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Hermione saw the fear running through his eyes. 'I only meant don't get caught by Filch. you know how he gets if he sees a student out of their room.'
But the fear was still in his eyes. 'Malfoy, are you okay?

But he didn't hear her. He only heard muffles.


"Don't get caught."

It was these three words that set him off. it reminded him that he had a mission to do.
Reminded him that he was not here to have fun, but was here to fulfill what his father told him to do from Voldemort himself.

He was still in St. Mungo's. He was there because Draco was about to tell. He still wasn't out though. And Draco feared that he won't be getting out in a while.

"Don't get caught" was all he's been telling himself the past couple of weeks.
Don't get caught- and father will be okay.

But this wasn't his fault, no. This was all the Dark Lord.


"You're weak. A coward." Draco then felt the harsh hand printed on his cheek. He knew that would leave a mark. "Only a fool would have a son like you." At this, Draco heard his father cough somewhere behind him. "Prove your loyalty to me, Draco Malfoy." Draco felt the icy breath of the Dark Lord from behind him, making the hairs on his neck rise up. "Prove it, and you will be known for something far greater than how I see you now... Prove it!" 


Does Hermione know his secret? Is that why she said those three words?

Don't get caught.

But she doesn't... Does she? She can't possibly have found out! The Dark Lord gave me a hard time as is with just telling Zabini and Parkinson, imagine the horror if Granger knew too!

She's the one person I can't have finding out. She's the only one in this school that makes me feel like I belong. I don't care if the whole school found out about my big, bad, secret with the Dark Lord. But if Hermione would find out, she will only see me as...  a monster.


'Draco, really it's fine.' He heard her say.
That's when he snapped back to reality.

Yet his mind was still haunted.

Draco? Why would she call me by my first name? He asked himself

"It's Malfoy to you, young lady." He snarled, letting his pride and ego get in the way of his humanity. 

She scoffed, 'Are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost. You really... freaked me out. I got worried for a second that you were going to faint or something."

She's worried for me?

"I was telling you something, but it seemed as though you didn't hear me."

"Oh... what did you say?"

"I was saying, just as you were zoning out, not to get caught by Filch, that's all."

Thank Merlin, that means she doesn't know my secret. Now I have another night of sanity to myself.

"Then I asked if you wanted to stay, just to spend the night... but I mean, you don't  have-"

"Wait, spend the night here? Like, with you?" Draco tried to hide his excitement and smile.

"Well I mean... yeah I guess so," Hermione said shyly, she was trying hard not to blush. "But you know, it's just so you won't get caught. By Filch, I mean."

"Right... I mean, okay. But I'm just here tonight so I won't get caught by Filch." And that's when his smile started to creep in.

Hermione couldn't avoid how nervous she was, was she making the right decision? "okay then..."

Draco started to unbutton his shirt, making his way towards the bed.
And that was when Hermione freaked out.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck do you think you're doing?"

"Don't worry, I'll leave something on." He said, taking off his shirt and revealing his perfect body.

Hermione tried to contain herself, "But, but-"

"Wait, did you expect me to sleep on the floor or something? Do you really think that low of me?"


"You're cute when you mumble, you know that, Princess?" And he started to unzip his pants.

"Keep the pants on!" She blurted, startling him. "I mean... keep the pants on."

He smiled. He liked her innocence. Heck, it drives him crazy. Most girls would be drooling at just the idea of him being in the same room as them. But not Hermione... She was different. Special. That's a good thing, right?
Oh shit, am I starting to like her?

Hermione cleared her throat, "shall we?" she asked, lifting up the blanket. She was suddenly very nervous.

"We shall," he said, lifting up the other end.

They fell asleep.


7: 35
Draco's POV

I wake up to find me cuddling her, the most intense and intimate Sweetheart's cradle imaginable. Nothing I haven't done before, but this feels different.  

Hermione Granger's head on me. And not in the inappropriate way. 
And my arm guards her, almost too possessively for my liking. But I like it. 

As I fluttered my pretty eyes open, all I see is a bush of brown hair, some even in my mouth. I want to yell at her, to wake her up, but something inside me stops and appreciates her beauty. 

And I love it.


This was the first time in a long time that Draco Malfoy had a restful-dreamless (more like nightmare less) sleep and only wished that it could have lasted forever, especially with the warmth of Hermione next to him. 

As gently as he could, Draco maneuvered out of Hermione's grasp without interrupting her sleep.

Hermione's POV

Her eyes were still closed, yet she felt an emptiness.
When she opened her eyes, Draco Malfoy was nowhere to be seen.

Although he wasn't there, there was a tray of breakfast waiting for her; still hot.

Hermione smiled as she lifted up the tray. 
Not my favorite foods, but whatever.

Then fluttered a piece of paper from underneath.
Curiosity getting the best of her, yes, even her hunger, she put the tray back down before retrieving what she now presumed was a note from Draco Malfoy himself.

This time I won't be scared to open a note of his, Hermione told herself, motivating herself in a way. She took a deep breath and unfolded the paper. 

Meet me at astronomy tower at 7.

This took Hermione by surprise. 
I wonder why he wants to meet there...

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