The First of Many

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Great Hall
7:23 am
Fourth day of school

'Pansy,' Draco whispered to Pansy, who was sitting next to him.

'What?' She asked harshly because she doesn't like to be disturbed while she eats.

'So do you want to hang out tonight? Since last night we were so rudely interrupted with the whole bath-tub thing...'

Pansy swallowed her food and looked at him, 'fine. but tonight we're in my room, got it?'

The blonde looked at her with a smirk, 'got it.'

pansy went back to eating and Draco turned to his other side, where Blaise was sitting. And he noticed something... strange.

Is Blaise Zabini staring at... Weasley? Not just any Weasley. The girl, Ginny.

Draco roughly hit his friend's shoulder, 'are you ill?'

Blaise, who shook his head out of his daze replied, 'no... why?'

Malfoy nodded his head towards the redhead but didn't say anything.

'hmm...' Blaise didn't know what to say, or how to reply.

'You can't stare at the enemy like that.' Draco told him calmly, 'in fact, you cant stare at anybody. you can only stare at me.'

'Shove off, Malfoy,' Blaise replied playfully with a nudge of his shoulder.

'Aww, does someone have a crush?'

'Aww does someone want me to punch them?'

That made Malfoy laugh but he didn't say anything else.


'Sooo,' Ginny started to say. She didn't know how to start talking to Hermione. 'How's the prefect thing going?'

'Hm? Oh, it's good, we had a couple meetings and stuff.' Hermione replied. She didn't want her excitement to get in the way of Ginny talking to her, so she kept it to herself.

'And the whole dorm room change? It doesn't bother you?' Ginny asked; she was just trying to make conversation.

'Well, I like it a lot. Even though sometimes it gets lonely. But I'm too busy with school and such to worry about that.'

Ginny nodded her head in an understanding manner. She decided to let her anger towards Hermione subside. Her friend needed her.


That night
11:34 pm

Draco snuck around easily before during the nighttime in Hogwarts, so why should tonight be any different?
He was heading to the prefect's common room area to get to Pansy's bedroom. To you know... hang.

Well anyway, when he got to the common room, which was huge by the way, even if it's only for four people, he remembered Pansy saying that her room was on the right side. Bummer, there were two doors on the right wall. So Draco, using his intuition, walked to the nearest door, into the one nearest to him, and quietly opened the door.
It was dark inside, but he saw the shape of a girl in the bed, sleeping.
'Pansy,' he whispered, 'I'm here.' He closed the door behind him and hopped on the bed, putting an arm around the sleeping beauty.
'Wake up!' He whisper-shouted.


Hermione was in a light sleep. For she was pretty sure she felt something wrap around her body.
'What was that noise? Is that whispering?' She thought to herself. 'Why does this feel so... familiar?'
She opened her eyes a little. There was nothing in front of her, but she felt the heat of something come from behind her. Not something, someone.
She turned around quickly, and let her eyes adjust to the person next to her.

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