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'What?!?' The two students called out, getting up from their chairs.

'Please, stay seated.' Dumbledore said gently.
They both obeyed.

'We noticed how Mr. Malfoy was failing his Transfiguration class last year' Professor Minerva told Hermione, 'and we thought you could tutor him to help him with this year.'
'Yes, but why me? What do I have to do anything with him?' She whined.
She saw from the corner of her eyes how the blond rolled his.

'We figured if someone from another house tutored him, there would be a greater alliance. And since you are a prefect, it seemed appropriate to pair you two together.'

'Why must it be from Gryffindor? Why not Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff?' Draco asked, trying to not lose his cool even though he was filled with rage.

Hermione knew the answer to that but didn't say it out loud. In fact, nobody said the answer out loud. Instead, Dumbledore ignored him entirely and turned to Hermione, 'you are a very bright witch; I'm sure you can put two and two together. As you may know, prefects are the role models of the school. This does not mean that you just attend meetings and get your own rooms and what not, you have to represent. Do you understand?'

She nodded her head, 'yes.'

'Perfect! Then you may start this week. At least two hours a week is advised.' Professor McGonagall said. 'And if either of you refuses to do the requirements, you will both get three detentions for each time you miss a tutor session.' She studied her students faces before continuing with the requirements in which both were reluctant to hear. 'now have a good day!'


Hermione and Draco didn't say anything for a while when they left the office.

Until Draco broke the silence;

'Well, what the bloody hell was that?'
When Hermione didn't say anything he continued.
'I mean, like why is this necessary at all? They both think you're going to be able to tutor me? Like hell you are!'

'Well actually-'

'Don't even,' he cut her off, 'just don't. We'll start on Friday, in the library at 5.'

Before she had time to respond, he stalked away, with only the clicks of his shoes on the stone floor left behind.

'Ugh. So dramatic.' She scoffed to herself as she went the other direction.


30 minutes later

'YOU WHAT!?!?' Hermione heard Pansy Parkinson yell throughout the halls.

'Shush Pansy! It's not that big a deal,' Hermione then heard Blaise Zabini say.

'Not that big a deal? Are you dysfunctional?'

Hermione turned the corner of a hallway near the great hall and ran into a small mob of people surrounding the hysterical Slytherin.

'And you just let this happen?' Hermione saw Pansy turn towards someone that she couldn't see since someone's head was blocking her from the view.

'Just listen to Zabini, it's not that big a deal. Plus, you're causing a scene.' At this, Pansy turned around in a circle to see the couple dozen kids staring at her in a startled way. Then her angry eyes landed on Hermione.

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