Their initials, 1D, and some inside jokes we have. I've finished their portraits and my descriptions of them. I can't wait for them to read them. But for now, it's been an hour or so, so Liam's probably up, if not Harry and Zayn. And look at that! I'm right. Liam and Harry are in the kitchen at the table, and Zayn is making tea. I hug them all, and am greeted with weak smiles. Yeah. No one is going to be happy today. I'm only excited for the whole portrait thing. Then, Louis and Niall stumble downstairs. Louis drags me into his lap and sits there. Niall messes with my hair and kisses the top of my head. His normal 'good morning' to me.
"Guys. Please say something. I want to talk before I have to go." I say.
"June. It's obviously hard for everyone. What do we say?" Liam says, and everyone nods.
"Something. Anything. Let's remember the best memories we've had so far." I suggest. "I'll write them down and we'll make copies so everyone has a memory of this month."
I end up writing everything.
Tag on the first morning. First interview. Unknown Stories/Truth or Dare. Couples. One Direction Style Tour. Signing. Premiere. Concert. Officially announcing as couples.
       Every single thing on this trip
I make copies and tell them I'm putting them in their rooms for tonight. Then I put them with their portraits. Those will go somewhere they can be found before I head out. I'll do a last sweep and drop the portraits on the table.
"Okay, guys, we have to get ready. I really don't want to go, but I don't want to be late." I say softly. They nod, and we all slowly make our way upstairs. I feel like someone died. I feel like I died. I decide to put my hair in a bun and go for a Disney princess style outfit. A headband with a little silver crown pattern, a pink t shirt, purple leggings, and my white converse. I wear my 1D necklace under my shirt, just to do it. I put my dads tags on too. I apply light makeup, and pack everything up. I rip out all the portraits and letters. I hide them under my jean jacket, and bring my suitcase and carry on downstairs. Tears well up in my eyes. Oh no. Not now. I've been fine. Please God no. I don't want this to be harder than it needs to be.
"Hey, Juneberry. Okay?" Niall asks. I nod. He doesn't look convinced.
"Hey, guys. We still have a few minutes. What d'you wanna do?" Harry asks.
"Wanna just sit? Put on some music, and sit. One last time sitting together?" Louis asks.
"I kinda think we need a Polaroid of this. I'll frame it." I say. So they set up the tripod, and I set the timer to 10 seconds. Everyone sits in their normal spots. Niall and Liam sit in the big armchair, cuddled up, Harry sits at the far side of the couch, and Zayn leans up against it, sitting on a beanbag. Louis and I sit where we usually do, the right side by the arm. He tucks his feet under himself, and I'll put my feet the same way, with my head on his shoulder.
"Okay, go." I say. I hurry to my place with 3 seconds left.
"Smile!" Liam says. We all grin happily, and the camera flashes. A picture prints. I promise to send a copy of it soon. Then there's a knock.
"Hello?" Zayn says.
"Ready to roll, June and boys?" Lou asks from the other side.
"No. But never really will be. So, I guess so." I sigh. Louis takes my hand and we get my bags.
"Hey, let me make sure I didn't forget anything. I'll meet you out there in a moment." I say. I wait until they leave and drop the pictures in the kitchen, and slip out after them. It turns out Lou brought Lux, who really wants to see me, so I take her and sit with Louis on the car ride. Louis sets an arm around my shoulders and smiles at me. We play with Lux for a few minutes while talking.
"You guys look so grown up with her. Like she's your daughter, not Lou's." Harry teases. I stick my tongue out at him, and we all giggle. We chat until we reach the airport. And a hush falls over the crowd.
"You guys can come with me.. inside I mean." I say, handing a dozing Lux to her mom. They all follow me out, and help me check my bag. We get inside and are almost to security when they have to go. I decide to say something, hoping to reduce tears.
"Guys. I may be leaving, but I'll text as soon as I get home. You all have been the best thing to happen. You all are my big brothers, and Louis, you're my love. I'll talk to you all so soon, okay?" I reassure them. My efforts are not worth it, because they start crying. We all pull in for one last group hug, and I have to go.
"I love you guys. Bye.." I whisper. Everyone kisses me on the cheek but Louis. He just kisses me. He thinks it'll be our last kiss for a long time, but oh is he wrong. But it's still sad. 2 weeks with out him. I don't know what I'm going to do. I head towards security, waving, and they turn around, Niall crying on Liam, and Liam kissing Niall's head, sobbing, Louis bawling and clinging to Harry and Zayn, who are also crying. I let a few tears slip, and get through security onto the plane.

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