Maria Maria (Prologue)

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"Where is she?" the federal detective asked.

"Why do you want her so badly? She's innocent, she wouldn't hurt a fly." the woman answered.

"She's an illegal immigrant who was a serial killer in her home country!"

"She's only 20 years old!" the woman argued.

"A 20 year old who has been a cold blooded murderer since age 7." the detective frowned.

"She didn't have a choice! Besides, she's not an illegal immigrant......" the woman said, making the detective look at her with confusion.

"She sneaked into this country from Colombia. She has no visa, no anything."

"She is a natural born American citizen."

"Excuse me?"

"Her parents were Americans, she was born in Long Island, NY. Her parents and siblings were all shot, buried in the backyard, and their home was burned to the ground. The family was identified from their bones, and the bullet holes in each skull let us know what happened."

"If the entire family was killed, how do you know she belongs to them?"

"Records on the family; there was a picture of everyone in the family on file. The mother had just given birth to a baby girl 5 days before the family was killed; the family didn't finish registering the birth, so she was never named. There was no sign of the baby girl in the house; it was assumed that the murderers took the baby and sold her." 

"And how do you know that she is that baby girl?"

"Same birthmark as the photo of the baby girl; a mole at the left corner of her lips, exactly the same size and distance from the lips."

"How did you meet her?" the detective asked, becoming more suspicious of the woman.

"I-I helped her move her furniture in, and I was at her apartment warming and few of the others in my apartment building. I didn't realize she was the missing Carey baby until some months later." the woman answered.

"Why do you know so much about her?"

"My old mentor used to be a detective in the homicide unit of Long Island PD; he was retired by the time he started mentoring me, though. He worked the Carey family's case 20 years ago....he was lead detective. He'd talk about the Carey case all the consumed him until the day he died. Apparently, the father owed money to a powerful Colombian man, his payment was overdue, the Colombians killed him and his family then stole baby girl." the woman explained.

"Well, either way she's a murderer....."

"She murdered in Colombia, not in America....and, she was born in America so you can't send her back to Colombia. You can't touch her." the woman commented.

"She murdered that man downtown!" the detective argued.

"You have no proof she did that. Besides, I heard that the man's wife is at Central for booking right now....she probably did it." the woman said.

"Her body fluids were on his bed and on his penis."

"So she had sex with the still have no proof she murdered him. In fact, it sounds to me like the wife walked in on them and killed the man."

"If that were the case, why would she leave the girl alive?"

"I'm not a mind reader.....maybe you should go ask the wife and leave the girl alone. You can't prove the girl's involvement in his murder." the woman shrugged, smirking a little.

"If you know something and you're not telling, then you-"

"I'd be obstructing justice, I know that.....I'm an NYPD detective, remember? She didn't murder anybody; she lives in the apartment above mine, I would've heard a murder going on above me." the woman sighed.

"You don't know her!"

"I know more about her than you think.....she's not a murderer."

"Do you even know her name?"

"Well, she technically doesn't have a name but.....her name in Colombia was 'Maria'. She doesn't go by that anymore, least not exactly." the woman told the federal detective.

"Anyway, I'm done talking. I'm not under arrest for anything, right?" she continued.

"No...." he sighed.

"Great, then I'm leaving."



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