Surprise, Surprise

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6:47 pm

That whole day, Hermione was having very mixed feelings.

Meet me in the astronomy tower at 7.

Should she be worried, excited? Only time would tell.

But she just couldn't wait anymore! Throughout classes, Hermione's mind was never focused on the subject at hand. And in the halls, she would search frantically for him. Yet she hadn't seen or heard from him all day. She started to miss those snarky little remarks of his. But it seems as though he doesn't want to be found...

He wouldn't mind if I'm a little early, now would he?

Astronomy tower

Draco's POV

I hope she'll like this, he told himself after he finished assembling his latest project. Yeah, she'll love this. Now all I have to do is wait...

Out of the blue, he heard the doorknob to the tower rattle.
So out of natural habit, and self-defense, he lifted his wand.

Hermione's POV

Well, that's weird, she thought, the door won't open. Alohomora! Ahh, there it is...

Hermione opened the door slowly, just out of habit of being cautious all the time.

'Who's there?' she heard him shout from behind the door, and she smiled, why is he always so paranoid?

So for the fun of it, she slammed the door, which wasn't even that open, shut as hard and oud as she could.
She could almost hear his heart drop and tried to suppress her laugh.

Draco's POV

There is someone after me. and I know it.
Just after I asked very nicely of who-is-there, the door slammed almost to ferociously for my liking.

He moved towards the door, just in front of it, when all of a sudden-

'BAH!' A squealish Hermione shouted as she slammed the door open, almost knocking Draco off his feet.
Only except she did.


As he lay there, on the cold and empty stone floor, semi regaining his breath that he lost while getting the wind knocked out of him, he tried to conceal a smile.
I like it when she laughs, makes me feel... happy? I guess? No, stop Draco. Stop these thoughts. But yet again, why should I?

'Oh, you think this is funny, yea?' He asked the gleeful brunette, only just coming out of her laugh attack. 'Well does this look funny to you?'


And that's when Hermione Granger was in the most intense tickle fight ever in her life.
She was pulled down by him by the arm, too busy laughing to get up from the floor.
She tried to roll over, but it was if her back was 200 pounds worth of stone, planting her down as Malfoy, who was now above her and holding her down, was tickling her to bits.


All of this was too much to handle for Draco Malfoy because evidently, he stopped tickling her and just lay on the floor near her, both too busy laughing to talk.

'Hmhmhm,' Hermione giggled, 'first a whipped cream fight, and now this? I only wonder what's gonna come next.'

'I can only imagine,' he said, getting up from the floor and offering his hand.

'Thanks,' she said, taking it willfully and heaving herself to a standing position. As she brushed herself off, she turned around.

'Do you like it?' She heard him ask from behind, 'I only did this cause I figured we were gonna miss dinner and all.'

Before their eyes, laid a thick blanket on the floor, with an abundance of food centering it.

She turned towards him, 'you did this?'
He looked at her but didn't say anything, though his eyes said yes.
'But... why?'

'This is the Malfoy way to give thanks, we host a dinner.'

'Well, what do you have to be thankful for, Malfoy?' she asked, confused.

'You are helping me, Granger. And not just with the tutoring, but you know, putting up with me, and making me feel less shitty all the time.'

Wow, he just got into some deep shit. Maybe I should switch the subject.

'Malfoy,' Hermione started, then smiled, 'you have nothing to feel shitty about unless you make this food get cold! How in the world have I not seen it walking in?'

He smiled too as he started to sit down, 'cause you were too busy being all over me.'

'EX-CA-USE ME! You were the one tickling me!' She said, sitting down as well, yet pointing an accusing finger at him. 'All I did was open the door at your face... which was hilarious, by the way.'


For hours, they were feasting, talking and laughing. Only good times and good vibes, when Hermione-

'Oh shit, I have homework!' She said, flabbergasted.

Draco thought for a moment, 'I do too. But shouldn't it be called: dormwork?'

'Stop being smart with me, Malfoy.' She got up. 'Come on, let's clean up.' She reached down to grab a piece of trash, but Draco interrupted her, taking her hand and wailing a big, 'Noooo, do you really have to goooo?'

'Yes Malfoy, and so do you,' She beamed and continued on to cleaning.

'Fine, so how about we meet up again tomorrow?' he asked frantically. 'Or sometime soon?' He didn't want to make it obvious that he liked her company, and didn't want it to sound desperate either. He tried but failed hopelessly, cause Hermione started to blush. 'Just... stay a little longer.'

'How about every week, once a week... It'll be like a little holiday of ours, every Saturday night. it'll be better this way, no one will think anything suspicious is going on if we're gone any more than that for dinner. It'll be... a secret between us,' she grinned.

He smiled, 'perfect.'


As the weeks turned to months, Hemione and Draco never missed a tutoring session or dinner, which Draco always hosted. Hermione never even asked where he was getting the food from. She was just glad they were getting closer. she even used the F-Word on him. Friend.
Draco's heart was growing more and more, yet throughout this time, he had finally gotten the files that he needed for the Dark Lord's plan. I'm just gonna... hold on to this a little longer. He knew it was a stretch, especially with his father still in St. Mungos.

Malfoys grade started to improve drastically as Hermione's started to worsen; there were just too many things on her mind. Yet she never told anyone, not even Ginny.

Harry still continued to be the unhappy yet devoted boyfriend to Cho, as Ron was blinded by love to bitchy Lavender.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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