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Gryffindor common room
Second day of school (still)
9:35 pm

As soon as she got there, she bolted to her dorm. She just couldn't handle seeing Ron!
Throughout the rest of the dinner, he wouldn't even look at Hermione. And what's worse? His bitch Lavenfish wouldn't stop giving her death glares.
Like please gurl who the fuck you think you is?

Hermione plopped down on her bed face first and let out a groan. But then she realized something.
At least now I won't have to sleep near Lavender. Prefects get their own suites. YASSSSSSS.
Kinda sad. Kinda depressing. But at least I'll be free of her.

And her loud ass snores

Hermione got out of bed to grab her things to go to the prefect's common room. Which wasn't hard to do because most of her things were still in the trunk.
Maybe I can take a late night walk around the halls to clear my mind. And I won't even get in trouble since I now have a later curfew (12 am), unlike other kids who have a 9 pm curfew.

Hermione-1 Lavender-0


Plus, I like never see the school during night time. So why not? Right?


Slytherin common room
9:35 pm

To Draco's surprise, Pansy was in a festive mood.
Why, you may ask?
Wouldn't you be upset that she got prefect? Or ashamed?
No. After she realized what she has done, she found out that prefects get their own suites.
Draco was actually scared of the smile she put on her face when Pansy heard this.

'Maybe we can... you know... hang out.' She said to Draco with a wink, 'since now I have a room to myself.'

'That's disgusting,' Blaise whined and covered his ears. 'If you guys want to have sexy talk, get a room!'

Pansy looked at him with a dumbfounded look with a complete set of narrowed eyes and an open mouth.
'That's exactly what I'm trying to do!'
And then she slapped the back of his head.

'Bloody hell Pansy!'

'Shut up Blaise."

'Honestly, you both need to shut up. My father is on the verge of death and you two are bickering like there's no tomorrow!'
He gave them the death stare that he knew would send chills down their spine.
He knew it would for it was "a Malfoy thing".

"Now you know the plan. I'm going to sneak out, to see what's wrong with my dad; only for a couple of hours, and I need to be sure that I can trust you both to make sure NOBODY finds out."
Draco told them this and was pleased to see both of their heads nod vigorously.

'Great. I'll be at the astronomy tower because nobody will be able to see me through there and just below it is the shack where they keep the broomsticks. I'll fly away.'

9:45 pm

'Where are you going?' Harry called out from the Gryffindor common room.
Hermione put down her trunk, which was levitating in the air.

'I'm going to the prefect's common room,' she replied like it was an obvious answer.

'Wait, what?' Harry asked as he got up from his seat, 'prefects have their own place?'

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