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Realization only hit Hermione when she let in the fact that she blasted the Slytherin out the window.
She ran to the ledge to look down the side of the tower and saw the pale blonde rushing towards the ground.

Draco was in shock. So much that he didn't process that he fell out the window... no- Hermione hexed him out the window.
He didn't scream or yell. He didn't even see his life flash before his eyes like he heard others say when they thought they were gonna die.

His back was towards the ground as his face faced the sky and the tower. He suddenly saw the brunette's bushy head pop out the window. He saw her take out her wand...
And suddenly he wasn't falling anymore.

Wingardium Leviosa
Hermione kept the spell in her mind, which seemed like the only thing that could calm her panic.
As he was now levitating faster towards her, she got ready to grab him and pull him inside.

Draco knew what was coming. She was going to pull him in through the window. He closed his eyes.

As soon as Malfoy got close enough, Hermione wrapped her arms around his chest and hauled his firm body in.

Hermione brought him in with much difficulty which made her lose her balance, making her fall. With him on top.

He opened his eyes.
He was no longer in the air, quickly descending to his death, rather he was on top of Hermione Granger, but she looked rather different. Her hair spread out on the floor, and her eyes were squeezed shut. Their faces were close enough that he felt her warm and heavy breaths on his frozen, pale cheeks. He stared at her in shock.

Hermione Granger, muggleborn, mudblood, had saved him.


Hermione quickly opened her eyes when she noted that Malfoy's body was on top of hers, once again. This time it was even more awkward than last time, since they were in such an intimate position.
Her arms were on his hips while his hands, which were placed on either sides of her head, held up his body along with his knees.

What was more awkward was that they just stared at each other before she widened her eyes in surprise and wanted to get away. They were super close together.

He got up when she wiggled her way out from under him and he wiped his pants, 'bloody hell, now I have to bleach my outfit clean since you touched it.'

Hermione rolled her eyes,
Once a Malfoy, always a Malfoy.
'A thank you would be nice.' She pointed out. 'You know: thank you.'

He wanted to ignore her with a huff. Really wanted to forget.
'You know Granger, from that position it seemed like you just hexed me, no reason for me to thank you there..'


Draco looked around, then started to walk out.

'Hey! Whose gonna clean your mess?' She asked, running in front of him to block his path.

'You are,' he replied, maneuvering his way out the door once again, this time successfully exiting the tower then closing the door behind him.

Then he ran.
He ran to he nearest boys bathroom as quickly and quietly as he could.

He approached the sink and wash his face, then drying off.
He placed his hands on the sides of the sink and looked at himself in the mirror.
What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

He put his head down. Ashamed.

I have to be sure she doesn't  tell anyone I was trying to sneak out.

Hermione's prefect room
11:34 pm

Hermione went straight to her room after the incident.
So much for having a nice evening to get my mind off things.

First- Ron being as smart as a feather.
Second- Lavender being a bitch to Hermione for NO REASON.
Third- Ginny's probably pissed at Hermione for "expressing her feelings to Harry" who which by the way
Fourth- IS DATING CHO?!?!
Then- the newest edition to the FML journal: Draco Malfoy.
She realized that he was trying to sneak out, so he assaulted her, by grabbing her arm so firmly and not letting her be.
Then he started choking her and she was pressed too close to his body, which ended up that she was about to kill him when she hexed him out the window.
But when she saved him, and they were together on the floor, she knew, by looking in his stormy grey eyes that he was grateful for it.
Yet he still managed to be an ass about it.

Slytherin common room
11:34 pm

Draco woke up Blaise. He had a new plan.
'Wake up mate! You look like a dog when you sleep I'm doing you a favor!'

After what seemed like forever of screaming remarks like this and tussling and turning his friend over in his bed, Blaise woke up.

'Bloody hell Malfoy what do you want from a sleeping man?!'

'First for starters, you are no man. Second, why the actual fuck are you sleeping when you were supposed to be my lookout?'

'Oh! I got tired.. didn't think you were going to do it today, and besides, I doubt anyone is going to go up the tower anyways.'

'Well It was today and somebody did it go up the tower you dimwit. That mudblood Granger. You are literally the worst.'


'Shut up! No need to yell!' Draco shushed, 'besides, that's where you come in. Since you're such a bad look out for me tonight, I need you to convince Parkinson to obliviate Granger since they both are in the prefects common room.'

Blaise let out a groan.
'Fineeeee. But I'm only doing it since your wand got taken away and I feel somewhat remorse.'

'Gee thanks.'


Hermione's prefect room

That night, when she went to sleep, she had the worst dream yet.
(*cue first chapter of this fanfic: dreams).
Go to chapter one if you forgot what it's about.

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