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Back to reality

Ginny noticed something on the ground about three yards from her feet.

'Hey, what's that?' She asked Harry. She didn't wait for him to answer her question, for she walked towards it anyway.

On the ground lay a red leather book. Ginny picked it up. 'What the heck? Why is this here? Nobody else is around...'

Nobody she saw, at least.

'Is there a name in it?' Harry asked her from over her shoulder.

'Nope,' she answered after flipping through some pages.

'Hmmm. That's really weird. Just leave it there, I'm sure someone will pick it up eventually.' Harry told her, already walking back to the castle, 'come on, let's go. We're going to be late for class.'

'But Harryyyyy,' Ginny whined, 'we don't even have class together.' But she obliged and followed him.
She thrust the book back down.


Hermione and Draco were completely oblivious to the fact that they could have exposed themselves KISSING to Harry and Ginny. how they didn't see them, only God knows.


POV of Draco Malfoy

I didn't want to stop, I yearned for a kiss like this. With warmth and tenderness. It didn't even last long, only a couple seconds, before I knew I had to pull away.


Hermione looked at him, then widened her eyes with the realization of what she had just done.

But before she could say anything, she heard him whisper:



It takes about 10 seconds from a person obliviated to come back to reality. During these 10 seconds that Draco had obliviated her, he quickly retrieved the book and came back to her with caution.

That's when everything came back to normal.
Except everything has changed now, she just didn't know it.

'Give me back my book!' Hermione shouted, crossing her arms. 'I'm not playing around anymore!'

Thank Merlin she forgot what just happened. Back to normal! Draco told himself and almost chuckled. But immediately regret ever making her forget what they just experienced.
It was nice. Sooo nice. He wished he asked what she felt about it.
No, wait. Did he?

I'm so confused.


On the way back to the castle, Hermione and Draco were still "arguing". He still had her book, and they were playing around about it.
Of course, Hermione wanted it back. But not as much anymore. She was having more fun now without her nose stuck in parchment than she had in a while.

Draco loved teasing her. Why didn't I do this before? Much better than calling her mean names.

They were walking when they heard something... no, someone from afar.

'Oh look! There he is! Draky! Look at me!' They turned their attention towards the squealing Pansy... who just so happened to be on a broomstick.

'what are you doing up there?' Malfoy called out, 'you don't even know how to fly!'

'Yes, I do!' Pansy answered defensively, yet managed to almost fall off her broom. 'I want to join the Quidditch team!'

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