Rules of the game

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6:32 am Tuesday
Second day of school
Prefect election day

Hermione woke in her dormitory with he other fifth year girls in Gryffindor. 'What is that awful noise? I can't sleep!' Hermione got up and walked cautiously towards the noise. 'Wait... is that Lavender snoring?'

Hermione tried to control her laughter and keep it to herself. 'I didn't know Ron was into THAT.'

She immediately stopped her inside giggles when thinking of Ron. And what he said yesterday about being a prefect. 'I'll finally outshine my brothers.'

Those words were running through her mind all night, making her brain refuse to sleep.

'Whatever, I can't cry over him, he may not even win! If I have to be an enemy, so be it. Anyway, I want to make a quick stop to get my books from last night. I'm hungry and I want to hear Dumbledores instructions on the election.'


Draco was just finishing reading his letter that he received from Budo. 'I guess he's not just a dumb bird after all,' he thought to himself due to the fact that his owl is not a flying GPS. To be completely honest, he didn't think that Budo would ever get to St. Mungos.

you cannot tell anyone about the plan. I'm in St. Mungos as a warning from Voldemort. He claims that you were about to tell some people. But if you do, there are worse things to come. The Dark lord made this illness last until you finish your task. Hurry up.
May you succeed.

'Fuck,' Draco said out loud but to no one in particular. His father never understood him.
He began to write:

Do not think for one second that I am trying to displease the Dark Lord. All of my actions connect with the plan that he has given me. I wanted to tell Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson because I believe that they can play a big role in helping me achieve this mission.
Please ask the Dark Lord on my behalf to give me permission to at least tell these two people.

Draco tied the letter to Budo's claw and off the owl went. 'Hopefully the letter won't take that long to arrive.'
And off he went to the shower.


'Hermione! Do you want to head to breakfast with me?' Asked Lavender just as Hermione got out of the shower.

'Nope.' she replied as she went to grab her clothes. But Lavender blocked her path.

'What was that?'

Hermione smiled at Lavender, 'I don't want to go to breakfast with you. Now get out of my way before I hex you all the way there myself!' Hermione tried to push her way around her but Lavender was stronger than Hermione.

'Well that doesn't seem right... unless you want me to tell my Ronny-poo how you threatened to hex me all the way to the great hall.
Bummer. Looks like your about to lose a frie-'

'Okay I'll go with you! Shit! Just stop talking!' Hermione exclaimed. 'Just hurry up, I'm about to leave.'

'But you're gonna wait for me right?' Lavender asked with a smile, 'cause if not then-'

'Just hurry,' Hermione exclaimed with an annoyed humph. She wanted to make it there as fast as possible.


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