Sneaky sneaky

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Great Hall
7:45 am

'Yeah... she even had this thing called a "phone" like what the heck right?'

'Well if you ask me, that sounds a bit phony to me. Hehe, see what I did there?' Blaise looked back and forth between Pansy and Draco at his joke.

When he realized they were both looking at him with their lips tightened and looks of disappointment, he coughed and told Malfoy to, 'carry on.'

'Well, it's supposedly supposed to help communicate with muggles and could take pictures or something.'

Draco was pleased to see the look of impressment and shock on his friend's faces.

'But like did you actually get tutored?' Pansy asked him.

'Well yeah. It was brutal too. She kept on going on and on about how my form was wrong or something. But to be honest, I wasn't paying the slightest attention, which kept on throwing her off, hilarious by the way- how she got angry. I just wanted to leave.' Malfoy daydreamed into the distance, remembering the event s from the night before.

'I'm glad it's over for now,' Pansy told him innocently. she decided to use the chance to take his hand and hold it in a motherly gesture. Surely he would appreciate the attention, right?


From a distance, Harry was glaring at the blonde Slytherin with hate in his frown.

'Harry,' Hermione started, 'stare any more and you'll grow wrinkles and gray hairs like an old person.'

'Then an old man I shall be,' he simply said, 'eating tater tots and applesauce all day long,' he continued glumly.

She slapped his shoulder to get his attention, 'whats wrong?' she asked, but he refused to answer.

she hit him again, this time harder, 'Harry, don't make me hit you again- whats wrong?'

He looked at her and gave her the same stare as he was to Malfoy, 'what isn't wrong? Malfoy, the most annoying and arrogant person here- other than snape- is getting tutored by you. you need to be careful, Hermione.' his voice was soft on the last sentence and he no longer glared at her with dangerous eyes, only eyes of his understanding.

She didn't say anything. instead, she just looked down at her breakfast and continued eating.

Harry looked back at his enemy but saw something strange: as Malfoy was staring off into the distance, Pansy, being the clingy person that she was, wanted to hold his hand.

She reached for him, but he flinched, quickly moving his left arm away from her.

From where Harry was seated, he could hear the blonde snarl to her, 'are you crazy? someone could have seen.. you know.. the thing.'

Harry thought to himself, 'what thing? Could it be a... perhaps, but I shouldn't place assumptions like this so quick... but I think so...'

'what do you mean-' he heard Pansy whine, 'oh right. that. I almost forgot.'

'How could you "almost forget", Pansy!' he almost shouted but held himself in. he didn't want to make a scene. Harry looked away from Malfoy as the blonde was scanning the room for any eyes on them.

'Let's talk in the library. I'll tell Blaise as well.' Harry eavesdropped.

He looked to his left and saw the three mischievous Slytherins walk out, 'ill be right back,' Harry told Hermione, getting up from his seat, not leaving his eyes off his hunt.

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