The inconvenient plan

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Great Hall
Third day of school (Wednesday)
7:45 pm

Hermione was having mixed feelings about her feelings lately.

Wait... did that make sense?

When she went to the Great Hall this morning, she didn't know who to sit next to!
The only option was to sit next to Ron, which was near the edge of the bench.

Great. Cause who likes sitting near those, right?
She made her way to the end of the table and sat near Ron.

'Hi' He said glumly with a mouthful of food.

He hates me. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me for being prefect and not him.

He let out a weird noise- half grunt half burp- and continued on with the nine different meals that he was eating for breakfast. She wasn't in the mood to eat, especially after seeing- and hearing- Ron gobble his feast.

'so uh. how are you?'

'hungry.' was all he said as he continued eating.

Hermione sighed and looked away, 'right.'


'May I get my wand back now, professor?' He asked innocently, though inside, he was raging.

'Of course, Mr. Malfoy,' she said handing it back, 'maybe now you'll learn the value of respect.'

Especially elders. He thought to himself.
As soon as he felt the smooth stick getting grasped into his skin, he let out a quick thank you and left.

That was so pointless. What was the point of taking my wand when your just gonna give it back?

He walked on.

Now that I have my wand, I don't need Pansy to obliviate Granger for me. I could do that well on my own.

He walked into the great hall like he owned it and spotted Pansy and walked over to her.

'Change of plan, I'll obliviate Granger, you don't need to do anything.'

It's not like you did anything anyway he thought to himself

'Okay, fine. But do it quick before she tells someone.'


'you, know, I actually need to go to the bathroom... I forgot to- put my chapstick on.' Hermione told her ginger friend.

'Have fun,' he said glumly, he never did understand girls anyway.

She got up from the bench and was headed for the door.


'I just need to find her- oh never mind, I see her walking out right now,' Draco said, getting up, wand in hand. 'Just my luck.'


As Hermione walked out of the hall and turned to the right to head for the bathroom, she felt a hand cover her mouth.

oh shit not this again

Hermione reached to the hand covering her mouth and pulled it off with as much force as she could muster. she turned to face her culprit.

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